
The Crown Prince and Me

"This White Heart of Mine, I Will Draw Our Moments and Keep It Forever" Lily Valentina, 23 year old girl who are still struggling finishing her degree; when one day, while she was finishing her assignment alone in a café, the news on the television caught her attention. It was the crown prince, and the royals are announcing that he was looking for a wife. Back in her childhood days, Lily used to go to the same preschool and both of them were really close with each other. But then, Lily had to move to another school due to her family financial problems. Ever since then, both of them lost contact but all that she knows, the boy who used to be her playmates, is a crown prince now. Therefore, she decided to join for the event, to test her luck so that she could meet him again.

pinkcotton · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

Bring Her Back To Me

Lily was in the studio finishing her drawing and painting. This morning, Professor Martin just reminded her that he would like to see her draft drawing and her concept by tomorrow. Therefore, right after her class ended for today, she spend her time alone at the studio. As for Amelia, she had to home early as her mom told her that her uncle is visiting them. While Lily was so into sketching her drawing, her phone beeped and it was a text from Ren.

"Are you done? Do you want me to pick you up?"

"Yeah, almost done... Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the lobby."

Once she's done replying Ren, she straight away went to finish up her last drawing and pack her bag. *I'm so lazy to bring this home… should I just put this drawing on Professor Martin's table?* thought Lily as she bites her lips, thinking. While she was so into thinking, she felt someone was watching her outside from the glass door.

"Is someone there?" asked Lily but no answer.

"That's weird…" muttered Lily alone and she continued to pack her bag. A few minutes later, once she's done cleaning up the studio and pack her bag, she took her drawing and decided to submit it today and put it on Professor Martin's table. Before she leaves the studio, she was looking at the left and right and saw no one.

*I do feel someone was here just now* thought Lily as she suddenly feels scared. Remembering those moments where she got kidnapped at the hospital. Somehow, the studio today was pin drop silence. Usually, there will be lots of students but today, it was quiet. Whatever it is, Lily paid no mind and went straight to Professor Martin's room.

As soon as she reached Professor Martin's room, she knocked his door for a few times scared if he's inside, however there was no answer. Then, Lily tried to turn his doorknob but it was locked. *guess I have to bring this drawings home…* thought Lily sadly. As what she promised Ren, she waiting for him at the lobby.

*weird… it's just too quiet today* thought Lily. "Is there any event at the main hall?" mumbled Lily alone as she scrolled through her university official website to know if she missed any event today. While she was so into her phone, she noticed a car stopped by at the lobby. She thought it was Ren, but turns out to be a black van.

What shocked her the most was, suddenly a group of man dressed up in black, coming towards her and everything turns black. "QUICK! HURRY UP! WE NEED TO GO!" Shouted the driver. Then, a few man was carrying the unconscious Lily and left some of her belongings at the ground and entered the black van and leave the campus.

A few minutes later, Ren has reached the campus and parked his car at the lobby waiting for Lily. He waited for a while but Lily never shows up at the lobby. He started to grow worry and tried to call her but no one picks up. Then, he went out from his car while trying to call her again.

*pick up the phone Lily* thought Ren in worried. Then, he tried to walk around the lobby and once he walked he noticed a familiar hand phone on the floor. Ren picked up the phone and noticed it was Lily's phone. Then, he saw her drawings were scattered on the floor and her bag was on the floor too.

"Damn it." said Ren and he started to grow even more worried when he know that Lily is missing for the second time. He straight away ran towards his sports car and called Augustin while igniting his car engine.

"Augustin, ordered all royal police to meet me in 10 minutes at the Royal Hall. Lily has been kidnapped again." Said Ren.

"Alright Your Highness." Said Augustin and hang up the phone.

Once Ren hang up the phone, he begin to drives away. He pressed the accelerator and drives in speed to go back to the palace. "DAMN IT!" shouted Ren as he hit the steering while driving in anger.

*please be safe love, please.* thought Ren.

A few minutes later, once he reached the palace Augustin had waited for him at the entrance of the Royal Main Hall. "Is everyone here?" asked Ren without even looking at Augustin as he walked straight away towards the hall. "Yes, Your Highness." Answered Augustin as he bowed and followed him from behind. Once Ren entered the hall, he saw a line of Royal Police was standing in line waiting for his order.

"Listen, I'm just going straight to the point." Said Ren as he stand in the middle looking at the each of the Royal police.

"Our future Queen, Lily Valentina is missing again. She was kidnapped as I found her belongings on the floor at her faculty lobby. I was about to pick her up but as soon as I got there, she was nowhere to be found." Said Ren.

"This is an order. Find her and make sure she is safe and sound and I don't even want a single scratch on her. Do whatever you can and all I want her is to be back with me in the palace. Understood?" asked Ren.

"YES SIR." Said the Royal Polices in unison.

"You may go and please, and once you found her straight away inform me so I could go there. Understood?" added Ren in a serious manner.

"YES SIR." Answered the Royal Polices in unison again. Once the Royal police left, Ren squatted down as he doesn't know what to do next.

"Nicholas, what happened?!"

It was Lucas. He was at the hospital but as soon as Lily has been missing, he straight away left the hospital and straight away went to the palace and found his cousin was squatting down on the floor.

"I don't know what I should do Lucas. I don't know where she is." Said Ren as he stands up. "I was waiting for her at the faculty, I called her many times but she won't pick up. By the time I walked to look for her, I found all of her belongings are on the floor but she was nowhere to be found." Explained Ren.

"Have you checked the CCTV there? Im sure they caught on camera." Said Lucas. "I've told the Royal Police to find her and report to me once they found something." Said Ren. "I don't know Lucas, I don't know what to do. Im afraid she will leave me like how my father did." Said Ren as he finally broke into tears.

Lucas who was there, saw how his cousin looked like and reminds him back when he has lost the one that he loves the most. He cried exactly like how Ren did.

"Look," said Lucas as he went near Ren and grabbed his shoulder.

"Man, you can't just keep on crying! I know you're scared that something bad might happen to her but please, I don't want you to lose her like how I lose Rose in my life. I was just too late to save her and she left me in the blink of an eye." Said Lucas.

"So get up man, do something so you can save her! There's no point of crying." Said Lucas with teary eyed.

Right after Lucas said those words, Ren wiped his tears away and loo at Lucas with his red eyes. "I must save her." Said Ren. "Now that's my cousin. Come on, let's go back to her faculty and check on the CCTV." Said Lucas and Ren nodded. Then, both of them went back to Lily's faculty.

A few minutes later, once they've reached her faculty again saw the Royal Police are doing their best to find some clue. "Have you found anything?" asked Ren towards one of the royal police. "im sorry Your Highness, no." answered the royal police. "Have you checked the CCTV?" asked Ren. "Yes Your Highness, but I guess they have deleted the footage right before we arrived." Said the Head of the royal police.

"Then what else are you waiting for?" asked Ren in anger as he balled his fist trying to hold his anger. "Try to get back the footage. I don't care, you all can find some hacker and get the deleted footage." Added Ren. "This is an order. Understood?" asked Ren and the Royal police nodded. "Yes Your Highness. We will." Bowed him and get back to their work.

"DAMN." Said Ren in frustrated and hit the table with his fist.