
The Creepy St@lker

"The Creepy Stalker" is the first book in the "Stalker's Secrets Saga" series. It introduces us to Rufas Edgar and Clara Sherman, a married couple who go through a suspenseful and thrilling adventure. They are being followed by an unknown person. Rufas and Clara's love is put to the test when they start getting weird messages and strange things happen, making them think someone is spying on them. As the stalker's actions get worse, Rufas and Clara are determined to find out who this person is and why they are doing it. During their search, they look into their pasts and find old secrets that might help them understand the stalker. In "The Creepy Stalker," there are many surprises, and you'll be on the edge of your seat. Rufas and Clara have to act quickly to deal with the stalker. The story also explores themes like love, resilience (which means being strong when things are hard), and how people can stay strong when things are tough. This is just the beginning of their journey, and there are more exciting things happening in the other books of the series.

Umar_Waqar · แอคชั่น
6 Chs

Professional Pursuits

Life in Foley continued to unfold for Rufas and Clara. 

Their love had endured challenges and strengthened, and 

now they faced a new chapter in their journey: pursuing 

their professional ambitions.

Rufas had always been determined to become a skilled 

and compassionate doctor, striving to surpass his father's 

legacy. With each passing day, he immersed himself in 

the world of medicine. His reputation as a dedicated and 

knowledgeable physician grew, and he found fulfilment 

in helping his patients regain their health and hope.

In the small-town hospital where Rufas worked, he 

became known for his kindness, patience, and 

willingness to go the extra mile. His eyes, naturally gray 

and gentle, seemed to offer solace to those in pain. 

Patients sought him out not just for his medical expertise 

but also for the empathy he displayed.

Clara, equally committed to her dreams, dedicated her 

mornings to writing. The cozy nook by the window, 

where sunlight streamed in, became her sanctuary. She 

poured her heart and soul into her stories, creating 

characters and worlds that captivated readers. Her 

determination led to her first published novel, which 

received critical acclaim and a growing fan base.

However, managing the household, her writing, and the 

responsibilities that came with being a wife occasionally 

left her feeling overwhelmed. Rufas, understanding her 

struggles, offered his support.

One evening, as Clara sat at her writing desk, she heard 

Rufas's voice from the doorway. "Clara, I've made your 

favorite chamomile tea. Take a break, my love."Touched 

by his thoughtfulness, Clara set her pen aside and joined 

him. "Thank you, Rufas. You always know how to make 

me feel better."

Rufas smiled, his eyes reflecting his deep love for her. 

"We're a team, remember? We'll make sure you have all 

the time and support you need for your writing."

Together, they found ways to balance their ambitions 

and their marriage. Rufas's schedule allowed him to be 

flexible, and he often cooked dinner or helped with 

household chores, taking some of the load off Clara's 


Their professional lives and personal lives began to 

intertwine. Clara found inspiration for her stories in 

Rufas's experiences with patients, while Rufas drew 

strength from Clara's resilience and creativity. They 

became each other's biggest supporters, sharing in the 

triumphs and setbacks of their careers.

One summer evening, as they sat on their porch 

overlooking the garden, Clara said, "Rufas, do you ever 

feel like our dreams are coming true, right here in Foley?"

Rufas nodded, his gaze filled with affection. "Absolutely. 

This town, our home, it's become the backdrop to our 

dreams. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Their careers continued to thrive, and they grew as 

individuals and as a couple. With each passing day, they 

proved that love and ambition could coexist, and their 

journey in Foley became a testament to the power of 

support, dedication, and the unwavering belief in each 


As they looked toward the future, Rufas and Clara knew 

that their dreams were bound to evolve and change, but 

their love remained a constant force that propelled them 

forward, ready to face whatever challenges life in Foley 

had in store for them.

The years passed by, and Rufas's reputation as a 

physician continued to grow. He became a pillar of the 

medical community in Foley, known not only for his 

expertise but also for his dedication to improving 

healthcare in the town. His work extended beyond the 

hospital as he organised health awareness campaigns, 

free clinics, and educational seminars for the community. 

It was evident that he had fulfilled his childhood dream 

of becoming a skilled doctor, and in doing so, he was also 

making a profound impact on the lives of Foley's 


Clara's writing career flourished as well. Her novels 

garnered widespread acclaim, and she was frequently 

invited to literary events and book signings across the 

state. She had a unique ability to weave stories that 

touched the hearts of readers, and her books often 

explored themes of love, resilience, and the beauty of 

everyday life.

One sunny afternoon, Clara received an invitation to a 

prestigious literary festival in Birmingham, a few hours' 

drive from Foley. Excitement coursed through her veins 

as she shared the news with Rufas."Clara, that's 

incredible!" Rufas exclaimed. "You absolutely should go. 

I'll manage things here while you're away."

Clara hugged him tightly, grateful for his unwavering 

support. "Thank you, Rufas. I couldn't have asked for a 

more understanding and loving husband."

As Clara prepared for the festival, Rufas continued to 

provide a strong foundation at home. He cooked their 

favorite meals, tended to the garden, and even surprised 

Clara with handwritten love notes that she found tucked 

into the pages of her notebooks. Their love remained as 

vibrant as ever, despite the demands of their careers.

The literary festival in Birmingham was a resounding 

success for Clara. She met fellow writers, connected with 

her readers, and received offers from publishers 

interested in her next book. But amidst the glitz and 

glamour of the event, Clara found herself longing for the 

simple joys of Foley and the comforting presence of 


One evening, as she sat on her hotel balcony, Clara called 

Rufas. "I miss you, Rufas. I can't wait to come back 


Rufas's voice held warmth and reassurance. "I miss you 

too, Clara. Foley isn't the same without you. But I'm so 

proud of all you're achieving."

Their separation made them appreciate their time 

together even more. When Clara returned home, she 

brought with her a newfound sense of inspiration and 

determination to continue her writing journey.

Their professional lives continued to flourish, and they 

achieved a level of success they had once only dreamed 

of. Yet, amidst their achievements, they never lost sight 

of what truly mattered—the love they shared and the life 

they had built together in Foley.

As the years passed, Rufas and Clara's love story 

remained at the heart of their existence. Their careers had 

soared to great heights, but it was their unwavering love 

and support for one another that had made their journey 

in Foley a truly remarkable and fulfilling one. With every 

challenge they faced and every triumph they celebrated, 

they knew that their love was the foundation upon which 

their lives were built, and it was a love that would endure 

for all the chapters yet to be written.