
The Curse Of A Lone Crow

My name is Izumi Uchiha, I once died from the hands of the man I loved. He’d killed me in our previous life. Centuries later, we meet again. I lay there oblivious to it all. But of course he knew the truth all along and lured me back into his arms. I fell for it, I thought him my savior. I wish I never knew the truth… He only cared about power. I was in love but we were cursed. Itachi Uchiha… a love that meant war. This is the story of the Uchiha curse.

Lorime · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs


Happy New Year everyone!

Disclaimer: This being a Fanfiction, the story will not be 100% accurate. Don't let that stop your enjoyment of this story! Thank You!

Izumi was here... Hidden in the darkness, I allowed myself to properly assess her. I hadn't left this spot since she arrived here. As she laid there, processing that this was really happening became truly challenging. Even harder not to feel this gut wrenching feeling of betrayal and guilt overtake every cell in my body.

Izumi was here... Quietly resting as I was allowed to observe her again just a couple feet away after so long. She laid there completely unaware of the dangerous rhythm at which my heart was pumping. Completely detached from the overwhelming amount of feelings and thoughts harassing my very being at this instant. She had no clue... I was seeing her again after all this time, a century...


Centuries ago, as the times resembled none like today, there was a great city known as Konoha. A society that was constructed on high ninja morals and unbeatable strength. The city had been prosperous. Outdoing all their neighbors economically, so much so that wars were inevitable. At the head of that society, one clan, one people, the Uchihas.

The people loved the life the Uchihas had built for them so much that they'd raised them to the ranks of nobles. And under that clan's rule, decades passed and wars constantly won. Konoha consistently growing in size and political influence. After 100 years, the Uchihas had brought the whole City so much greatness that they were even seen as superior to other humans.

That was the climate that I'd met as I was brought onto this world.

Izumi Uchiha.

That had initially been the name both my grandparents had wanted me to bear. For many reasons at the time, it made sense. My mother was a full blood Uchiha, therefore her children were to bear the same noble name to acquire its considerable benefits in the future.

Yes it made sense... But my mother was a romantic, and she'd fallen in love with what was forbidden of a woman of the clan. A farmer, a nobody... Just a good looking but low-class farmer.

Mother had told me many times the story of how she and father had struggled until his death to get him accepted in the noble society.

The clan was unfortunately known to have very classist views. And a man of such a humble background as my father was completely unacceptable.

All Uchiha men were known to be warriors. Trained from a very young age, they were the clan that had the reputation to excel in everything. So of course, a mere commoner farmer like my father was a complete joke to them.

That negativity translated itself into the very first years of my life. After witnessing my mother being ostracized by her own people, and my father bullied by those meant to be my "clan", of course disdain for the Uchiha name slowly but surely crept into who I became. And as the months turned into years for me, life hit hard.

Especially that night that stole my innocence away so violently.

My father had been a good man. Too good. Knowing how weak he was in front of his wife's battles, he'd bowed down and made himself small. Knowing how much he was responsible for mother's parents' shame he had dedicated his life to making her days the happiest. My father had been the walking and living proof that undying love existed.

And as I laid there, chaos surrounding us, mothers calling for their children, warriors just feets away from us, fighting to their last breaths, my heart grew unforgiving.

My father had deserved riches, retirement away from this town with his loving wife... A good farming season and plenty sales... My father had deserved to grow old, watching his plantations finally pay off after the hard season hand in hand with his wife, and yet...

And yet, here he was, a tight arm wrapped around me. His heartbeat growing weaker by the second, his blood covering my clothes, skin and hands. AndI felt nothing... nothing but pain. As his soul slowly left his eyes I loathed every single thing in this world that may have caused him grief ever.

My hands holding tight around him. I screamed and cried as I felt his weak smile grace me one last goodbye. The war had started then for me. When that fox demon had been let loose and had murdered my father.

Thankfully that tragedy was never forgotten. The clan acquired a lot of shame from that night. So much so that the people took the Uchiha's privileges away. After that event, anyone bearing the Uchiha name had been assigned to live away from the common society. That was when the Uchiha quarters were created. A community for the disgraced and threat of the Konoha nation.

As the years went by, the leadership started befalling on everybody else but the clan. I was 15 at the time, completely disinterested in the politics of a Nation and yet my mother knew everything about it.

She had claimed bad times were ahead long before the war. She'd seen it coming for years and I'd never cared to pay attention to her claims, until I'd met him.

The black pearl of the last generation. The bright future of the disgraced Uchiha clan. Itachi Uchiha.

I'd known about him for a long time before we'd officially met. It was hard not to. Years ago, he'd been the prodigy the higher ups had been praising when I'd just started my ninja training. Not many children were able to reach the heights he'd been able to in such a small timeframe.

And as I stared at him now, eyes in awe of his smooth movements in action, it made sense. I understood why though just 12 years old at the time, he was on the radar of all the leaders and high rankers of Konoha. He was a beast.

"Well done!" A voice resonated behind the row of students sitting down watching the match end.

I didn't have to turn around to know it was his father. Fugaku Uchiha was known by all, not just within the clan. The man was rich, ambitious and very powerful within the inner ranks of the clan.

Everyone knew the man had the brightest of future planned for his sons. He took them to meetings with the Hokages, introduced them to high ranking officials from neighboring countries... My mother said the man lived and breathed politics.

And as I quietly observed Itachi clean his sweat off and salute his opponent. I realized just how completely out of my league these people were.

"He looked over here..." A group of fan girls squealed.

My eye twitched. Not because it personally bothered me but it was growing annoying that everywhere this Itachi guy would go there would be a horde of loud hyenas screaming for his attention.

Irritated, I got up, my match exam was not scheduled for today anyways and mother was sick. I'd planned to watch his performance as a way to learn where I could improve. And God damn it... I'd learned barely anything. The match had been done in 6 seconds.

If that wasn't disrespectful. Poor Hojo had been training so hard last week to pretend to stand a chance in front of his parents who were going to attend today.

Turning to the crowd, I noticed his smiling mother put a hand on his head in a comforting manner. It was evident, the boy wanted to cry. It would be fair to. Anyone in our level fighting this Uchiha beast would be guaranteed a humiliating performance. He wasn't on our level.


Turning around, I noticed Niko. She was the only friend I'd made in that school since my mother had registered me years ago.


"Heading home already?" she enquired with a teasing eyebrow.

"I was expecting it to be worth my 12 minutes walk here to be honest..."

She cackled as I hid my smile.

"You think Hojo will take this well?"

"Um I'd hope so, sensei says it all the time... what doesn't kill you...

"Makes you stronger." She completed as she helped open the door to the entrance of our school.

I chuckled again before freezing when I noticed the expression her face suddenly change.

"You okay?" I asked, but she was distracted and looking behind me.

Following her eyes, I noticed the individuals walking right behind us. It was none other than Itachi Uchiha and his mighty family.

I stood there gawking for a couple seconds while they stared back, waiting for me to leave way for them to walk past us. And only when Niko pulled my arm to the side to join her did they take a step forward.

I'd never been that close before to the "royalty". Though our clan was now considered a disgrace because of the events that had happened a few years ago, the clan had been gaining lot of political attention again since this boy had entered the school. Konoha had been in a dare state. The Hokage in place was widely disliked by the majority and a lot of whispers directed the leadership position to befall on the Uchiha clan again in a few years.

And with the way Fugaku Uchiha walked past them, chin up, with his family. They were aware as well. I could see nothing but vanity and pride as he walked past us, his wife pragmatic and quiet as usual. And as my eyes fell on the boy the whole town had been raving about again, I noticed one thing immediately.

He hated all this. His cold, detached and avoidant expression right now was not of one who enjoys the attention currently on him. In actuality, the boy looked like he hated that his family had made such an entrance and exit. He masked it well though, but my mother always said my skill were my eyes. It was hard for me to miss anything.

That was the exact second our eyes crossed for the first time.

We'd seen each around many times since we were in the same school. But never that close. I'd always kept my distance with the Uchihas unconsciously and this boy was a complete antisocial. He only appeared in class for lessons or exams and evaporated into thin air the second we were let go. It was kind of spooky, but that was a true ninja.

That thought crossed my mind again as I noticed he kept his eyes on me for longer than people normally did and that made me uncomfortable. I didn't want Itachi to notice me. In a second, my eyes were down and I kept them as till their footsteps could not be heard.

"They are so intimidating..." Niko whispered and I sighed.

She had no clue. Try being in the Uchiha quarters 24/7.

3 years would pass till our second face-to-face encounter. It had been snowing heavily. Usually that was synonymous with my birthday. Which for any normal child was to be a happy event, yet mine had been the opposite since I'd been 9. It meant my grandparents were visiting. And of course, so were their incessant demands.

"You're being totally irresponsible Hazuki!"

Again, my birthday woItachi marked as another opportunity of negotiation between my mother and her parents to make me officially adopt the name Uchiha.

I sat outside attempting to mute the noises. As I looked up, I remembered the few birthdays I had celebrated with my father still alive. He always cooked for me on my birthday. On top of being a great farmer, the man had been a cook. And as the snow fell thicker and thicker, I remembered the times he'd sing me that beautiful lullaby he'd made just for me.

Unconsciously, I started humming it to memories of that great man I loved. Grief suddenly overtaking the angry emotions I'd been feeling this entire night.

It was unfortunate that the night had turned like this because I had spent so long getting my hair and outfit together. Mother had promised to take me to see the light festival and now she couldn't take me anywhere because her parents refused to let her leave until she agreed to sign their proposal.

Suddenly irritated again, I turned around and stared at the animated house where the whole neighborhood could hear the disgust my grandparents had for my father. They'd never even tried to pretend or hide it. It was actually an insanity that they'd expect me to care at all for them being my family. I hated them with everything I had.

Before I knew it, I was walking towards my house's gate. Mother never let me out after 10 but I just couldn't stay here today. For my own sake. So, I disappeared into the bushes quietly before joining the animated Uchiha quarters' roads.

My house was not that far from the busy part of Konoha, that was the only upside. As I walked deeper within the city, I noticed the fireworks sellers and the spicy food sellers bringing life to the night with their incessant promotional shouts. People lined up for a bite or some fireworks. Groups of older Uchihas sat at busy tables playing games or drinking and whispering important talks. This was the Uchiha quarters during the night. The neighborhood of whispers and shadows.

I parked in front of a stand of appetizing spicy seafood. Contemplating which one I should order when...

"Can I get one please?" a voice spoke behind me and I immediately froze.

I didn't need to turn around to know it was Itachi Uchiha. But it would be a shock if it really was because he had graduated not short of one year after the exams I'd last seen him at 3 years ago. He had now been fully integrated within the Konoha army and its politics.

Niko had told me here and there about the latest gossips on his accomplishments and it was scary. The man had officially started his military path. Killing enemies at a rate that terrified most.

He'd grown to be the favorite of the current Hokage. He often sent him on important missions and kept him close within his quarters. The young boy had exceeded my expectations of what the next 10 years would look like for him.

So as I stared at his hand seeking out some coins from his trousers to give the seller, I swallowed my shock. He hadn't been seen in Konoha in a year. It was strange seeing him back and about.

"Are you buying ?" asked the seller.

It took noticing his confused expression in my direction to realize he was speaking to me.

"Oh, uh yeah!"

I hurried through my birthday outfit to find my pockets. And in that instance I regretted the level of femininity I'd fought to represent today because this traditional Japanese yukata was incredibly tight and therefore impossible to reach my pockets.

A sigh of desperation almost escaped my throat. But then I saw a hand leave a bill on the sellers counter.

"I'll pay for her too."

I wanted to express my opposition to that decision. Turn around, face him and tell him thank you but no. However none of that usual strength I had could be felt running through me in that instance. And realizing that fact made me incredibly shy of myself.

I rarely felt like this. The only times were when I was under extensive scrutiny from the older clan people. Yet this was nothing like it... It was just, utter and stupid shyness.

Slowly peeking on my left, I noticed quickly that he wasn't facing in my direction. Trying my luck, I awkwardly peeked upward till my eyes reached his face and you know what... This day became my least favorite because I noticed he did same.

This man had been quietly observing me from the corner of his eye. And immediately shame swallowed me whole. While he continued his assessing of my face, I fought to keep my eyes away and pretend this never happened.

Once the meal in hand, I wanted to run away immediately but then realized leaving without addressing him and saying thank you would be extremely rude.

That thought kept me on the spot debating. Eyes sealed extremely tight, lost in thought wondering which scenario should follow. That's when I heard his distant voice.

"You're welcome."

When I closed my eyes again, the man was walking away.

It should've been a relief. He'd saved me from a pitiful social interaction that I would've probably cringed at for the next 3 months and yet... and yet...

"I didn't know you were back."

That made him stop dead in his tracks. When our eyes met again, I realized he hadn't expected me to gather the courage to speak to him. Did this not happen a lot or did he know how much I struggled socially?

With his face entirely focused on mine, I had the full view of what his looks had grown into. And my mouth was ready to hang at the shock of the unrecognizable man in front of me. He looked nothing like 19.

In the Uchiha clan most men were just starting their lives yet he'd accomplished the impossible in just two, and he looked nothing like it.

The man had a baby face that made his looks remain ever so youthful. But his charms had matured more, his hair had grown past his shoulders and he carried the Konoha headband proudly on his forehead. He'd gained in height so much that to look at him I had to lift my neck uncomfortably.

The man standing across from me right now was not the same Itachi Uchiha most people had known growing up though.

We'd had limited interactions and yet I'd observed and studied the man like no one else. His eyes now carried this hollow glow, these cold eyes that had seen things most wouldn't handle and yet here he was. Tall and steady.

"You're Izumi Uchiha right ?" he spoke to me for the first time then. And though I'd wanted to hate his choice of first few words, I knew it wasn't his fault.

"Izumi Tanaka."

His head turned slightly, curious but not interested in the effort of asking. It was clear.

"Yes, I am Uchiha. My father just isn't."

He nodded his head slightly before walking away again.

This interaction wouldn't be the last that week.

"But you cannot just go roaming into town till 4AM! Are you crazy?"

"Mom I'm sorry but I really didn't want to spend yet another one of my birthdays debating if I deserved my father's name or not!"

Doors slammed, cries muted. It wasn't long till I decided to take another walk alone after my fight with my mother.

It was unfair that this was what my life had become. Just another debate about the Uchiha clan's legacy. I couldn't do anything to wipe these people out of my life unless I was ready to leave here, forget this name and never come back.

That had initially been my goal. I'd wanted to go far away from these lands. But I wasn't Itachi. The important missions were only given to the most excellent students at the ninja school. And though I was decent, there were too many who were excellent therefore priority.

Sitting down next to my favorite tree in these isolated gardens, I swallowed the fresh air and calm that surrounded me until I felt a presence.

On my feet immediately, I turned and noticed nothing. Just the sun, high in the sky, the birds chirping happily and the tree branches dancing at the flow of the wind.

But I knew someone was there. I was never wrong. And so concentrated. Focused my mind on the sounds, then the aura of each object in my proximity, analyzed the frequency and then...

A knife in hand I had him. My knife under his throat as he stood at the exact same position I was the second before.

The next minute I gasped at the realization. It was Itachi Uchiha again. I was seeing him quite often these days.

The man was... smiling?

"You're good." He said, a hand politely pushing my knife away with one finger.

"Were you testing my strength?"

He smirked.

"You could say that. I've heard about a certain Tanaka from the elders recently. I didn't know it was you until yesterday."

Frowning, she stared at the man with ambiguity while he continued to peel what looked like an orange that he'd picked up from God knew where.

"The elders?" She wasn't sure she liked the fact that the Uchihas were engaging in conversations about her. She didn't like it at all...

He turned around before lounging on a wooden table in the middle of the snow filled gardens. An arm supporting his head as he ate his fruit before meeting my gaze again. Expression again hard to decipher.

"So, why Tanaka?" he suddenly asked, a bored look on his face.

"Because that's my name."

He smirked.

"Do you believe in rules ?"

"Everyone inspiring to be ninja does."

"Yet you don't."

Putting her knife back in her pocket she looked back up to see him still eyeing her with genuine curiosity. She engaged him again.

"I do."

"Yet you don't care for the Uchiha rules."

"Why should I? I'm not considered one remember?"

"Because you refuse to take the name."

Angry, she stared at him with pure hatred.

"No. Because that is NOT my name, got it ?"

And as she felt fury seep through every part of her body she noticed something. In just a couple seconds Itachi was suddenly in her face, a hand on her chin eyes wide of wonder and satisfaction.

"You've unlocked your Sharingan... Now that's interesting." He whispered before caging her between himself and the tree.

Confused, Izumi tried to push back but he maintained his hold on her chin.

"You've grown strong." He spoke again.

Surprised, she stared back at him before noticing his smile disappear.

"You're doing good, all that hatred, you channeled it correctly, this is all too perfect. Your mother should be proud."

"What are you on about..."

He stepped a couple feet away before closing his eyes. The next second he opened it again it was the beautiful and famous mangekyo sharingan eyes.

She'd only heard of it. Who hadn't? The powerful and elite of the clan were the only ones who reached such heights. He'd been able to 6 years ago, while still a kid. It had been the talk of the town. The man was a monster.

His father had made sure to broadcast the news to everything in proximity. Which was understandable, it was an accomplishment.

With another blink of his eyes it was gone and he stood there quietly.

"The first obstacle is your mind. Beat it and you'll never lose, Tanaka..."

That night, as I went home, I learnt of the reason why Itachi was in town. I should've known though, we'd never spoken nor interacted this much before. Now he was addressing me and sending me looks twice in the last two days.

"What did you say" My mother asked again as the elders sat there with unbothered expressions like they hadn't just dropped the wildest card on us out to nowhere.

My grandfather was the first one to speak. HIs expression was always calculated and convincing. It wasn't hard to understand how he'd become so wealthy. He was a good businessman. And his ambitions again the reason why we were here.

"Fugaku Itachi has expressed interest in joining our two families."

"Um...what?" I couldn't keep quiet. Marriage ?

I mean yes, as of yesterday I was of age so it shouldn't be that surprising, but the thought had never once crossed my mind. Especially this early. Marriage had never been part of any of my plans. Especially marrying a Uchiha. I wanted nothing to do with the clan or Konoha's politics. Mother knew that and so did my grandparents.

But was it honestly that surprising coming from them ? It actually all made sense now just how Insistant they'd been recently in convincing me to take the Uchiha name. This wasn't a last minute thing, they'd probably been negotiating this for the longest time.

"I've heard about a certain Tanaka from the elders recently. I didn't know it was you until yesterday."

Itachi's words from earlier suddenly echoed through my mind again. Fury was building. I could feel it.

Up in seconds, I turned to mother who looked just as confused.

"Mother, I will let you speak to the elders."

"Oh but why Izumi? It is your marriage as well, you should be in attendance." That was her very manipulative grandmother's voice.

She slowly turned to face her and met that fake smile she always threw her way. Nobody knew how much that lady looked down on her more than her. She was known to consider half blooded Uchihas as below human beings.

"Perhaps there is a mistake, mother nor I have never agreed to either take the Uchiha name or marry anyone from the clan."

"There is no mistake Izumi, you've been betrothed to Itachi Uchiha a while ago. I've heard you guys already met a couple times! I'm not surprised, the man is known to be quite thorough. He was probably curious to know who his bride is on a personal level." He finished with a satisfied chuckle while his wife sipped on her tea with that same disingenuous smile.

I hated them both. They had made mother hate the life she'd built for herself, bullied my father into silence and now they were onto me. Treating me like I was their mere property to gamble and play politics with.

"Why would you promise Izumi to anyone without consulting me ?"

Grandmother laughed.

"Hazuki? You should know that since you are now a widow the patriarchy laws favor your father. He decides what becomes of you and your child. Especially if you use any of his establishments to live and make a living, which you are."

This was why, this was the exact reason why I hated this clan and their stupid rules. I hated the way they saw life as property, politics and bullying. The rules within the clan were indeed in favor of the patriarchy.

This meant he could do anything he wanted to my dowry and the decision concerning my marriage. Mother had never planned to remarry anyway so he'd probably seen another opportunity in the death of my father years ago. It was clear, from his devious smile. I felt nothing but hate towards these people.

"Izumi!" It took seconds for me to be gone. Isolating myself in my room as I heard the screams of my mother again. She was angrier than the day before. Growing older and weaker these days, defending me would tire her eventually.

My grandparents didn't care though. They took and took and took till she cracked. I knew they enjoyed seeing her beg them to leave us alone. They always came back harder. Mother said this was her punishment for not listening to them years ago and marrying outside of the clan.

They'd wanted her to remarry again but she'd categorically refused. Evidently, now that I was of age, I was the next target.

Sighing, I imagined the life I would live as the wife of an Uchiha. To most, it sounded like a privilege. Especially being betrothed to Itachi Uchiha. He was pure blooded and the peak of excellence within the clan and Konoha. There were many within the clan who had attempted to promise their daughters to Fugaku Uchiha's heir yet they chose me?

It came out of nowhere. I'd never imagined even for one second that I would ever share anything with the prodigy of our clan. If anything I'd wanted to steer clear from all of that but of course my very wealthy and ambitious grandparents couldn't leave my destiny to me.

My mind travelled back to earlier today. When he'd shown me his Mangyeko Sharingan. Though many seeked its power, I knew what it took to acquire such a strong and powerful gift. It was the reward for an incredible amount of pain. Itachi Uchiha had seen things many could not survive. I had no doubts about that. And such a man becoming my husband one day?

The thought only terrified me. I wasn't scared of the man per se, but I hated and had incredible distrust for the unknown. Yet now this had become my life in one night.

I knew mother would not have the power to reject this. That was the rule of our clan. And unfortunately mother had promised father to never again ignore them as the consequences were too dare. Their marriage was the perfect example.

It was sealed then within my brain, that that would be my life, and as I looked outside of my window, staring at the snow growing thicker I remembered my father again. How he'd made the ultimate sacrifice to save me, how he'd made me promise to take care of mother.

Mother had been shunned enough within our society. If I made this another issue that brought her shame again she would be hurt. I didn't want mother hurt anymore. She deserved to be happy. So I would not fight this...

And that was how I became Itachi Uchiha's wife.

That was how, the curse began...