
The Crown Prince and Me

"This White Heart of Mine, I Will Draw Our Moments and Keep It Forever" Lily Valentina, 23 year old girl who are still struggling finishing her degree; when one day, while she was finishing her assignment alone in a café, the news on the television caught her attention. It was the crown prince, and the royals are announcing that he was looking for a wife. Back in her childhood days, Lily used to go to the same preschool and both of them were really close with each other. But then, Lily had to move to another school due to her family financial problems. Ever since then, both of them lost contact but all that she knows, the boy who used to be her playmates, is a crown prince now. Therefore, she decided to join for the event, to test her luck so that she could meet him again.

pinkcotton · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

Mourning for His Majesty

"Your Highness, H-his Majesty i-is d-dead…" cried Kyra while kneeling in front of Ren and the Queen. *No. it can't be…* thought Lily. Both Ren and the Queen rushed towards the King's chamber. "Ren!" called Lily trying to follow him. However, Lucas who was standing there, went towards Oliver and grabbed his collar furiously. Lily who saw it, called his name asking him to stop. "Lucas! Stop." Said Lily as he stands in front of him. "Let's go and see His Majesty now." Added Lily and Lucas let out

"Guard," called Lucas and a few guards came towards him. "Seize him and don't let him go. He's a suspect. Bring him to the Royal Police." Said Lucas and let go of Oliver's collar and let the guards handle him. "The rest of you can go now. Only Royals are allowed to visit the King's chamber." Ordered Lucas and walked away leaving Sir Luis and his family together with Kyra and the other Royal Servants behind.

"Come on now, we should hurry home and receive the official news about the King's death." Said Sir Luis. Deep inside, he was over the moon receiving the sudden news and it happens when he's in the palace. *my time has come* thought Sir Luis as he brought his family out from the Palace.

Meanwhile, once Ren entered the King's chamber, he noticed that a doctor was trying to bring His Majesty back alive. He was doing a CPR and all sorts of things to saw the King. Unfortunately, they are too late to save him. "I'm sorry Your Highness… His Majesty is gone…" said the Royal Doctor.

"NO! IT CAN'T BE!" shouted Ren. "LUCAS! LUCAS!" called Ren. "Tell me my father is still alive. Please." Pleaded Ren. Then, Lucas walked towards the King's bed and notice his pale face, he even check on his pulse. Once he check on his pulse, he looked down trying to hold his tears not ready to tell them that His Majesty is gone for real. He looked towards the doctor, and he nodded slightly, telling him that it is true.

"Well, Lucas? Is it true?" asked the Queen who was standing not too far from her husband bed with Lily by her side. Without saying anything, Lucas stands up not looking at anyone. Instead, he took His Majesty's blanket and covered his face with it.

"I'm sorry to announce…. His Majesty has left all of us…" announced Lucas loud enough for the people in the room to hear. As soon as the Queen hears it, she was trembling and do not have any energy to stand anymore. If Lily wasn't there she would probably faint hearing the news. "My husband is gone?" asked the Queen and Lucas nodded. At that moment if Lily wouldn't hold her, she would probably faint. "I'm sorry Your Majesty…" answered Lucas as he looked down, not even dare to look at the Queen's face.

"My husband…" said the Queen while crying as she walked towards the King's bed. "Don't leave me and Ren alone… we need you…" cried the Queen as she holds her husband who was lying on the bed not moving an inch.

As for Ren, he was standing still, looking at the King trying to hold his tears. Lily who was there, went near him. "Ren…" called Lily softly and gave him a hug. She knows how much his father mean to him. She knows how much Ren need to learn from his father in ruling the country. "It's alright, I'm here for you…" whispered Lily as she rubbed his back slowly trying to comfort him.


It's been a few days the whole kingdom are mourning for His Majesty. As for Ren, ever since the day Lucas announced his father's death, he rarely talk and always avoiding Lily. However, Lily could understand how he feels and let him to have his own space. As for Lucas, he was too busy trying to solve the murder case of His Majesty together with Augustin and the Royal Police.

That morning, once Lily reached the dining hall, she saw Her Majesty is the only one sitting at the dining table. "Good morning Your Majesty." Greeted Lily as she bowed gracefully. "Good morning dear." Greeted the Queen as she gave her dry smiles. Still feeling sad about the death of her husband. "Is Nicholas still not willing to have his breakfast? It's been a few days he didn't have some breakfast with us… the only time I could meet him is during dinner…" said the Queen.

Lily nodded. "Yes Your Majesty. But don't worry, once I have my breakfast I'll bring some to his room and have a talk with him…" said Lily and the Queen nodded. "Thank you dear." Smiled the Queen feeling so blessed to have Lily for understanding both of them. "No worries, Your Majesty." Smiled Lily. Then, both of them were having their breakfast together in silence.

Once Lily is done with her breakfast, she ordered one of the servants to prepare some breakfast for her to bring to Ren. Once they're done, she took the tray and off to Ren's chamber. She knocked a few times, but no one was answering. *probably in his study room* thought Lily and go to his study room. Once she reached in front of the door, she tried to knock a few times before she enter. Scared if he's in the middle of meeting. However, there are no one answering it either. She decided to turn the doorknob and once she entered, she saw no one.

"Ren?" called Lily but he was nowhere to be found in the study room. *now where did he went in this early morning?* thought Lily and she placed down the tray on his coffee table and grabbed her phone to text Ren.

"Ren, where are you? Let's have breakfast together, can we?"

Lily waited for a few minutes but Ren hasn't reply her at all. She started to get worried. "Where could he be…" muttered Lily alone. Then, she had an idea and decided to go to the horse stable. Thinking that Ren might be there with Daisy. As soon as Lily reached the horse stable, she heard a familiar voice. It's true, Ren was there talking to Daisy.

"There you are… I was looking for you…" said Lily as she went near Ren but standing not too far from Daisy. Still feeling scared with Daisy. "Mother was looking for you… she told you to join breakfast with her…" said Lily. "I'm sorry, I didn't inform mother that I was going to be here with Daisy…" said Ren as he feed Daisy some hay.

"That's okay~" smiled Lily. She wanted to pet Daisy but she feels scared. Ren who saw her being afraid to touch Daisy, he let out small chuckle and took her hands. Then, while holding her hands, she brought her hands towards Daisy and they pet Daisy together. "Like I told you before, Daisy likes you. She won't bite you~" said Ren.

"But still Ren, I haven't pet her ever since you brought me to ride Daisy… so I'm scared if Daisy forgets me and think I'm a stranger~" pouted Lily. "You were never a stranger. Daisy knows you… right Daisy?" asked Ren and Daisy makes a sound. When Lily heard it, she let out her small laugh and still amazed how Daisy could understand what Ren said.

"See, she likes you~" said Ren and patted Daisy again. "Good girl." Added Ren with a smile. Both of them were feeding and petting Daisy together with silence.

"Ren," called Lily as she broke the silence between them. "Are you feeling alright for the past few days?" asked Lily suddenly. "it's just that I'm worried about you… you were distancing yourself towards me, you refused to be at the dining table together with me and the Queen… and also you're not yourself anymore…" said Lily while looking at Ren.

Then, she walked towards him and study his face. "You may seem you look happy but deep inside, you're still sad…" said Lily as she caressed his face gently just like how Ren used to do to her. "You can let out what you feels inside to me… you can cry… don't keep it to yourself…" said Lily softly. Without Ren realized, his tears were pooling in his eyes. Without any hesitation, he straight away hug the person in front of him, the one that he loves the most.

"I just can't believe that father has gone…" said Ren as his tears dropped on Lily's shoulder. "Now I know how Lucas feel when his father's gone… I know exactly how it feels… I have so many things that I need to study on how to be a great ruler of the country but now who will guide me?" added Ren as he sobbed while hugging Lily tightly.

For the first time ever, Ren was crying in front of someone. Usually he would just kept everything to himself. However, when it comes to Lily, he felt like he had to let out everything and share everything with her.

"And I'm afraid what happened to Rose before, it might happen to you too… I'm really scared Lily. I'm so scared to lose you…" said Ren. "Ren," called Lily as she broke the hug. "No matter how bad it was, how hard it was, I will always be there with you. Standing next to you." Said Lily looking into his swollen eyes. "I promise you, it won't happen to me because I have you by my side." Said Lily.

"No. we have each other and we will go through this together, alright?" said Lily and Ren nodded. Then, Lily tip toed and gave a kiss on his cheek gently. Ren couldn't help but smile feeling so grateful to have Lily by his side. He gave her a hug, caressed her hair gently and kissed her hair to show how thankful he is to have her.

"Thank you Lily." whispered Ren.