
The Crimson Gardevoir

Max is a man who gave up some childhood dreams to enter the world of responsibility and labor like many others. Having nothing left after being kicked out of home due to adaptability problems, he goes on a journey and at least tries to achieve some. Never would he ever have guessed what kind of adventures and encounters awaits him, though. This story is written and published by ZLewdomancer34 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters contain spoilers and non-canons.

Kurogano · วิดีโอเกม
133 Chs

Dark Desires [1/2]

All limp in the armchair of the motel room, Aurora was watching TV with a rather bored face.

{Come on now! I know humans are stupid, but this is on a whole other level,} she growled at the TV series she was watching.

Then, Aurora heard the door being opened before being slammed, making her flinch a bit. Turning her head, she saw Bonny jumping on the bed with her back facing the door.

{Is delicacy a word you're familiar with?} Aurora demanded, rather annoyed.

{Shut up.} Bonny replied, annoyed as well.

Normally, Aurora would have gone more aggressive at this point, but she saw that she was clearly not feeling well.

{Care to share what is going on?}


{… Suit yourself. I'm not into sappy things anyway.}

At that moment, she was getting rather irritated and wanted to tell her, just to bug her.

{Actually, yes, something is going on.} she shared while sitting up. {I just found out that maybe I don't love master as much as I thought. I also found out that males are all jerks.} she added before dropping herself on the bed again.

{… That, I can agree with.}

{What? That I don't love master after all?}

{That males are all jerks.}

{… Hmpf.}

{However, I highly doubt the first one.}

{And what makes you think that?}

{You're kidding, right? With all the things you do with him or say to him, you can't seriously think that you don't love him.}

{… Hmpf. Maybe it's just physical.} she guessed, a bit angrily.

{You know, I'm rarely interested in others business, but I must admit that I'm eager to know how you suddenly began to think that.}

{Like you would know anything about that kind of stuff.}

{… All right, keep it to yourself if you want to, but stop whining about it in my ears.} Aurora replied aggressively, unhappy that her attempt to help backfired.

With her anger slightly fading anyway, Bonny realized that she might have been a bit too mean to Aurora.

{There…} Bonny started after sitting at the head of the bed while hugging a pillow. {There… was this male lopunny at the pokemon center and… well, I… felt something… for him.} Bonny confessed with a mix of embarrassment and shame.

{Like?} Aurora replied.

{… Attraction.}

{… I… see.} Aurora said, not sure what to answer.

{And for a split second, I even thought about… doing things with him.} she shared sadly before burying her head in the pillow.

{…Well, I'm sure it's not… that bad.}

{Not that bad?} Bonny growled with teary eyes. {I wanted to do things with someone else besides master and you tell me it's not that bad?}

{I mean, you're both are lopunnies, so I guess we can hardly be mad at you for feeling attraction for your species. You know, something like that.} Aurora tried to reassure, quite uncomfortable with the subject.

{… Still.} Bonny started before pushing her head in the pillow again. {It doesn't excuse my behavior. I always said that I'll always be loyal to master and that no male would ever change that. And what do I do when I see one? I think about him instead of the one I truly love.}

{Well, in your defense, he kind of also does it with other pokemon himself.}

At that comment, Bonny raised her watery but angry eyes at Aurora.

{What? It's true.}

{It's not the same thing. Master is a very lovable human. It's only normal for females to be attracted to him. That lopunny however… was a real jerk. I think he was nice just to mate with me.}

{That's possible. Many males are indeed real jerks. However, would it be the same if he was actually a nice guy?} Aurora asked.

{… I… don't know.} Bonny responded, hiding her face.

At this moment, the door opened again to reveal Max behind it.

"Bonny, please! Can we talk?" Max almost begged.

After briefly looking at him, Bonny refused to answer and went to the bathroom to lock herself in.

"Bonny…" Max lowly called before heading towards the bathroom door.

{You should stop right there.} Aurora told, still resting on the armchair.


{She obviously wants to be alone, so why don't you go respect that?}

Hesitant for a few seconds, Max then sighed before sitting on the bed.

"I wonder what happened for her to act like that."

{It's between you and her. She will tell you when she feels like it.} Aurora lied.

"I hope. I wonder if it's because of me."

{Don't know, don't care.} Aurora replied before zapping a channel on the TV.

After another sigh, Max lied down on the bed with his head against the wall.

"Anyway, what are you watching?"

{Boring things. I don't understand why humans or even some pokemon enjoy it.}

"It passes the time. There are good shows sometimes."

{If you say so.} Aurora replied, zapping another time.

A few minutes later, the door opened once again with Dusk and May passing through it.

"Sorry girls for leaving like that." Max apologized.

{It's okay master, you had your reason.} Dusk reassured.


{Where's Bonny?} May asked, not seeing her anywhere.


While speaking, the door of the bathroom opened with Bonny coming out of it.

"Are you-"

{I need to take a walk.} she cut while going towards the door.


{Alone.} she cut again before opening the door to leave.

{…What has gotten into her?} May inquired after Bonny was gone.

"I don't know exactly, but I'm sure it has something to do with that male lopunny. If Luna had not been there, I could have got answers." Max answered, a bit angry.

{Or, you know, you could mind your own business.} Aurora told.


{You heard me.} Aurora retorted, turning to face Max. {If she doesn't want to tell you maybe it's because you don't need to know.}

"What are you saying? I can't just let my little lopunny be sad. What if something happened to her?"

{She's a big girl, so I'm sure she can manage on her own. Besides, she's not 'your' lopunny, she's 'a' lopunny. None of us are your property.}

At her words, Max was rather speechless about how direct and aggressive she was towards that matter.

{Sorry to be blunt, but that's just who I am. Maybe the others like to play the perfect little pet for you, but I don't.}

"…Why are you so defensive about this? You know too well that I don't see any of you as a pet." Max retorted, getting a bit upset.

{Hmpf, yeah, of course, you don't. 'Oh no, my little pet is hurt, what should I do? I know, I'll just be super stifling and be super annoying by asking every five seconds if she's okay'.} Aurora mocked, trying to imitate Max. {Yeah, super constructive.}

"And what would you do if someone 'you' like was hurt? Something like 'Good for you asshole.'?"


"Why am I bothering, you couldn't understand anyway," Max grunted, looking at the ceiling.

{And what's that supposed to mean?} Aurora demanded aggressively.


{Go on, I'm listening. Speak your goddamn mind!} the lucario urged.

"… Besides yourself, who do 'you' love or even like?"

Upon hearing that, Aurora felt her blood boiling from anger. However, she didn't want to enter Max's game and decided to ignore it.

{Not a fricking idiot like you, that's for sure.} Aurora retorted before returning her attention to the TV.

"Whatever," Max muttered.

{… That was quite mean, master.} Dusk scolded while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hmpf." Max huffed, turning on his side.

Walking down the streets, Bonny was resenting all kinds of feelings; anger, sadness, confusion, and she didn't know where she was in all of that. As she was lost in her thoughts, she saw a small park between some streets with very few people in it. Liking the serenity of the place, Bonny decided to take a little tour. After a few minutes of walking, she saw a bench with no one in sight.

{Why am I like this?} she mumbled after sitting on it. {I love master, and yet, I… I'm such an unfaithful idiot.} she added before shoving her head in her paws.

Soon enough, Bonny then heard a familiar voice nearby.

{Not feeling well I see.}

Raising her head, Bonny saw a little pikachu a couple of inches away from the bench.

{Luna?} Bonny inquired, even though she heard her pokespeech.

{Surprised to see me? Or maybe you were expecting someone else?} Luna Jested before jumping on the bench to sit next to Bonny.

{Not you in a pikachu form, that's for sure.}

{I'm less noticeable this way when roaming on the ground.}

{… Smart, unlike me.} Bonny bemoaned, looking at the ground.

{Something is bothering you?}

{… More or less.}

{More than less, am I right?}

{… Maybe.}

{Feel free to share. Maybe a 31-year-old hag like me can help.}

For a moment, Bonny didn't know if she should speak. Surely she wasn't mad at Aurora because she did her best, even though she didn't help that much. However, maybe a pokemon like Luna could indeed be more resourceful.

{… Have you ever… felt wrong about yourself?}

{What do you mean by that?}

{Have you ever hated yourself for something you shouldn't have done?}

For a few seconds, Luna looked at Bonny thoughtfully.

{In my early years, yes, it happened.}

{… What did you do to forget about it?}

{You don't forget, you learn to live with what is done.}

{… Oh. Not very reassuring.}

{Care to tell me what you did to deserve your own wrath?}

{It's… I'm quite embarrassed since it's quite a shameful thing…}

{I won't force you, but saying nothing won't really help.}

{… You know now how much I love master, right?}

{I have a pretty good idea, yeah.}

{So… would it be wrong if I… were to be attracted to another male? I mean, yes it is, but you know what I mean.}

{I'm guessing you're talking about that rather impolite but good looking male lopunny that was in that pokemon center, right?}


{I'll take that as a yes.}

{You were right, Luna. Even though I love master, I couldn't help but be interested in that male. I'm such a lowlife slut.} Bonny growled in sorrow, on the verge of sobbing.

{Now now, don't go say things like that about yourself, would you? To me, it's only something natural.}

{Natural? I always said and I was always persuaded that I was loyal to master and that no other male was better than him. Today, I saw that maybe I don't love him the way I thought I did.} she replied, starting to have watery eyes.

{I admit, that human surely is interesting and if you say he's a good mate, then I believe you. However, he's not a lopunny. What's wrong with being attracted to your own species?}

{What's wrong is that my heart and body belongs to master, no one else.}

{Who talked about sharing both of them? You know you can just be friends.}

{… I… had thoughts.} Bonny confessed, looking miserable.

{Hmm, I see. Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that human do the same?}

{Not you too.}


{Aurora said the same thing, that master does the same and cheats on me with the others.}

{I guess it's a fact then.}

{But it's not the same thing. I mean, we all love him and he loves all of us the same. In fact, since Scarlet was the first, I and the others shouldn't even be that way with him. Good thing pokemon are pretty open to sharing I suppose.}

{What's the difference between you doing it with another and him going with others?}

{Well, for starters, all pokemon are different, so it's normal that he wants to try different ones. Going with a water type is completely different than being with a fire one.}

{… Okay. I can see why 'he' would want to go with others, but not really why 'you' care about that.}

{Because I love master and I don't want him to be sad. I know it would make him that way if I go with another.}

{… Okay. Go on.}

{Also, it would be quite unfair to the others if only one was allowed to have him since we all travel with him.}

{Hmm, I'm starting to get your problem, but what about the others? You know, those who aren't in the team.}


{… You don't like it, do you?}

{Not… really.} Bonny shared.

{Then why?}

{Because it seems to make master happy. Besides, since he's pretty good at this, I'm sure the pokemon is also quite happy.}

{Why do you care?}

{Come on, you know how nice and kind master is. Surely the pokemon that interact with him are as well. Master would never do it with someone that doesn't deserve it.}

{I don't know if I should consider that as noble or not.}

{The way 'I' see it is that it makes everyone happy.}

{Except you.}


{All right, I'm starting to get why the things are the way they are, but why so hostile towards the idea of 'trying' someone else?}

{What's the point if I have master?}

{I don't know, maybe a pokemon feels different than a human.}

{If by different you mean worse…}

{I can't really tell. I've never done it with a lopunny, and from what I saw, it won't be any time soon.}

{Not all lopunny are like this.}

{I believe you. Anyway, all that stuff isn't really my thing. It was when I was younger, but you know, getting old and all.}

{31 is fairly young.}

{Hehe, thanks, young lady.}

{Anyway, it doesn't resolve my problem.} Bonny replied, getting sad again.

{You know, I don't think I can really help you here, and I think neither can anyone else. You're the only one that can resolve your problem by finding the answer yourself.}

{… I… what advice could you give me then?}

{Before I answer, I want to ask you a question. You may have thoughts about that male lopunny, however, in the end, did you do it?}

{… No.}

{Would you ever have done it in the future?}

{I… honestly, I don't know. I would probably have come back to my senses at the last second maybe.}

{… I see. Then the only advice that I can give you is that if it's really the way you want things, then you'll have to strengthen your willpower a bit. Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with looking at your own species. However, it's another story if you actually do it with them. If you really love your master that much, then maybe you should revise what's really important to you. You should sleep on it.} Luna advised before leaving her.

Upon hearing all of that, Bonny then remembered the time she was at the dojo to try to master her mega evolution. At first, she was only doing it for him, but she finally understood that she had to also do it for herself, allowing her to finally master the mega evolution. Then, she concluded that it was the same thing here and shouldn't do things only for her master, but for herself as well.

{… She's right, I am too weak. I think I have some willpower training to do.} she mumbled while resting the back of her head on the bench.

For the rest of the day, Bonny just stayed there and let herself fall on her thoughts. As for Max and the others at the motel, not much could be done besides watching TV. With Aurora sunk into the armchair, Max was lying on the bed with his head resting against the wall and May lying down on his chest. Dusk was just next to Max and all were staring at the TV. Luckily, they managed to find a movie everyone seemed to enjoy, even a little.

{That was kind of a dumb movie.} Aurora commented at the end of it.

"Don't take it too seriously Aurora, it's just for entertainment," Max replied.

{Still dumb.}

"If you say so. So, what now?" Max wondered before stretching his limbs.

{For me, I think I'm gonna take a little walk.} Aurora informed before lazily leaving the armchair.

"Alright. Be careful."

{I'm not a pup.} she retorted a bit haughtily before leaving the room.

"Same old Aurora," Max commented.

{At least she's nicer than she used to be.} Dusk commented.

"True," Max replied, looking at her.

At this moment, Max couldn't help to stare a bit at her beautiful fur.

"I don't know about you Dusk, but I'm feeling like grooming you a little."

{I would love it, master.} Dusk answered happily.

"Great. Let me just get the brush."

With May moving from him, Max went to his backpack and took the brush from it before returning to the bed with Dusk already ready. With her sitting on the edge of the bed, Max went behind her and began his work.

{It's been a little while since last time.} Dusk told with closed eyes.

"Yeah. Maybe two or three weeks."

{Something like that.}

"You know, if you really want a grooming, you can just ask."

{I know, but it's not something I can just 'ask'.}

"Why not?"

{Well, since it's something very personal and quite special, it's something that must come from others. Like, you don't ask for gifts, right?}

"Pretty much, yes."

{Then it's the same thing.}

"I see. Thanks for telling, otherwise, you could have waited for a long time before the next session."

{No problem.}

"I see that I still have a lot to learn about pokemon."

{You'll get there eventually, master.} Dusk encouraged as Max was brushing her tail.

"I suppose. In the meantime, just bear with me."

{Hihi, that won't be hard.} May commented, who was lying on her belly next to him.

"You sure? I'm quite hard living with you know." Max jested.

{Of course master, we have such a hard time with you.} May snickered.

For quite a while, Max kept brushing her tail, which was the most laborious part to do. When he was finally done, he moved on to the fur on her hips. When he was close to her outer thighs, both he and May noticed that her breath had gotten slightly faster. Then, Max felt May tapping him. Turning his head, he saw her motioning to get closer. Doing so and leaning towards her, May whispered in his ear.

"… Are you sure?" He murmured, at which May nodded.

{What is it, master?} Dusk asked, hearing him.

"N-nothing." Max lied.

{I don't believe you.}

"You believe whatever you want, pretty girl," he replied, scratching the back of one ear.

Dusk wanted to insist, but the ear scratching was distracting her a lot and made her forget about what she wanted to say. When he stopped, Max was now back on her upper half and brushing her torso. Since her chest as well as her shoulders had long fur, it took Max sometime before he was done with that part. He then decided to go back on her lower half and goes for her inner thighs.

{M-master?} Dusk asked shyly.

"Yes?" Max replied with a fake innocent tone.

{I… don't think that place needs… much more attention.}

"You think? I think that on the contrary, this place needs the best of my attention." Max convinced seductively before very slowly moving the brush upwards and towards her sacred place.

With Dusk's breathing going faster again, Max keeps going upwards until his forearm was brushing against her flower.

{M-m-master?} Dusk stammered.


{You're…touching…my…} Dusk hardly informed.

"Hmm? Oh, my apologies Dusk." Max apologized before moving his arm away.

Lowly sighing, Dusk was struggling a bit between if it was a good or a bad thing. After going on her other inner thigh, Max did the same and went slowly upwards. After a few seconds, the brush was so close to her womanhood that the side of it was rubbing against her clit.

{Master?!} Dusk moaned. {You're… doing it… again.}

"Oh! You're right, sorry." Max falsely apologized again before dropping the brush next to him. "I suppose the brush isn't the best tool for that place, don't you agree May?" Max inquired playfully.

{Indeed.} May answered with a lewd grin, playing along.

"What do you think I should use?"

{Hmm…} May hummed, thinking. {Maybe something… softer and warmer.}

"Like what?"

{I don't know. Your hand maybe.}

"Now that's a good idea. Don't you agree, Dusk?" Max asked seductively.

{What… do you mean?} Dusk inquired, almost scared of already knowing the answer.

"Let me explain then," Max told before putting a hand on her hip.

Slowly, Max moved his hand down south while brushing affectionately her fur along the way.

{Bhaa!} Dusk moaned when Max had two fingers on her outer labia.

"I admit that this place is rather fragile, so a hand would do the job more efficiently," Max told lewdly while starting to rub her.

Even though it wasn't directly on her clit, Dusk was starting to get aroused, one part by the rubs, but mostly because of how dangerously close he was to her pleasure button. Obviously, Dusk found herself unable to protest.

{M-master? I don't think… this is a good place… for that.} Dusk moaned again.

"What are you saying? A motel room is the best place for that. After all, it's just you, and me."

{What about… May?}

"Eh, don't mind her. She's just here to watch." Max replied before going straight to her cherry.

{Ahhh!} Dusk moaned in surprise.

"Let's start the grooming here."

Almost immediately after Max began to rub her entrance, Dusk grasped Max's arm with her paws with her moans getting louder.

"Keep it down please Dusk. You wouldn't want our neighbors knowing what we do, would you?"

{N-no.} Dusk whimpered.

"Good girl." Max praised before putting more pressure.

Soon enough, Max's fingers began to be coated in burning hot love juice and used it to go stronger and faster.

{Master…} Dusk moaned while grasping Max's arm harder.

Then, as she was feeling her orgasm slowly coming, Dusk felt Max's erection at the base of her tail. Getting closer and closer to her climax, Dusk decided that it was enough and stopped Max's movement.

"Too much for you?" Max inquired with a grin.

{I… want more.} the horny braixen told while grinding her rear against Max's hard member.

"I see. Well, I can hardly say no to a pretty pokemon like you." Max responded before moving backward on the bed.

Turning around, Dusk quickly followed him before starting to work on his pants.

"Geez Dusk, I rarely see you this eager."

{It's been a little while since last time.}

"What are you talking about? Last time was like… hem… last week?"

Still working on his pants, Dusk briefly stared at Max.

"Alright, you win." Max conceded, rolling his eyes. "Watch out now May, things are about to get dirty here."

{I don't mind.} May replied, lightly touching herself while staring at them.

After chuckling, Max was now pantsless with his rock hard-on all exposed. Dropping his pants on the ground, Dusk then crawled over Max with her head a few inches away from his shaft. Seeing how eager she was, Max was a bit surprised to see that she wanted a bit more foreplay as she grabbed his member with her paws. After staring a few moments at it, Dusk gives a slow and eager lick from base to tip.

{… That scent…} she mumbled lustfully.

Licking him from base to top again, Dusk then put the entire thing in her maw and began to assault his tip with her soft and really hot tongue. Like usual, even her maw was almost scorching hot, to Max's pleasure. With Max grasping the sheet under him from pleasure, Dusk tried to bob her head up and down. Like she anticipated, her teeth, especially her front ones, were in the way, and knew that Max was feeling it.

{… I'm sorry. I can't do it as well as the others.} Dusk apologized after leaving it.

"Don't be Dusk, it's the way you are. However, there's always a way."

{Huh?} Dusk wondered, looking at him a bit puzzled.

"Instead of moving up and down, maybe you could stay down and… well, put your teeth to…good use?" Max suggested a bit embarrassingly.

{I… don't understand.}

"… Hem… maybe you can, you know, lightly n-nibble it."

{Nibble? You mean, biting… it?} Dusk replied, a bit surprised by the idea.

"Y-yeah, but very, very lightly since, you know, it's quite fragile."

{I… can try.} Dusk agreed but was a bit insecure about the idea.

Not that convinced about the plan, Dusk was nonetheless willing to give it a try if there was any chance that it could please her master. Carefully, she opened her maw before shoving the entire thing in once again before clenching her teeth on very lightly. Even more carefully, Dusk began to nibble on it while giving some tongue hits on his tip from time to time.

"S-see? it's not half bad." Max assured, looking like he was really enjoying it.

Smiling, Dusk was very happy that it turned out great at the end. Quickly, she even began to get more eager by nibbling a bit harder and going as far as she could, almost swallowing his meat rod. When she couldn't contain herself anymore, she let the shaft free before giving one last eager lick and moving her hips above it.

{I'm ready master.} she informed lustfully.

"Can't make a lady wait," Max replied before grabbing his shaft.

When all set, Dusk then slowly moved her hips down until her soaking wet womanhood was touching Max's tip. After rubbing it a few seconds to make it well lubricated, Dusk impaled herself with the flesh stick and kept going down slowly until it was all the way in.

{Ahh!} Dusk moaned when she felt his tip touching her womb.

"Burning hot… as usual," Max commented, containing a moan.

{Well, you're kind of good at putting the fire at the right place, master.} Dusk told lustfully.

"Especially on one of the prettiest ones." Max complimented, making her heavily blush.

{…What are you waiting for? Start already.} May slightly urged, getting impatient.

"Eager to see more? Well, you're right, let's start."

After Dusk nodded, she began to slowly go up and down on Max's shaft with her oven-like vagina almost burning him. It didn't take very long before Dusk had to force herself to keep her moans down due to it being very intense for her. It got even worse when Max grabbed her by the hips to help her land harder on him, forcing her to use her two paws to keep her maw shut. However, it wasn't preventing her from whimpering loudly due to the overwhelming pleasure that was getting stronger and stronger. Quickly growing tired of her hips, Max then went for her rear and gave it a firm squeeze before using it to lift her. As Max was feeling an orgasm coming up slowly, he felt some tapping on his right shoulder. Turning his head, Max saw that May had one hand between her legs with juice overflowing a bit from it and was looking in pain.

{Master? Can I borrow one of your hands?} she asked while masturbating.

"Sure." Max accepted before giving her his right hand.

Not losing time, May quickly went over his hand to impaled herself with his middle finger.

{Mhaa!} May growled in pleasure before starting to mimic Dusk.

Letting his mawile do her thing, Max then returned his attention back to Dusk, who now had a pretty depraved face. Since it has been a little while since last time and with Dusk being who she is, Max's climax was getting dangerously close.

"Dusk… I won't be able to hold on much longer." Max warned.

{No… problem… master. I'm also… close.} Dusk replied between moans, trying her best to keep her voice down.

Lost in pleasure, Dusk then unconsciously went faster and stronger until her own climax was just a few pounds away.

"I'm… coming," Max told before shooting spurt after spurt inside the braixen's burning honey pot.

{Brrraaaahhh!} Dusk cried ecstatically while coming, using all of her willpower to keep her voice as low as possible.

Luckily, her moan seemed to be low enough to not bother the neighbors. After both of them relaxed, Dusk put her two front paws on Max, panting a little.

{Thanks… master.} Dusk thanked, grateful.

"No problem. Anytime, anywhere," Max jested.

{I think I'm gonna take a shower while you finish with May,} Dusk informed before leaving him.

With Dusk going in the bathroom, Max looked at his right hand to see May still riding one of his fingers, having forgotten about her.

"How about some help, naughty girl?" Max told before starting to push his finger in and out of the tiny pokemon.

Lowly moaning, May then stopped moving her hips to let Max do all the work, which was better for her since he could go stronger. Shortly enough, May was too overwhelmed by pleasure and fall on her back, making things a bit more difficult for Max.

"Actually…" Max started, stopping fingering her. "Maybe you want something better than my finger," he added before going on all four above the mawile. "How about I eat you instead?"

{Yes master, please do,} May almost begged.

"I knew you wouldn't say no."

As May's heart was racing from anticipation, Max moved his head between her legs before pressing his tongue against her tiny clit, making her gasp in surprise. After putting both of his arms on the mawile's sides, Max got to business and started with some teasing by gently licking her.

{M-master? What are you doing? Go… stronger already.} May commanded, impatient.

"… You don't like teasing, do you?" Max snickered.

{I'm done with foreplay; I want to feel good, now!} May demanded.

"Alright, alright princess. Geez, so impatient."

Doing as rudely requested, Max then pressed stronger on her clit before twirling his tongue everywhere while inserting it inside from time to time.

{That's… it… master.} May moaned, grasping his head.

With Max adding some rubbing on her sides, May's pleasure was growing at a tremendous speed as her climax was already close, thanks to her previous masturbation.

{Please master! A little bit stronger.} May begged.

After Max complied, her moans went a bit too loud and she was forced to use her tiny hands to keep herself down. Soon enough, May's body began to twitch quite madly before she went all stiff, loudly whimpering while squirting a bit. When she gets past her ecstatic moment, May was all limp on the bed, taking a deep breath.

{Thanks master,} May thanked as well.

"No problem sweetie," he replied while petting her. "If you knew how much I love doing it."

{Pervert,} May jested with a small grin.

"Guilty. Are you gonna hit the shower as well?"

{Maybe later.}

"Good. The last thing I want is a dirty pokemon around here." Max teased.

{I'll probably need your help again though.}

"No problem."

{And who knows, maybe I could return the favor.} May replied lewdly.

"Hm hmm." Max Hummed. "We'll see," he added before booping her belly.

For the rest of the day, Max mostly passed time by browsing stuff in his pokedex while Dusk and May were watching TV. As it was getting late, Max decided it was time to hit the shower.

"Cleaning time," Max announced before leaving his pokedex and stand up.

{Coming.} May told, following him in the bathroom.

When they were done, cleaned up, and May returned the favor, they exited the bathroom with Aurora now back in the room, relaxing in the bed.

{Quite comfy. I can understand why humans like it so much.} the lucario commented.

"Yeah. Feel free to join us on it tonight."

{As much as I would want to…} Aurora started sarcastically. {There will not be enough space for everyone.}


{Anyway, I like the armchair way more than you.}

"Not fair. Why do you like it more than me?" Max complained playfully.

{It's quiet and not annoying like you for a starter.}

"… Fair enough. It hurt, but still fair enough," he replied, playing along while lying next to her.

{You should go try it instead of getting near me.}

"Nah, I'm good here, close to you." he nagged playfully while slowly moving towards her.

{Gha,} Aurora growled softly before leaving the bed to go in the armchair, making Dusk and May giggle.

"I see that Bonny and Luna are still not here."

{Don't expect the zoroark to come back soon.} Aurora informed.

"True. I remember her telling me that she's a night owl."

{Figures for a dark-type.}

"Yeah. I think most, if not all, dark type are nocturnal pokemon."

{Wow. Our trainer is so smart.} Aurora bugged.

"Thanks. It's rare you give me compliments." Max thanked, making himself comfortable on the bed.

{Don't get used to it,} Aurora retorted, doing the same in her armchair.

"Roger. So girls, anyone hungry?" Max asked.

{Me!} Dusk and May responded at the same time.

"Thought so. What about you Aurora? Don't tell me you don't because I won't believe you."

{Then yes, if it pleases you.} Aurora rejoined nonchalantly.

"Alright. I'm gonna head outside to try and get us something then." Max announced before leaving the bed.

{Do you want me to go with you?} May proposed.

"Thanks, May, but I should be okay. Luna and Bonny are still outside, so if anything, they will be there."


"Be back later," he told before leaving the room. "Alright, where should I go?" he mumbled before checking his pokedex. "Hmm… the only place that offers pokemon food is the pokemon center. Pokemon center it is then. Oh, there's a shortcut through a nearby park, didn't noticed that the first time."

Putting his pokedex away, Max then headed towards the park to get to the pokemon center faster. It took him a couple of minutes before he saw it. Since it was getting rather dark outside, it was looking a bit creepy, but Max didn't mind. In fact, he found that that sort of creepiness had its charm and beauty. Getting in and walking through, he wasn't surprised at all to see no one around as most people were home by now. Walking down a trail with a few sowed trees here and there, Max then noticed on a bench in the distance someone sitting. Upon getting closer, he saw that it was Bonny.

"… Bonny?" Max asked when he was a few meters away from the bench.

Due to being lost in her thoughts, Bonny didn't hear him approaching and raised her head almost in surprise.

{Oh, hi master.} she greeted with a half forced smile.

"What are you doing here, all by yourself? You know it's getting late, right?" he pointed out before sitting next to her. "Towns or cities aren't very safe at night."

{I can take care of myself, don't worry.} she replied, looking at the ground.

"I know. You're a strong and tough lopunny." Max complimented.

{Not that strong.} she huffed.

"What's the matter, Bonny? You've been acting weird since we got in that pokemon center." Max inquired.

{It's… nothing,} Bonny, lied looking away from him.

"… Alright, suit yourself. I can't force you to speak if you don't want to. I just hope it's not because of me."

{No. Well… not directly.}

"Oh, okay. I wish you could tell me since I'm 'indirectly' involved, but everyone has the right to have little secrets."

{… It's… not that I don't want to tell you, it's just… that I don't want tension between us.}

"Between you and me? No way could happen." Max assured, quite skeptical.

{Are you sure?} Bonny queried, not totally believing him.



"… Try me if you have doubts."

For a few seconds, Bonny was hesitant before sighing loudly.

{I guess it's like the secret we kept from the others about Scarlet, so might as well spill it out while it's still a minor problem. Anyway, it would have come out sooner or later.}

"I'm listening then."

{… Okay. Before answering, I want to know what is your thought about… cheating?}

"Cheating? Like, in a test or…"

{Like when you often talk about humans cheating on each other.}

"…Well, I don't find it very respectful or right. I mean, why go with another girl when you have one at home waiting for you."

{… I see. So, what will be your reaction If… I, cheat on you.} Bonny confided, starting to get anxious.

"You? Cheating? You mean with another human?"

{Not a human, but, a… male lopunny.}

"… Like the one we saw at the pokemon center?"

Not responding, Bonny looked away with a shameful expression.

"… Did you… do things with him?"

{No. But… I had…some thoughts.} Bonny confessed.

For a moment, neither of them talked as Max didn't know what to do until he let out a loud sigh himself.

{You can be mad or even hit me if you want. I deserve it.} Bonny expressed, on the verge of crying.

"… Hell no," Max replied, pulling her into a hug. "I would never, ever raise a hand against any of you, girls."

Strongly returning the hug, Bonny pushed her head on his chest while having watery eyes.

{I'm… sorry,} she sobbed.

"Come on Bonny, don't be. You haven't done anything wrong," he reassured, rubbing her soft back.

{Of course, I did. I desired a male other than you. I'm such a weak and pathetic mindless mater,} she harshly said, crying.

"That's not even a word. And no, you're not, Bonny."

{How can you say that after what I just told you?}

"… Well, you were just attracted to one of your species Bonny, how can I be mad at you? That's how things should be, actually."

{… Do you…} Bonny started, breaking the hug to look at him with tears running across her cheeks. {Think that we're not meant to be together?}

"No, of course not. I couldn't be happier. What I meant to say is that our… relationship isn't natural, you know. Lopunnies have grown and evolved by reproducing between themselves, not with humans. I meant to say that it's only natural to be attracted to your species."

{It doesn't excuse the way I acted.}

"…You know with choosing me, you can't have offspring, right?"

Not responding, Bonny got sadder before looking away.

"Sorry. I… didn't mean to say like that."

{… But you're right. Humans and pokemon can't have babies together, and neither can pokemon with other pokemon species. Lopunnies can only reproduce with other lopunnies as well as humans can only reproduce with other humans, I know that. It's just…}

"You know Bonny if you really want a baby, I wouldn't mind, and for that, you will have to go with another male lopunny."

{But I don't want another male!} Bonny protested loudly. {I don't want another male and I don't want a baby if it doesn't come from you.}

"… You know it's impossible."

{I… know.} Bonny bemoaned, starting to sob again.

"Why are you so against the idea of doing it with another one?"

{Because I love you master and you're the only one for me, even if you do it with others yourself.}

At this instant, Max began to understand the situation.

"Is that… what this is all about? You're like that because you don't like me doing it with others while you want to stay loyal, am I right?"

{I… already told you I didn't mind that you do it with the girls.}

"You're talking about Dusk and the others, right?"


"Why then? Shouldn't you also have the right to go with others if I do it too?"

{That's different. May, Dusk, Scarlet, they're all family and friends. They travel with you and they all love you while that male lopunny is just a nobody that I don't even know.}

"… What about those outside the team then?"

Bonny remained silent while staring at the grounds.

"Ah, so that's the problem."

{I… I don't care. Every pokemon is different, so I guess it's normal for you to try different ones, whether it's a vaporeon or an absol.}

"An absol huh? I want you to be very honest with me Bonny; were you a bit jealous of me and that absol when you saw me talking to her?"

{… A… little.} Bonny confessed hardly.

"I see. Wait a minute…" Max exclaimed, putting the pieces together.


"That must be why you went with that lopunny and had those thoughts. You probably thought that if I had the right to have sex with others girls besides the one on the team, then you too."

For a few seconds, Bonny processed what he said.

{… Perhaps.}

"That could be a solid hypothesize."

{It could be if it wasn't for the fact that I almost drooled on the floor when I saw him way before you met that absol.}

"Hmm… you're right. Well, the only explanation would be that it was just your natural attraction towards your species that spoke. If it wasn't for you seeing me with that absol and starting to make up scenarios in your head, maybe it would have stopped there."

{… That… could make sense. I mean, I sure did find him very attractive, but other than that, I didn't really have second thoughts.}

"Then I guess it's my fault, not yours."

{No master, it's still one hundred percent my fault.}

"Stop that, Bonny. How can I expect you to be 'loyal' if I'm not myself?"

{You're loyal master. A one-time thing is hardly cheating.}

"Sorry Bonny, but it is. I'm no better." Max asserted, starting to feel guilty.


"You know what, from now on, there will be no mating beside you and the girls on the team."

{You don't have to, master.}

"I don't mind Bonny. If you don't like it, then I'll stop."


"Anyway…" Max interrupted. "I was about to go to the pokemon center to get you, girls, some food. Do you want some? Of course, you do." he quickly added while standing up.

{Master?} Bonny interrupted, making him stop. {It's not that I mind or anything, it's just… I'm just feeling like I don't love you the way I should. If I really loved you, I wouldn't even be in this situation,} Bonny bemoaned, still looking sad.

Sighing while rubbing his head, Max sat next to her again.

"Don't go too hard on yourself, okay? I know for a fact that you do love me as much as I love you." Max reassured her while pulling her into a hug once more.

{How can you be so sure?}

"Because if that wasn't the case, would you let me do this?" Max replied before pressing his lips against hers.

A bit surprised at first, Bonny shyly returned it before Max breaks it a couple of seconds later. She then looked at him with confused eyes.

"Would you also let me do… this?" he told before starting to fondle her chest.

{Ah, master…} Bonny moaned a bit lewdly, liking the touches.

Rubbing her chest, it didn't take long for Max to start to slowly go lower, feeling her heartbeat increasing along the way.

{Master… what are you doing?} Bonny asked, starting to have mixed feelings of lust and sadness.

"Isn't that obvious?" Max inquired when on her belly, making her let out a slightly louder moan. "I'm showing you how strong our love truly is."

{But… we shouldn't do it here, Aah!} Bonny tried to convinced before moaning when she felt Max's hand on her furry womanhood.

"Too late, we already started."

{W-wait! Aaaah!} Bonny cried in pleasure upon feeling Max rubbing her clit. {Master! it's not… really the place… or neither the moment… for that,} Bonny slightly protested with accelerated breathing.

"It's always the right place and moment for that."

{N-no.} Bonny moaned, unable to fight back.

Quickly, Max's fingers began to be coated in juice.

"If you didn't love me, would you get this wet from being touched?" Max inquired, showing his juice-coated fingers at her.

{N-not fair… you know how sensitive I am.}

"Yeah, I know," Max replied, licking his fingers.

{You… cheating… pervert,} Bonny growled lewdly before kissing him.

Getting into it, Bonny then sat on his lap while making sure she was sitting on his manhood without even breaking the kiss. With Max getting harder, Bonny began to rub herself against his hardening member, slowly making her kisses more ferocious.

{… You sure know how to make a lopunny horny.}

"You're always horny."

{Shut up and pull it out already.} Bonny ordered lustfully.

"At your command."

With Bonny barely raising her hips, Max could stick his shaft out without pulling his pants down as Bonny immediately grabbed it before sitting on it.

{Aahh!} Bonny growled in pleasure before sticking her tongue out.

As soon as Max's tip touched her cervix, Bonny began to move up and down rather eagerly for someone that wasn't feeling like doing it a few seconds ago. As she was going on, pleasured moans began to escape from her regularly.

"Keep it down Bonny. I know we're not at the motel, but there's might be people around here."

{But… it feels… so good.} the lopunny almost whispered.

"I know, you too." he retorted before grabbing her hips.

With Max starting to help her go down more strongly, Bonny wrapped her arms around her master's neck before strongly hugging him. To keep herself quiet, she lightly bite Max on his trapezes without hurting him. However, as time was passing, her bites were starting to get stronger alongside her rising pleasure. Soon, she was close to her climax and Max felt it with her inside and body getting a bit twitchy.

{Don't stop… now!}

A few seconds later, Bonny reached her peak and came quite hard while sinking her teeth in Max's skin, making him bleed slightly. When she was done choking Max's shaft, her body went all relaxed.

{… Thanks, master. Oh no, I'm sorry.} Bonny apologized before noticed the bleeding mark she left.

"Don't worry Bonny, it's nothing."

{I hate it when that happens.}

"It just means you enjoyed it."

{… I did.} Bonny replied, feeling slightly less guilty.

"Hey, it's okay," Max reassured, rubbing her back.

{… Well, we're not quite done yet.}

"Oh, yeah, making me come too," Max remembered, rolling his eyes.

{You're starting to get the rules I see,} Bonny snickered.

"How can I not with someone always reminding me?"

{You can't fool me, master, behind that complaint I can see someone too well satisfied.}


{Yeah, really.}

"In that case, you- whoa!" Max moaned in surprise before he could finish speaking due to Bonny getting as tight as possible before moving up.

{What was that?} Bonny teased.

"You little- Ahh." Max moaned again due to Bonny doing the same thing but by going down.

{You can't win right now master, so just shut up.}

"Alright, I give up." Max complied with a small smile.

{Good boy.} Bonny praised before rubbing his hair a bit.

At that, Bonny then got less tight before starting to ride him once again. With his pleasure hitting him again in one shot, Max grasped Bonny's hips quite strongly, surprising her a little.

{Oh, you want to go faster already? Well, it will be a bit hard on me now, but you're the boss, master.}

"What? When did I- Whoa…said that?" Max asked before Bonny went faster, making him moan mid-sentence.

{I… just assumed,} Bonny retorted before she began to moan quite loudly.

Not wanting to be heard, Bonny went over to his other trapezes before gently biting it too. This time, she was determined to not hurt him. Due to the her sensibility, she was also sinking her claws a bit into Max's back skin, but again, she was doing her best not to hurt him. Then, shortly after Bonny unconsciously went a bit faster, Max finally felt his orgasm getting close.

"I'm about to reach it, Bonny," Max warned.

{Just… wait a little bit more, please. I'm… close to come… again,} Bonny hardly requested, overwhelmed by pleasure.

"Al...right," Max replied, trying his best to last as long as possible.

As her own orgasm was getting closer, Bonny stopped with her biting and dropped her head on his shoulder while sinking her claws a bit on Max's skin, very close to hurting him. With muffled moans, Bonny had her eyes closed and was strongly hugging Max until she felt her climax being a few hits away.

"I… can't hold on… any longer Bonny," Max told.

{Go… ahead.}

In a low ecstatic growl, Max's orgasm finally hit and exploded inside the soft love tunnel of the lopunny, coating it with his burning hot seeds. Almost at the same time, Bonny reached her second climax at the hot feeling, getting very narrow and shaky. When both of them relaxed, Bonny finally let go of Max's back with her claws.

"So… do you feel loved?"

Slightly panting, Bonny raised her head to face him.

{I always do with you.} she expressed with love-filled eyes.

"Same for me Bonny. How can I not feel loved when a pretty girl like you wants me to come as much as yourself? You care for me and always do your best for me. To me, I think you do really love me, but maybe it's me."

{… I guess.} Bonny half conceded, not fully convinced.

"Come on Bonny, I know that you know you love me with all of your being. You prove it every time we're together, and I'm not only talking about mating. Everything you do seems to be for me."

{… True. I suppose you're right.}

"I'm always right."

{Not sure about that though.} Bonny snickered.

"Yet, it's true. Come here and let me see how you love me." Max replied before pulling Bonny into a kiss.

With Bonny quickly returning it, both of them make out for an entire minute before Bonny broke it.

"So, feeling better?"

{Yes. Thank you, master,} Bonny answered before giving him one last kiss.

"You're welcome. No matter what happens, Bonny, you'll always be my precious cute little furry ball."

{And you'll always be my cute little sex toy.} Bonny retorted lewdly.

"That's something," Max answered back, petting her.

{Well, I guess I'm gonna leave you to your things then.} Bonny announced, leaving him.


After she sat next to him, Max put his weapon back in his pants before standing up.

"Are you gonna go back to our motel room?"

{Nah. I'll stay here a little longer until you're back so we go back together.}

"Alright, see you a bit later then."