
The Curse Of Mystical Beasts

Olivia Moore, was a stubborn teenager often stumbling into troubles due to her impulsiveness when it comes to taking decisions and meddling in others affairs. One day she went too far by getting a part of the fight which was far away from her understanding. The claws and fangs stunned her and she ran away with all she was worth. But now she was part of the world, she never knew existed. Bitten by the rogue wolf, she was supposed to die. But instead, her body started changing and she became one, herself. Seen as a threat by both humans and mystical beings, she was abhorred and hunted, forced to hide in an abandoned castle far away from the people she knew. She was waiting for her salvation, and one day it came but not in the form she had thought. Ethan filled her cold heart with love again. But would he be able to save her from the world and herself! Ethan, alpha of the strongest spirit woods pack, ruling all the packs of the state, did not know why left everything to help her. But then he has his own secrets to keep. The secrets that can destroy the trust she was forming on him as his MATE!

I_am_Creator · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

The pack run

When he had told me that he would take me to his pack, I had always thought that I would have to spend my rest of life in forests among oversized dogs who call themselves as wolves and had to be called a strange creature who was not human or wolf but a hybrid, he was called a chimera.

But who would have thought that I would be standing in a developed town where a hot hunk would bring a sports car for me and Ethan and I would get a chance to ride with him.

"Welcome back alpha." he wished him and then his eyes turned on me and I turned conscious. I tried to adjust the hood over my body and took the cap off. My hairs feel like a waterfall while my eyes meet his. He was staring at me without even blinking. I passed him a bright yet tempting smile, while he smirked.

We both turned to Ethan when he coughed profusely.

"Are you okay, alpha? Do you need water?" I could not believe that he asked Ethan for water and showed concern when we both knew that it was a fake cough. Just how much did his terror was to even let others accept his blatant lies.

I just snorted at their exchange while I stood there looking around.

"Forgive me to not introduce myself before." replied the man and I once again looked back at him. He had already passed a bottle to Ethan which was passed to him by a man standing behind him with a blank face. He was looking more of a bodyguard than the driver.

"I am the beta of the pack, Dane. I handle the matter of the town and the newly entered wolves in it." His voice was so masculine and his gaze was so strong that I was already feeling hot for him. I licked my lips flirtatiously as I winked at him.

"Is that so? Then I have to trouble you for helping me in settling down too." my voice came rather coquettish than i had expected but he did not seem to mind. In fact, he was looking rather proud of my behavior.

This was the first time when i flirting so openly. Otherwise, my mother had made sure that even at this age, I would never have a boyfriend and I spent most of my time at home with her. And if i even tried to flirt in the college with some interested guys, Nathna had made sure them to scare them until they back out or run away. One student even took transfer because of it. I sighed when I remembered them. I think even when i was far away from them, i could never forget them even for a second.

Anyways, back to the hot man who was oozing with sex appeal. He seemed to be interested in me. And if I had got a punishment for living with the wolves, I would rather take it as an opportunity and make a boyfriend for myself.

"Of course, i.." he gave me a knowing smirk and i bit my lips luciously when he nodded his head with that look which said. 'I have got you baby!' but before he could say anything. Ethan passed the bottle back to him rather roughly.

"Awww'' he held his abdomen as he winced and closed his eyes. His face filled with a painful expression and a scowl formed on my face as I looked back at Ethan. Did he know he had behaved just like Nathan and ruined a special moment.

"Dane is busy. He had to complete all the paperwork of the town and your new id too. I will show you the town and help you in settling down." i wanted to rebuke him for his actions and about to deny him for his offer when my ears struck the word id! How did it work? Did I need to..

"Umm,, it sounds like a lot of trouble. If it is too problematic then I would not disturb you guys. I could always leave after a day or two.. You do not need to make an id for me." especially if you are going to ask about my wolf details or ask me to transform again!!' I screamed in my heart while maintaining that sweet smile on my face.

"Oh! You do not need to worry sugarplum. The alpha is exaggerating. All you need to do is to arrange a house, get an admission in the academy and have a pack run with us.`` I was about to smile at the sweet voice he had used to assure me when my nightmare came true in front of my eyes. What did I need to do! Run with them in my wolf form!? How! I screamed loud and hard in my heart while standing there with a sheepish smile on my face.

"Umm, i do not have enough money to have a house for myself. So, I think I will pass the offer.`` I took a few steps back. That was more than I had bargained for! All I wanted was him to teach me how to hide these canines and claws, that was it!

Though the man was hot and sexy, he was equally dangerous and i did not want to play with the fire or should i say a beast in this case.