
The Cultivation Tower System

In this world, two souls, are rebirth and remolded. One is a man from a world similar to ours, years into the future, a veteran of the Unifications Wars. Mold and birth by war, discharge from the military after a crippling wound. He spends the rest of his days playing games and making videos. After a tragic death, he finds himself, transported into this world. A new life and new goals. The second soul, is a woman, an original native of this world. Living life under the boot of someone else, a slave with no free will, and suppressing emotions. Her bright future was stolen right from under her nose. After a fitting end of a slave, she is transported back to the past. Arm with revenge and knowledge, she will pay back blood for blood. Two souls, with different goals, and lives, will come united. Equals under the Heavens, a walking god, and a breathing goddess. In the world of cultivation. The destiny of Death covers them. Their goal, to kill the World. Support the Book here: https://ko-fi.com/godofstories ---Art created by Yang Boyu--- ----English is not my first language so expect some grammar mistakes----- Socials: Titktok: TheGodofLore Discord: https://discord.gg/c5tMPb8VXK

Godofstories · แฟนตาซี
235 Chs

Against Corruption Part 1

Within the Elemental Weapon Sect, on the border of the sect and the Green Sea. Is a small mining village. There were no farms around the village. The people working on the open pit mine were covered in grime and dirt. Their faces show severe exhaustion.

The picks in their hands were old and crumbling away, both women and children were working alongside the men. The villagers had mangle body parts and large open and rotten wounds. The only thing that keeps these Dwarfs, yes Dwarfs, mining is a loud and energetic song.

To keep their spirits high in these dark troubling times, they sang to drown out their sorrows. Within the Elemental Weapon Sect, there are some small minority groups. Mostly Dwarfs, Beastkin, and Elves. This minority group was once the majority in this part of the plain region. But after the imperial ambitions of The Dragon Empire Sect, their numbers dwindle. Forced to leave behind their old religion and adopt the Draconic Lore.

Within the Elemental Weapon Sect, these minorities of the Human race are treated as equal, as long as they worship the right god that is. If the treatment the Dwarf is receiving were to be made public, then the clan that is in control of this area will face enormous black lash from the other 5 clans of the sect.

The Dwarf continues to work, till the normal happen. A child barely 10 years old fell down to the dirty floor. His clothes are nothing more than rags held together by faith and prayers. The child is deadly skinny, with bones visible under his tan, and dirty skin. Tears swell in the kid's eyes, blood coming out of his nose, and a nearby female Dwarf approached the child. Not the child's mother, as she dies from overworking a week ago.

"Bayan are you ok? Can you stand up?"


"Come on..just a bit more, stand up before they-"

"Hey you Dwarf bastard! Who told you to fucking stop!"

From on top of the open mine pit, a well-clean and dressed man spoke. The Dwarfs that were mining started shaking in fear. The good-dressed man was seen talking to someone else, as their conversation finished, a female figure jumps down to the open pit. With graceful movement, she landed next to the child and the female Dwarf.

The human woman is wearing a beautiful traditional Chinese dress. On her back is nothing more than a well-crafted and long spear. The woman, unlike the Dwarf miners, has clean pristine white skin, for she has never worked a day under the hot sun like everyone else.

"Stand the fuck up if you don't want to end on a spike"

"Please oh, grand cultivator! Please spared the child, he is just ti-"

But before the Dwarf woman could finish speaking, her head got pierced by the woman's spear. Too fast for the mortal Dwarf eyes to follow. Her blood spilled out of the wound, landing on the crying and shaking child. The female cultivator could not hold it anymore. The crying child is getting to her.

"Just shut the hell up!"

She said as she pierces the child's skull, killing It and ending his suffering. Everyone in the open pit of mine saw this, tears in their eyes, and some biting their tongue. But there was nothing they could do, they swallow their words of hatred. They continue to mine as the female woman continues to speak.

"Remember! You all should be goddamn grateful we let you live in this great sect! Anyone who dares to not mine will die by our hands! Anyone who doesn't meet our quota will be whipped and their skin alive! You hear me, you bearded bastards!"

The woman said as a sorrowful and fearful response came from the Dwarves.

"Yes, oh grand cultivator"


The woman said as she jumps back to the top of the mine, joining her coworkers as they continue to look at the Dwarf below them.

"Good job Lan"

"Thank you Bo"

The female responded back, as she went back to the small and under cold shade table. Sitting on the empty chair with the rest of her coworkers, they are a total of 6 cultivators. She and the other 4 cultivators are in the mortal stage. While their leader and supervisor, Bo is in the warrior stage.

They have been tasked by the governor of the nearby town to look after these Dwarves and make sure they continue their work. Dirty work, but it pays it really well. Plus, they were Dwarf, they had no reason to care about them. Like this, the group continues to watch the Dwarf. From time to time, one of them went down and kill a lazy Dwarf.

As the sun goes down, a large cooking area is made in the center of the village. Sadly, they need to feed these bearded bastards. Lan spitting on a bowl of soup of a not specific Dwarf.

"Enjoy my spit you pig"

She said, getting a launch from her coworkers. The Dwarf could do nothing but drinks his contaminated food. Many Dwarf has died from disease gotten by their disgusting cultivator overlords. But there is nothing they can do, they are mortals after all, and mortals cannot kill the superhuman cultivators.

Bo who is enjoying the suffering of the Dwarf, eats his luxurious meal, a beautiful cut of pork meat, a refreshing vegetable soup, and some fine white rice. Notice something with his sharp eyes, two unknown people have entered the village.

"Who the hell? Yin, check who those bastards are"


A skinny tan skinned male said as he stood up, walking towards the two figures. The Dwarf looks at the duo, sorry for them if they are mortals. As Yin arrives in front of the duo, he notices it is a female and male figure. The male figure is wearing a black mask over his face.

'Puff show off'

But as his eyes scan the woman next to the man, seeing her beautiful tan skin, and her well-crafted and proportional body, arouse him. A small tent formed in his pants, his eyes full of lust. The woman looks familiar but he did not care enough to remember where he has seen her.

"Hey there hot stuff~ how about you spend the night with me? My dick has been rated 10-"

But before he could finish, a sword pierces his neck. Blood gushes out of the wound as he tries to breathe with a sword in his neck. The male figure spoke in a cold tone.

"No one speaks to my wife like that"

Mors said, anger flowing through his veins. Normally Zhihui will react to this and will reprehend Mors for his actions, but thanks to her new talent she saw the negative karma around the individual cultivator. Her eyes scan the situation, gathering information and making a possible scenario. She activated her third eye and a transparent eye grew on her forehead.

As it opens up her mind got assaulted by an image of the past, an image of a child and woman dying. Of cruelly and injustice, of corruption. As the skill stops, having consumed a large portion of her Qi. Zhihui spoke, the cultivators reacting slowly as they see their coworker hit the floor with a lifeless body.

"Mors, looks like we will have to take a detour, and kill them all"

"hah~ your wish is my command"

[For killing a mortal cultivator, 500 points has been given]

[500 points shared with spouse]

Today chapter, hope you all like and see you all in an hour.

I am so happy we finally reach 300 collections! We are slowly reaching the big numbers

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