
The Cursed Daemon: Retribution of the lightning Meta.

The year, 2017 was a gruesome year for all who witnessed it. The rise of the monsters nearly brought humans to the brink of extinction, but even though they were faced with overwhelming odds, humanity did not back down. They gradually began to build defenses to shield themselves from the nightmare that hunts their existence by using the power of the cursed humans, people who werr infected by the monster's fluids and awakened with superhuman abilities and given the name Metas. Yuichiro Kamina happened to fall under the same title, his homeland was overrun by the rarities called the Xynoins. They killed both his parents and sister while leaving him in a coma. He woke up after 5 years to find that the world has undergone a lot of modifications during his sleep. The Jixa (Japanese imperial Xynoins army) was formed under the WXMD { World Xynions military defense}, tasked with the responsibility of bringing humanity back to its Glory. What would Yuichiro's life be after finding out he was another one of the cursed children and is now supposed to help humanity gain back their freedom? ........................... Other tags,. |Romantic rivals| |sci-fi| |Military| |Magic| |Post apocalypse| |Face slapping| |Gore|. Join the discord server. https://discord.gg/Ajk89bXy

Kirito_K5 · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

The Grades of Xynoin

Ava was bound tightly, her hands, legs, and mouth secured with ropes that left her unable to move. She lay helpless on the bed, while her entire squad consisting of Mira, Gabs, Rose, and Himiko, watched on with a mixture of concern and apprehension.

Despite her valiant efforts to free herself, the ropes held firm, and Ava was left to struggle in futility.

Gabs looked on with concern, noticing the anger etched on Ava's face as she struggled to break free from the ropes that bound her. "Perhaps we should consider freeing her,"

He suggested, his voice laced with worry.

Himiko, however, appeared nonchalant as she retrieved a cigarette from her box and settled into her office chair. "No need to fret," she assured the group. "I've already administered a dose of XH2 to her. Ava is basically powerless now."

Mira's attention was immediately piqued by Himiko's comment. She leaned back against the wall, her expression serious as she posed a question to the doctor. "Doctor, you were once a researcher for the intelligence Department, correct?".

Himiko took a moment to consider Mira's question before responding. "Yes, that's true," She replied, her voice tinged with a sense of detachment. "I still assist them occasionally, but it's more of a personal interest than a professional obligation," She added, taking a long drag from her cigarette.

"Okay then," Mira replied, her gaze fixed firmly on the ground. "Doctor, have you ever heard of a Xynoin with the ability to transform into a human?" She inquired.

"A Xynoin transforming into a human?" Himiko echoed, her interest piqued. "Is this about the boy?" she queried.

Mira's expression hardened, her voice tinged with a hint of anger. "Yes, it is," She confirmed. "Just like with Ava, I took care of Yuichi during the five years he was in a coma. I refuse to believe that he just happened to be a Xynoin," She added vehemently.

Himiko let out a heavy sigh before rising from her chair and crossing the room to a locker situated on the left side. As she spoke, she began to rummage through the contents of the locker.

"You are familiar with the workings of the Xynoin virus, correct?" she queried of her colleagues.

"They inject their fluids into the host, which then spreads throughout the body until it reaches the brain, causing cell change and other mutation." Gabs responded.

"Indeed," Himiko agreed, nodding her head. "And in most cases, the transformation is successful, with an 80% success rate. However, there are those instances where the transformation is incomplete, and that is where Metas come into play," She explained.

All of a sudden, the door sprung open and Jackson ran in, panting heavily as he drew the attention of everyone in the room.

"Jackson?" Rose called out, a look of surprise on her face, "Where have you been? Didn't you get the signal?".

"Signal?!" Jackson yelled, "You guys were supposed to come meet me at the hangout, what the hell?!".

"Oh right, our squad vehicle comes in today." Gabs smiled, "Our bad".

Jackson grunted but his eyes soon caught Ava tied up on the bed, "Hmm… what did I walk into?" He asked with a deadpan expression.

Himiko approached the rat with a small syringe filled with a rare strain of the Xynoin virus. "This particular strain comes from a Xynoin cat," She explained as she injected the rat with the virus.

Almost immediately, the rat began to transform, its body writhing and contorting until it had transformed into a small Xynoin monster. It scurried about the capsule, its movements erratic and uncontrolled. It kept shifting it's form from a rat to a Xynoin.

Himiko calmly retrieved a knife from her lab coat and dispatched the creature with a swift strike.

"As I was saying," She continued, "Grade 3 Xynoins are formed when the natural environment is polluted by the Xynoin virus. Grade 2s, on the other hand, possess unique powers that are akin to magic. They are capable of infecting other species, which then transform into Grade 1s. And finally, Grade 4s possess no unique abilities except for their superhuman physical capabilities."

"However," she added, "There are instances where a newly-infected individual will inherit certain physical features from the species that infected them. For example, if a wolf Xynoin infects a human, the infected individual may inherit the wolf's tail or nose".

"Hold on, are you saying the same thing happened to Yuichi?" Rose asked, sitting close to Ava who had already calmed down to listen.

"Not necessarily, but it is possible." Himiko replied before sitting back down on her chair, "Whatever infected the boy, he must be inheriting it's features and his cells are rejecting the transformation…or there's something more to it".


Naofumi knelt on the ground before First Lieutenant Terra, who was seated in a chair with her legs crossed and a frigid gaze directed towards him.

"Naofumi," Terra called out, her voice carrying a tone of authority that made him startle. He looked around and saw that three other sergeants were present, standing behind Terra.

Sergeant Takigawa, a young man with a muscular build and a preferred weapon of a massive blade, stood stoically.

Sergeant Yaki, a middle-aged man with a stern expression, wielded an electric generating spear.

The only female among them was Sakura, who held a sword at her side and had a focused look in her eyes. All of them were Grade 4 Metas, unlike Naofumi who is a Grade 2.

"What have I told you about acting on your own?" Terra spoke out, her feet rising Nao's chin up so she could take a good look at his face.

"I didn't….it was all that Grade 1's fault." Nao responded, his eyes wandering around as he found it hard to maintain eye contact.

"Listen to me." Terra leaned forward with her face only inches away from his, "That girl is the only Grade 1 we have in this organization… we have so much to learn about her kind… and don't think for one second I'll spare you if the Colonel gets upset about this".

"I-I understand." Nao responded.

"Good." Terra stood up from her chair and looked at Sakura before she asked while she walked, "How is the mission going?".

Nao was left, knelt on the ground, his eyes filled with anger as he remembered how Yuichi's arm transformed into a Xynoin.

"Damn… why is everyone treating me like the bad guy".