

"Hello my hero, how are you doing? I hope you haven't forgotten all about me so soon. I got your contact from Nurse Jenny. Hope you're not mad at me for leaving without saying goodbye." Ms.Essa said. Reece was so excited to hear from her once again. "Oh not at all. How could I forget someone like you? I'm good by the way and what about you?" Reece asked.

"I'm also good Reece. Thanks for asking. I heard the news concerning how you risked your life to save a poor little girl who was kidnapped. I admire the fact that you keep on helping others." She said.

"I'm just doing my work please and I'm always happy to help anyone who needs me"

Reece said.

"The world needs more men like you. Congratulations on a successful mission Agent Reece." Ms. Essa replied.

"Thank you very much, my lady," he said and asked, "So how's life been for you over the past weeks?"