
The Creature Inside Me

He felt like his body was on fire. It wasn’t something he wasn’t familiar with but every time it got more and more painful to bear. He held his stomach, curled in under his duvet and held his eyes shut tight. He was crying and biting his pillow to hold in the painful sobs. He was called weak for whining about the pain so he didn’t bother to tell the sister. They had been taking care of him for a very long time. He was a baby when he lost his parents and after that, they had taken care of him. They had taken him to the doctor and concerned with every doctor they could to ask about his condition and the pain he faced every month but nobody knew what was going on with him. His health started declining just when he hit 18. The doctors said he had maximum of 4 years to live which was a very vague estimation but he has already lived 2 years of his 4 years life. He had accepted his fate. He knew he wouldn’t survive long enough to even complete these four years. There was no medicine for his pain because his health sure was deteriorating but not knowing the cause of it made doctors confused as to what medicine to give him for his pain. All he wanted was to know who he was and why was he different from others before sleeping under the layer of mud forever! “Hey, you alright?” He heard a voice. He didn’t know who it was because he was under the duvet. But before he could open his mouth to answer or get the time to remove his duvet, he heard another voice. “Yeah… I’m just going to use the loo.” The other boy answered the previous boy’s question which made him realize that the question wasn’t directed to him but to the boy who was out of his bed for the bathroom. “Just wanna die soon.” He mumbled under his breath, answering the question even though it wasn’t directed to him.

Laiba · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
99 Chs

Phone Call

“Father wants to see you in his office.” He informed Zadkiel who instantly stopped eating.

“Why?” He questioned, already not liking the idea of seeing Father’s face this early.

“I don’t know. He never mentions the reason.” The boy shrugged and walked away from them. Zadkiel stood up to leave but Abel grabbed his arm.

“You’ve got 2 minutes only. Eat first.” He tugged Zadkiel down to sit back on the bench.

“Seriously, the world would be ending and you’d still be telling me to eat before I die.” Zadkiel rolled his eyes and stuffed a big piece of pancake in his mouth before standing up to leave.

“That’s right!” He heard Abel as he was running to exit the dining hall. He chuckled to himself but was grateful to have a friend like him in his life.

Zadkiel knocked lightly on the door with the knuckle of his index finger and stepped back to wait for an answer. When he heard a faint ‘yes’, he pushed the door open and stepped inside.

“Oh, Zadkiel. Have a seat.” Mark said, pointing towards the seat. Zadkiel had a bad feeling about this. He gulped and moved slowly to the chair.

“We don’t have all day, Zadkiel.” He pointed, making Zadkiel quickly slid into the chair and sit there with his hands in his lap, clasped.

“You must be wondering why I summoned you here.” He said, looking at Zadkiel intently.

“I injected it today. I promise I’m not lying.” Zadkiel instantly uttered the first reason he thought he was called for.

“I know, son. I know you took the injection. I told you before that I can see it in your behaviour.” He gave a small smile to Zadkiel who was relieved to hear it.

“Then why am I here?” He asked now with a little more confidence and a little less fear in his voice.

“Ah… You see, I received a very strange call today.” He spoke, resting his chin on his joined hands, elbows propped on the table. Zadkiel was listening intently.

“The caller asked me a strange question and that question was related to you.” He was speaking in riddles and it was beyond Zadkiel’s understanding.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know what you’re talking about, Father.” Zadkiel was irritated internally but outside he kept it cool.

“The person said, he wanted to adopt you.” Mark clarified. Zadkiel’s jaw dropped to the floor and his eyes resembled the size of a baseball as he stared at the man sitting right in front of him.

“Me…? They said they wanted to adopt me?” He question, totally startled. He had no idea how he was feeling. Right now… just shocked.

“Yes. They said they want to legally adopt you.” Mark further explained.

“Wow!” Zadkiel was in a state of complete and utter shock.

“Though I don’t understand one thing. How does this person knows you?” He asked now looking sharply at Zadkiel.

“I don’t even know who you’re talking about.” Zadkiel honestly answered.

“I’m talking about Edmond Ford.” He said, watching Zadkiel keenly for any reaction but Zadkiel’s expressions remained the same.

“I’ve never met this man. I promise, Father.” Zadkiel answered.

“Edmond Ford is a regular donor to this orphanage but he never saw you and that I know for sure but his son visited three days ago. Did you meet him?” Mark inquired, making Zadkiel’s mouth run dry.

He was well aware that this Edmond was somehow related to Irvin because of the same last name. He just didn’t know Irvin was his son.

“No.” Zadkiel flat out lied about it.

“Well, Zadkiel. He specifically told me that he wants to adopt Zadkiel and considering you’re the only Zadkiel here, he was talking about you. He was really specific like he knew you.” Mark had a look in his eyes that was fearing Zadkiel.

“I swear I don’t know him,” Zadkiel answered panic rushed through his body. His legs started bobbing up and down and his hands were shaking in his lap.

“A person has to see or meet the other person before being sure that they want to adopt them. Either you escaped this place and met him somewhere or you met his son here and aren’t telling me.” He had a stern and angered tone.

“I didn’t escape.” Zadkiel was quick to answer that because he knew the punishment to escape this prison that outsiders looked at like some heaven for the orphans.

“So you met his son?” He raised his eyebrow.

“I didn’t,” Zadkiel answered. He knew if he answered honestly, he’d be asked about the conversation.

Mark sighed and shook his head. He reached to the telephone, dialled a number and put the receiver on his ear.

“Send Sister Ava.” As soon as those words left Mark’s mouth, Zadkiel turned white like a ghost. He was on edge now.

Few seconds of silence and then he heard the door open. He hung his head down and closed his eyes, counting each breath to calm himself down and not to freak out.

“Sister, I just wanted to ask. Did Mr Zadkiel here had any encounter with Irvin Ford on his last visit?” Mark straight out asked the question without wasting a tick of the clock. Zadkiel was fidgety and his heart was thumping.

“They were talking behind the bleachers.” She descriptively informed him, making Zadkiel internally sob.

“What were they talking about?” He asked her. Zadkiel prayed to God that she didn’t hear them talking.

“I couldn’t hear it.” She responded.

“What was Mr Ford doing behind the bleachers?” He asked her, looking at Zadkiel now as if he already knew all the answers and was making Zadkiel realize that.

“He told me he wanted to use the toilet and when he didn’t come back, I went out to search for him. All the boys were looking at the bleachers and when I asked them, they told me that Zadkiel and some guy were behind them.” She explained, making Zadkiel clench his teeth in anger.

“Must you tell everything?” Zadkiel muttered under his breath which was inaudible for both persons in the room.

“Thank you, Sister.” Mark bowed his head a little and she left after that.

“Now Zadkiel, why would you lie?” He asked him, really looking furious now.

“Father, we just talked for a minute. He wanted to know how I’m so good at football. That’s all.” Zadkiel came up with the best excuse he could at that moment.

“If that’s it, then why’d you lie?” He was very serious and Zadkiel knew one wrong answer and he would face a painful punishment. It wasn’t the same for all. Zadkiel had to face punishments for even just talking to the person Father didn’t approve of so, he had to be very cautious.

“Father, I was scared. I thought you’d be mad for talking to a stranger but it was nothing. He just wanted to know about my football skills and if I wanted to pursue my career in it.” Zadkiel tried his best to not stutter and sound convincing.

“Did you tell him about what happened a day before so they could rescue you? I mean this is your home but you think it’s some kind of prison so rescue is the right word.” He stood up now, hand flat on the table, looking at Zadkiel angrily.

“No. I didn’t.” Zadkiel murmured, losing all the confidence he had seconds ago.

“Then why do they want to adopt you?!” He yelled at him.

“I don’t know. Tell them I don’t want to go with them. Please, Father. I have no idea why they said so but I don’t wanna go with them.” Zadkiel said in fear. He had no idea what he was talking about but he just wanted to get out of the situation he was in. Satisfied expressions passed on Mark’s face.

“You’re 20. You are competent. You don’t need a legal guardian so I denied them right away.” Mark answered, sitting back in his chair.

You shouldn’t be caging me in this building as well then… Zadkiel thought.

“I told them you didn’t want to go with them and told them you wanted to stay here as it was your decision because you’re legal now, you can decide for yourself.” He informed Zadkiel who just nodded his head.

“You may go but Zadkiel, this is the last warning; do not lie!” He sternly stated. Zadkiel gave one last nod of his head before rushing out of his office back to his bed.

As it was the working day, he knew everyone would be out doing their jobs that are still inside the premises of the trust. Because he was seriously ill, he was never asked to do anything anyway.

He sat on his bed, cursing Irvin for doing this to him. He was sure that this had to do something with him. He was sure that Irvin asked his father to make the call.

“What the fuck is wrong with this dude?!” He hissed in anger, huffing.

“With whom?” He heard Abel’s voice and turned his head to the side to see Abel’s head poking out of the blanket.

“You scared the shit out of me!” Zadkiel threw his pillow at him. Abel sat up and caught it and gracefully placed it on his bed.

“You disturbed my sleep.” He rolled his eyes.

“Why aren’t you on your gardener duty?” Zadkiel asked, leaning against the headboard.

“I called in sick.” He had a shit-eating grin on his face.

“You don’t look sick.” Zadkiel deadpanned.

“Exactly.” He winked at him. Zadkiel smiled, shaking his head.

“So who were you talking about and what did Father say?” Abel, the curious creature, asked.

“Edmond Ford wants to adopt me.” Zadkiel just put it out there.

“Tell him, he’s like 18 years too late.” Abel laughed and Zadkiel joined him.

“No, seriously. Who is this dude?” He asked Zadkiel who sighed.

“Irvin’s father,” Zadkiel informed, making Abel now more interested.

“Shit! That guy is already on his move. I say go on and let him adopt you.” Abel again suggested the shittest idea he had on his mind.

“Yeah, that’s very rational, right? Like I’ve no idea what’s waiting for me there and for all I know, they can be worse than Father. What if they just need a slave or something?” Zadkiel gave the brown-haired idiot a dead look in the eyes.

“What year you’re living in bro? No, wait a minute, what century?! No one can enslave you now.” Abel sighed as if he was done with his friend’s stupidity.

“What are we now? If not slaves?” Zadkiel cocked his eyebrows that made Abel shut his opened mouth that was about to throw more words into the conversation but he was an idiot so he spoke again.

“I don’t think this guy is like that. He didn’t seem harmful and looked so into you.” Abel shrugged.

“Dude, he told his dad about me and his dad called here to adopt me. It doesn’t sound fishy to you?! What kind of father agrees to a wish like that? I mean his father is ready to adopt a 20-year-old?!” Zadkiel tried to make Abel understand.

“Uh… yeah… you’ve got a point.” Abel broke the eye contact and thought how stupid he could be to think about it.

“Maybe, they are like pretty rich and I’m his son’s just another wish he wants to fulfil. Maybe, I’m just another pleasuring tool for him that he couldn’t afford so he asked his daddy to buy me for him.” Zadkiel spoke so negatively of him that he was surprised.

“Well… let’s hope it’s not it. Let’s hope he just likes you a lot and wants to help you.” Abel was still being optimistic.

“Help me out of what? I don’t remember telling him I need his help and by the way, I’ve declined the offer. I told Father that I don’t want to go with them.” Zadkiel closed his eyes as he lolled his head back and rest it on the headboard.

“You’re an idiot.” He heard Abel mumble but he chose to ignore it.

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