
The Crown Prince and Me

"This White Heart of Mine, I Will Draw Our Moments and Keep It Forever" Lily Valentina, 23 year old girl who are still struggling finishing her degree; when one day, while she was finishing her assignment alone in a café, the news on the television caught her attention. It was the crown prince, and the royals are announcing that he was looking for a wife. Back in her childhood days, Lily used to go to the same preschool and both of them were really close with each other. But then, Lily had to move to another school due to her family financial problems. Ever since then, both of them lost contact but all that she knows, the boy who used to be her playmates, is a crown prince now. Therefore, she decided to join for the event, to test her luck so that she could meet him again.

pinkcotton · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

Saving The Future Queen

Lily woke up with a dark vision and found out her head was covered in a dark cloth. She was sitting on a chair and her legs were tied on the chair legs and her hands were tied together at the back. She was struggling to untied the rope but to no avail.

"HELLO, LET ME GO!" shouted Lily as she was still struggling to untie the rope. "ANYONE?!" shouted Lily again but it was pin dropped silence and the only thing she heard is her echo when she shouted for help. Judging by that, Lily knows that she was kidnapped and they brought her in a big warehouse, alone.

While she was struggling to untie the rope, she heard someone opened the door and she started to feels scared. She heard a few voices of man was laughing as soon as they opened the door.

"Well, well, well, look who do we have here….." said one of the man. However, that voice sounds so familiar to her.

*Sir Luis?* thought Lily.

"Take off the black cloth on her face." Said the man. Once the black cloth has been taken off from her face, Lily had to squinted her eyes a bit to adjust her eyes. Once she's fine, she saw a few man with a big body was standing in front of her.

"W-who are you guys? And let me go!" screamed Lily. "Don't you guys know who I am?" asked Lily trying to make them scared.

"You mean you're going to be out future Queen?" said one man but Lily couldn't see where he was. But somehow his voice sounds so familiar to her. "Who are you? Why are you so scared to show your face? If you're brave enough, show me your face then!" said Lily. Even though she feels scared, but she's got to know who was behind all of this.

Then, right after what Lily has said, those many with a big body were making a way at the centre and Lily was so surprised to see that man who was sitting on a chair holding his tobacco pipe with his left hand.

"Y-you-" said Lily in surprised. She was right. That man is Sir Luis.

"Are you surprised to see me?" asked Sir Luis as he blow a smoke after inhaling his tobacco pipe. "You just won't give up, don't you?" asked Lily and this time, Lily just start talking to him without using any honorifics.

Without any warning, someone slapped her in the face hardly.

"You think he's your friend? Called him Sir Luis!" said the man who just slapped her. Lily's ears started to hissing when she just got slapped and she can feel that her right cheeks has turned red as she feels a sharp pain on her cheeks.

"You think I'm scared? A man like him doesn't even deserve to rule the country!" said Lily. The man was about to slapped her again, but he got stopped by Sir Luis.

"Stop." Said Sir Luis as he put down his tobacco pipe and walked towards her. He leans his face towards her and gave her his mischievous smiles. Lily hated his smells so much. "Look, I don't want to hurt you, little lady, I had gave Ren warning many times to step down from the throne and give it to me." Said Sir Luis.

"However, he refused it and I have to use the hard way. Who knows I can even kill you if he still refuse to give me throne?" said Sir Luis. "Don't you know that when you kidnapped me, you are wanted by the royal police? Plus, you can't even get your title as Sir and you can even rot in jail." Said Lily as she gritted her teeth in anger.

Sir Luis who heard that, clenched his jaw and straighten up himself. "No foods and drinks for her." Said Sir Luis and went out from the warehouse. "YES SIR!" shouted the big mans in the warehouse and bowed to him.

Meanwhile, back in her faculty, most of the students and reporters has started to surround the faculty as they have received a news about the missing of Lily.

"Excuse me, sorry, I have to go to the front!" shouted Amelia as she was trying to go at the front. Once she has reached home, she was so surprised to read the news of her missing best friend. Once she's back to the faculty again, she saw lots of people was already there.

"Excuse me, can I go inside? Im a best friend of Lily Valentina" said Amelia. "No miss, you can't enter unless you're a royal police or the royals." Said the police man. "Please, my best friend is missing and I need to help them. Please…" begged Amelia as she almost cried. Luckily, Lucas was there talking with one of the detectives and walked towards Amelia.

"Amelia, what's wrong?" asked Lucas. "Lucas, let me help you find Lily together, please…" pleaded Amelia.

"Let her in." ordered Lucas.

"Yes Your Highness." Said the police man and opened the yellow tape to let Amelia entered the faculty. "Ren is with the cyber forensic team to trace out a deleted cctv footage… so let's go there first, alright?" said Lucas and Amelia nodded following him from behind in worry.

Once they've reached into one room in her faculty, she found that Ren was looking at the screen. "Amelia's here." Said Lucas as he closed the door. Ren who was so into the screen, turned his back and saw Lily's best friend. "Have a sit…" said Ren and turned back to look at the screen.

"Your Highness, I'm really sorry for going home early… if not-" said Amelia as tears begin to pour down her face. "If not she won't be missing again… I'm really sorry…" cried Amelia as she feels so guilty.

"No one's at fault… I'm sure she's fine… Lily is a strong girl, right?" asked Ren and Amelia nodded. "Yes. She is." Answered Amelia as she wiped her tears. "We can find her, and I'll make sure to save her." Said Ren and Amelia nodded. While they were talking, one of the cyber forensics had called for him.

"Your Highness, I got the video!" shouted the man. The three of them including Amelia went towards the cyber forensic man and watch the footage together. From the footage, it was seen that Lily has inhaled a chloroform and fainted, a few man dressed in all black had carried her and brought her into a van.

"Trace the number plate now. We need to know their whereabouts." Ordered Ren and the cyber forensics team straight away traced the number plate from every CCTV at the highways. "Your Highness, from the CCTV, we can see that they are heading towards our reserve forest, it's about 40 miles from here." Said the man.

"40 miles?" asked Lucas.

"Yes Your Highness." Answered the man.

"Trace their van, where they are staying now. We need two royal police team to follow me. I need to save her." Said Ren. "I'll follow you." Said Lucas and Ren nodded.

"What about me? I need to save her too." Said Amelia.

"Her parents have been calling me many times. You can stay with her parents and assured them that she is fine, is that alright?" asked Ren and Amelia nodded. "Yes, sure I can." Answered Amelia. "Alright then, let's save our future queen." Said Lucas. With that, all of them are set to save Lily.

Both Ren and Lucas ride the jeep together with the Royal Police. Both of them are dressed up in a few gears and guards to protect them such as bullet proof vest, boots and they even gave a weapon to them. Luckily, as Royal both of them need to learn how to use a weapon too. "Don't worry Your Highness, we will save her." Said the Royal Police as he saw how worried Ren look while they were on their way towards the reserve forest. "I've told Augustin to just be ready with the things that you have found." said Lucas and Ren nodded. "Thanks." Said Ren as he turned to his right looking at the surroundings. His mind was thinking about Lily.

*please be safe* thought Ren in worried as the jeep drives into the woods.