
The Cursed Daemon: Retribution of the lightning Meta.

The year, 2017 was a gruesome year for all who witnessed it. The rise of the monsters nearly brought humans to the brink of extinction, but even though they were faced with overwhelming odds, humanity did not back down. They gradually began to build defenses to shield themselves from the nightmare that hunts their existence by using the power of the cursed humans, people who werr infected by the monster's fluids and awakened with superhuman abilities and given the name Metas. Yuichiro Kamina happened to fall under the same title, his homeland was overrun by the rarities called the Xynoins. They killed both his parents and sister while leaving him in a coma. He woke up after 5 years to find that the world has undergone a lot of modifications during his sleep. The Jixa (Japanese imperial Xynoins army) was formed under the WXMD { World Xynions military defense}, tasked with the responsibility of bringing humanity back to its Glory. What would Yuichiro's life be after finding out he was another one of the cursed children and is now supposed to help humanity gain back their freedom? ........................... Other tags,. |Romantic rivals| |sci-fi| |Military| |Magic| |Post apocalypse| |Face slapping| |Gore|. Join the discord server. https://discord.gg/Ajk89bXy

Kirito_K5 · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Beyond district 7

"Hey! How long are we going to keep walking? I can feel my legs giving out already." Senjo sobbed as he followed behind Yuichi.

They've been wandering in the hot sun for hours, and since the population of people living in District 7 weren't much, there was hardly anyone outside.

After hours of walking, Yuichi finally halted after getting to a stopping point with a massive red broken down gate blocking the way.

There was a danger sign hanging over the gate with [ End of district 7, Do not pass] written on it.

Looking at the sign, Senji asked nervously, "Is this the place?".

"Yes, come on." Yuichi responded, he went to his knees and removed the pile of grass blocking the gap on the lower right side of the gate.

"Uhm…Yuu? Maybe we should go back." Senji muttered as he watched Yuichi force his way inside the hole in the gate.

Once he was on the other side, Yuichi didn't even bother looking back, he just kept working, leaving Senji standing there confused.

At the end of the day, Senji followed Yuichi reluctantly. The road they strolled on was governed by lots of buildings at the side but everything was empty, like no one lived or ever stayed there.

His eyes scanning around, Senji couldn't help but feel uneasy about the environment, it was so quiet that even the leaves hitting the ground could be heard.

"Yuu? How do you know this place?" Senji raised a question as he walked.

"A dog".

"A dog?"

"A dog chased me here once, and I started coming every since." Yuichi uttered before taking a right turn and standing in front of a Japanese style building.

"A.. dog chased you out of district 7?" Senji asked with a doubtful tone as he stared at the building, "Is this the place?".



Yuichi slid the door open with force, the inside was so dark that only the light shining for the entrance was illuminating the place.

Walking inside, Yuichi looked to his right and a smile immediately hit his lips, "There you are, you finally moved." He uttered.

At the right side of the building, was a female dressed in a white stained dress and long silver hair with glowing golden eyes and a white Vail covering her forehead.

She was resting on the wall until she saw Yuichi walk in.


The girl voiced with a soft tone before launching herself onto Yuichi with a huge force that pushed them both to the ground.

"Wowwww! Easy, hahaha." Yuichi laughed as he hit the ground before rubbing her hair softly.

"Hey, uhn, Yuu, you know you left me outside right…..?" As soon as he stepped in, Senji froze when he saw a girl right on top of Yuu.

"What are you…"


Before Senji could utter another word, the girl let out a loud screech as she pushed herself away from Yuichi with her eyes focused on Senji.

Yuichi immediately yelled, "Go out and close the door!".

"What do you mean…"

"Dammit close it!!!".

With a grunt, Senji acted quickly and stepped out of the house when he spotted the girl speeding towards him.

He immediately slid the door shut only for a huge black sharp blade shaped material to puncture the door with a single hit.

Senji dropped anchor on the ground from the force, stunned on the dirt as he watched the door fall from its hinges with the girl standing at the entrance.


The girl roared but it was not as frightened because she had a girlish voice that said, the rest of her body was saying otherwise.

Both of her arms had been constructed into a huge black blade, merging from her arm all the way to her fingertips.

The sight alone left Senji traumatized as he stared at her, his breath getting heavier and louder by the passing minutes.


The floor below her collapsed as she launched herself forward with both her arms ready to slice Senji.

Unexpectedly, Yuichi rushed out of the room and grabbed her legs which in turn brought her down to the ground with her chest.

Yuichi didn't waste any time, he got on top of the girl and held her shoulder since that was the only safe place to hold her.

The girl struggled to free herself, crawling slowly toward Senji who was still seated on the ground, completely shock driven as he stared at the door.

"Senji! Hey, Senji!" Yuichi called out.

But like a high resonance, Senji couldn't hear anything but his heartbeat and blood pressure rising.

"SENJI! Snap out of it!" Yuichi grabbed the neck of the girl and grunted as he struggled to pull her back.

The last call was loud enough for Senji to come back to his senses and look to his left. He immediately stood and moved when he saw the girl's hand.

"I can't…hold her much longer, run!" Yuichi yelled.

Senji didn't think twice, he hit the deck and ran as fast as he could without looking back to check if the girl was chasing him.


Senji rested his back on a tree, panting heavily with Yuichi standing in front of him.

They were only a few distances away from the red gate, so the [ End of District 7] sign was still visible for Senji to see.

"What… the hell was that Yuu?!" Senji asked aggressively even though he was still out of breath.

"A girl".

"Don't lie to me Yuu!, That wasn't a girl, it was a Xynoin… my dad told me about them." Senji uttered with tears almost falling from his eyes.

"My dad told me that they are dangerous, what are you doing with a Xynoin? Does miss Akeno know about this?" Senji kept throwing questions at him.

"Why are you asking me so many questions? I told you I was friends with one, didn't I?"

"I didn't think it was actually true! Just because it looked like a girl doesn't mean…." Tears immediately rolled down Senji's eyes, "You know what, forget it, I'm going home".

Senji wiped the tears from his face and ran away.

Yuichi just stood there with his eyes focused on the gate before sighing and running after Senji.