

A CYCLOPIAN SOLDIER, shield emblazoned with the bent arm and pick design of Montfort, entered the audience hall of Gahris Bedwyr's home a short while later. It was a large rectangular room, set with several comfortable chairs and graced by a tremendous hearth.

"Viscount Aubrey," the one-eyed Herald began, "cousin of Duke Morkney of Montfort, sixth of eight, fourth in line to..." And so it went on for several minutes, the cyclopian rambling through unimportant, even minuscule details of his viscount's heritage and lineage, feats of valor (always exaggerating, and still seeming not so tremendous to Gahris, who had lived in the tough land of Bedwydrin for more than sixty years) and deeds of generosity and heroism.

A viscount, the island eorl mused, thinking that practically every fourth man in Eriador seemed to hold claim to that title, or to one of baron.

"And his fellow, Baron Wilmon," the cyclopian went on, and Gahris sighed deeply at the not-unexpected proclamation, his thoughts proven all too tru. Mercifully, Wilson's introductory was not nearly as long as aubrey's, and as for their female escorts, the cyclopian merely referred to them as "the ladies, Elenia and Avonese.

"Ellen and Avon," Gahris muttered under his breath, for he understood the level of pretension that had come to the normally level-headed people of the lands.

(I'm not like normal authors so don't complain)

so let me tell u I will update the book whenever I want I don't care what u guys think

bladeless1creators' thoughts