
Chapter 1

In the scorching summer of 1961, under the blazing sun and relentless heat waves, the village of Bajiao nestled in the mountains of the southernmost part of S Province. Surrounded by towering hills, the village had only one narrow path leading in and out.

On the slope at the end of the village, dense and tall bamboo shoots stood. A small girl, around four or five years old, sat in the shade of the bamboo forest, sighing. With a petite face, thick eyebrows, and large eyes, she looked incredibly cute. However, at this moment, she seemed to be facing some difficulties, her brows furrowed in frustration.

The little girl's name was Mu Chuxia, five years old this year. Chronic malnutrition made her appear unusually small. Just half a month ago, she had a name that filled her with pride and arrogance.

Silver Emperor Demon Princess!

The surname of the royal family of the demonic realm, a name no other clan dared to desecrate. As the only female sacred demon of the demonic royal family, not only her surname but her entire name was personally bestowed by her demonic father through the Divine Demon Pool.

How could she not be proud?

Unfortunately, that was all from half a month ago.

Now, she was Mu Chuxia, no longer the former Silver Emperor Demon Princess!

In her current situation, even if she wanted to reclaim her name, her parents wouldn't allow it...

Let alone changing her name, even reincarnating with suicide was an exceptionally difficult task. When she woke up and found the situation unfavorable, she immediately projected her demonic soul to fly back to the demonic realm. However, it turned out to be a matter of life and death rather than optimism.

As soon as her demonic soul left this small body, she was stunned to find her originally towering demonic soul had shrunk. The soul was extremely weak, on the verge of dissipating, becoming nourishment for this world. She couldn't die again; not even a trace of residue would remain.

The Demon Princess dared not take any risks, promptly retracting her demonic soul into this small body, narrowly saving herself.

The resurrected Demon Princess was very melancholic and disheartened. She believed it must be because she wasn't devout enough when worshiping her demonic father during the Festival of Ten Thousand Demons, which led her demonic father to toss her into this unfamiliar world.

Reflecting on her reckless demon life, she sighed at not heeding the advice of her elders. If she had not been so arrogant and reckless in challenging the fault line, she wouldn't be dealing with these unfortunate circumstances now.

The Demon Princess was filled with regret!She finally realized there's truly no regret medicine in the world. To make a long story short, the Demon Princess's elder brother, the Demon Emperor, got trapped in the demonic realm fault line. After thousands of years, when the Demon Princess achieved significant magical power, she believed she had the ability to retrieve her brother's soul from beneath the fault line. Fully armed and acting secretly, she sneaked down to the fault line to rescue her brother.

But things went south!

Beneath the fault line, indeed, there was her brother's demonic soul, but simultaneously, there was also the nemesis of the demon race – Taiyi True Qi. Instead of rescuing her brother, the Demon Princess ended up sacrificing herself. Not only was her demonic body devoured by Taiyi True Qi, but her demonic soul couldn't escape either. The whole package was devoured by Taiyi True Qi.

She was devoured entirely...

The Demon Princess was filled with question marks. Although her entire being was consumed by Taiyi, somehow, her demonic soul managed to escape. Was Taiyi True Qi weakened, or did her magical power truly grow stronger? Not only did she escape, but she also arrived in this unfamiliar world, miraculously saving her own life.

She couldn't make sense of the multitude of events.

Was this resurrection? Was it possession?

Why could this frail body carry her powerful demonic soul? Despite the shrinkage and weakness, her demonic soul was still colossal! This body hadn't been discarded by her; it could eat and sleep, displaying a miraculous vitality.

Where was the demonic realm now?

All these questions, the Demon Princess couldn't comprehend a single one!

Luckily, demons were creatures that went with the flow, well-developed limbs, and small brain capacity. They wouldn't dwell on a question for too long.

The Demon Princess naturally didn't delve into one, two, three, or four.


"Sleep, sleep, sleep! Are you pregnant, or what? Get up and wash your clothes. What, are you waiting for me to wash them for you? Oh, my fate is miserable! I served the old, served the young, and now I have to serve the daughter-in-law brought into the house... Beware of divine retribution!" Abruptly, a crude and sharp scolding interrupted the Silver Emperor Demon Princess reminiscing about her glorious past.

No, she couldn't be called the Silver Emperor Demon Princess anymore; she had to be called Mu Chuxia!

Mu Chuxia raised her eyebrows lightly, and her dark eyes sparkled. In an instant, she became lively. Leaning against the bamboo, she casually plucked some weeds from the side, placed them in her small mouth, and leisurely looked down toward the bamboo forest.

Below the bamboo forest was a large courtyard. Above the courtyard were three adobe houses, with two side rooms on each side. On the right side, adjacent to the houses, were two thatched huts made of straw, serving as the kitchen and storage room.

The houses were enclosed by a circle of bamboo fences, forming a large courtyard. Mu Chuxia seriously doubted that a strong wind could easily collapse those two thatched huts...

The large courtyard plus a few simple clay houses constituted Mu Chuxia's current home. It was a far cry from the splendid and luxurious palace in the demonic realm.

"Old third daughter-in-law, why are you hiding in the house in broad daylight! Shouting for so long, and you still don't come out. Do I have to go in and serve you in dressing up?" The harsh complaints echoed again, and the small, fierce scolder in the courtyard was Mu Chuxia's grandmother.

Despite her small arms and legs, the grandmother's combat power was outstanding. No one in the entire family could match her. This was a result Mu Chuxia had personally experienced over the past half month.

Mu Chuxia pursed her lips, realizing that the play she wanted to watch had failed, and now the trouble was coming to her.

"Grandma, I'm here! What's the matter?" Going with the local customs, Mu Chuxia shouted loudly, quickly getting up from the ground, and rushed towards the courtyard. There was no choice; the freshly baked grandmother had too much power, and neither humans nor demons could withstand it.

After half a month of observation, she had basically figured out the old lady's temperament. Like the little devil at home, she had a hot temper and would only calm down if stroked in the right direction. The little devil was a tall and mighty demon wolf, her mount in the demonic realm.

Passing through the bamboo forest, the heat wave hit her face. Mu Chuxia couldn't stand it, so she wiped her face. What kind of weather was this? Why was it so hot? She felt like she was going to burn to death!

Mu Chuxia was quite miserable. Living for thousands of years as the lofty demon princess, she had never suffered like this. Everything from the demonic realm was left behind after this resurrection, except for her accompanying weapon. Even the magical power she had diligently cultivated for tens of thousands of years was lost. If her power were still intact, she wouldn't have to endure this suffering!

Now, she was worse off than a newly born demon. At least, they were still demons. She, on the other hand, wasn't even a demon anymore; she had directly changed her race! It was only because her demon heart was big enough that, even in this predicament, she had the mood to watch the big show...

In a magical mishap, a curious princess of the dark realms finds herself in a human body. The naive sorceress, captivated by the unfamiliar human world, embarks on a journey of self-discovery. As she navigates through love, friendship, and unforeseen challenges, the princess learns valuable lessons that bridge the gap between two worlds, unraveling a tale of enchantment and curiosity.

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