
lets continue

In strode the viscount and his entourage. Aubrey was meticulously groomed, salty-haired man in his mid-forties, wilmon a foppish and swaggering twenty-five. Both wore the weapons of warriors, sword and Dirk, but when they shook Gahris's hands, he felt no calluses, and neither had a grip indicating that he would even swing a heavy sword. The ladies were worse yet, over-painted, over-perfumed creatures of dangerous curves, clinging silk garments, and abundant jewelry that wrinkled and rattled with every alluring shift. Avonese had seen fifty years if she had seen a day, Gahris knew, and all the putty and paint in the world couldn't his the inevitable effects of nature.

She tried, though---oh, hiw this one tried!-and Gahris thought it a pitiful sight.

"Viscount Aubrey," he said politely, his smile wide. "It is indeed an honor to meet one who has so gained the confidence of our esteemed duke."

"Indeed," Aubrey replied, seeming rather bored.

"May I inquire what has brought such an unexpected group so far to the north?"

"No," Aubrey started to answer, but Avonese, slipping out of Aubrey's arm to take hold of the eorl's, interrupted.

"We are on holiday, of course!" she slurred her breath scented by wine.

"We are come now from the Isle of Marvis," added Elenia. "We were informed that none in all the Northlake could set a banquet like the eorl of Marvis, and we were not disappointed."

"They do have such fine wines!" added Avonese.

Aubrey seemed to be growing as tired of the banter as Gahris, though Wilmon was too engaged with a stubborn hangnail to notice any of it.

"The eorl of Marvis has indeed earned his reputation as a fine host," Gahris remarked sincerely, for Bruce Durgess was a dear friend of his, a common sufferer in the dark times of the wizard-Kong's rule.

"Fair," Aubrey corrected. "And I suppose that you, too will treat us with renowned leek soup, and perhaps a leg of lamb as well."

Gahris started to reply, but wasn't sure what to say. The two dishes, along with a multitude of fish, were indeed the island's staple.

haha haha not finished take that fuckers!

bladeless1creators' thoughts