
The Creator's Descendants

The continent of Eberon was blessed by the deities in a faraway past, where humans were born, and the first civilizations were built. Though the so-called Creators had long left that world, traces of their magic remained, and two powerful Descendants lived among the deities’ creation. A conflict between the Descendants – half-human, half- gods - traced back the beginning of history until the present times. In each generation, two males were born, always as enemies and fighting till death. One of them wanted power, creating a World Government to rule over humans. The other sought balance and freedom for the people, leading armies of rebels against the authorities. Darkness cursed the continent of Eberon and the islands surrounding it. Until hope finally arose... Imprisoned since her childhood, the 15 years old ALTHEA discovers the meaning of freedom when 17 years old DOMINIC and 20 years old JOSEPH enter her path, leading her to a journey where ALTHEA will uncover her origins and understand the mysteries behind her overwhelming power. The young girl soon discovers that she is a break of a cycle that lasted thousands of years and that her god-like abilities are the hope of a new world. During her journey, Althea undergoes hardship and adverse conditions. In such a harsh environment, she must search for inner strength to overcome a lengthy series of trials against powerful government forces and destructive enemies. Her first mission is to unite the people against their rulers, while adjusting herself to freedom gradually amid revealing dreams and the buoyancy of comrades Legends, prophecy, a vast power struggle, and supernatural elements provide a unique otherworldly setting. Althea wrestles to triumph within the inherent strife around her, gaining a sense of her own potential. As the stakes increase, we watch Althea grow, acquire new abilities, and fulfill her role with the help of resourceful supporters through training and enemy encounters. She then, struggles to accomplish her first mission before facing the real enemy, ORION, the Creator’s Descendant.

Allici_Edragal · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Discovering the world: Trip to Venus (2)

His ability to appear out of nowhere, without any noise, was amazing. Even Heath jumped when he heard Dominic's voice coming from the door. His face looked a little exhausted as if his sleep had been terrible.

"Man, you look horrible." Heath said.

"Thanks, I tell you the same. Joseph, what part of "I want to be with you when you go to shoot" you didn't understand?" Complained Dominic, in his scolding voice.

"I forgot it." said Joseph. He tried to convince Dominic to forgive him, opening a beautiful smile on his face and making an "I'm very sorry" look. I would have forgiven him in the same second, without contesting, but Dominic was unshakable. He came closer to Joseph and slap him in the back of his head. Then he came towards me, giving me a kiss on the top of my head, and sitting next to me. I could see the silly little smiles on Heath and Joseph's faces, which was enough to make me blush.

We ate lunch and then moved to the main room, sitting all together to rest and chat.

"What will we do this afternoon?" I asked, curious if they had any plans.

"I think we should catch some fish for our aquarium." Heath replied, pointing to the deck.

"We have an aquarium?" Joseph and I asked at the same time

"At the front of the ship." replied Heath, smiling proudly at his creation.

Destiny was so big that, even after days of living in it, I still didn't know it completely.

The afternoon flew by. I was able to catch more fish than Joseph and Heath combined, which was a joke. Dominic preferred to watch us and help me get the fish off the hook (so as not to risk another small "accident"). I filled the two-meter tank pretty much by myself.

After fishing, I took a cold, relaxing bath and went upstairs to lie on the soft rug in the living room next to Dominic. For some reason, he looked even more exhausted. While sitting next to me, I noticed that his breathing was slow and steady, in a very comfortable rhythm. Involuntarily I ended up dozing, waking up a few minutes later in the same place, with my head in Dominic's shoulder who was now asleep. The sound of his breathing was still calm and enveloping. I didn't dare move so as not to wake him up and sank my head in thoughts.

I should do my best on Venus and defeat my future opponent, whoever it was, even if I had to go beyond my limits. I knew that I was capable of much more, but my biggest concern was whether it would be safe to do so. I knew that, if I lost control, people around me could get hurt.

Dominic suddenly made a small movement with his head, but he continued sleeping. His face was serene as I had never seen it before, as if everything had returned to normal, with no wars, Descendants nor corrupt governments. I knew what my existence meant for him and that it was due to the Descendants' existence that neither Dominic nor my other companions could have a normal life. My powers were a curse, not a blessing.

The sun finally decided to appear on that rainy day, touching our faces with strong brightness. Dominic groaned and opened his eyes slowly.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" he asked when noticing that I was staring at him.

"Not really, I was awake for a while. Did you know that when you look quite charming when you are sleeping?" I teased him. Not that it was a lie.

I could see him lightly blushing and turning his face away. It felt very satisfying for me that I had managed to embarrass him at least once.

"We have one more day before arriving at Venus, correct?" I asked, changing the topic due to mercy towards him.

"Correct. Maybe it would be a good idea to train a bit tomorrow."

"On the ship?"

"Yes. We have an area just for that." answered Dominic.

"We can try to have a short training then." I agreed, once again surprised with the size of Destiny. "Just try not to exhaust me too much."

The rest of the day flew by. We had dinner at six o'clock and I occupied myself until midnight reading some science and technology books. The world had changed in an absurd way! There were magnificent things like vehicles that moved without horses, with the energy of stones, as for example, a machine that was called a train and it was located on an island further north. There were many other things that worked thanks to the energy of stones and alchemy. For a moment I was very curious to meet a real alchemist.

I had a strange dream that night. I dreamed of a world where I didn't exist and just watched everyone from afar. I saw Dominic, Heath, and Joseph in that dream, and I tried to talk to them, but it was not possible: they couldn't hear me. They were happy, each living their own life, with their families. It made me happy for them, but at the same time, sad because it was just a dream. I woke up in the middle of the night with a headache. I got up and went into the hall, startled to see who was there.


"Yes. Are you okay?" he asked, giving me a very comforting hug. I didn't know when I started getting used to his touch and embrace.

"Yes, everything is fine. Just some weird dreams."

"You usually don't sleep very well." Dominic said, leading me now back to my room.

"Not much. Since I left that place it seems that I am having more and more dreams."

"About what?"

"Sometimes about my past. Every now and then I dream about the future and what the world would be like without wars. Other times, I dream about being chased by someone unknown." I replied being sincere. I wouldn't be able to hide the truth from Dominic anyway.

"Someone unknown? And is it recurrent that dream? Is it always the same person?" he asked, now with a serious expression.

"Yes, it usually feels as if it is the same man." I replied, intrigued by his reaction. "Is something wrong with that?"

"I am not sure, but I have a bad feeling… The other Descendant, Orion, is able to invade the minds of the people connected to him. Joseph warned me once that there was a risk that he would be able to use that power with you. We have to be very careful with that."

"I am not so sure if it is related to him." I contested.

"Why do you say so?"

"At no time that man in my dreams attacked me. Often, he was just watching, saying incomprehensible things. Maybe I am just overthinking about our journey ahead, and that is why I am having such nightmares." I explained, trying to relieve Dominic's concerns.

"It might be the case… but if it gets worse, you must let me know about it. So, for now, just try to go back to bed." he said, pushing me under the sheets.

"I can try, but I don't feel like I will be able to sleep." I pleaded.

"You want me to stay here until you manage to?" he asked.

The answer was obvious. But I also wanted Dominic to be able to rest as well.

"Of course, I want to, but you also must sleep."

"I've already slept enough for today."

He then took me back to my room, pulled the blanket up to my shoulders, and sat by my side, gazing at my face with a smile.

"If you continue looking at me that way, I will definitely not sleep."

He laughed and turned his face away, grabbing a book to read. After a few minutes, my mind was at ease, and I went back to the land of dreams.

By the time I got up, Joseph was already awake, and breakfast was ready. As usual, Joseph's semblance was relaxed and gave away a feeling that everything would be alright.

Soon after, Dominic joined us, sitting next to me at the table. I couldn't help but smile as soon as our eyes met. Next, Heath arrived, with his usual good humor and jokes.

"It seems that you too are in very good humor today." said Heath, teasing both me and Dominic.

"There is no reason not to be." replied Dominic, without falling for Heath's provocation.

"I think we better start training soon, as it will rain right after lunch." Joseph said changing the topic completely.

"Then we should start immediately." said Heath, now getting excited. It was obvious that he enjoyed combats.

"You three go ahead. In a little while, I will join you." said Joseph.

We immediately went on deck, being guided by Heath to a large room, covered in metal.

"Is made of steel and fiberglass. It was done to be able to withstand our training." he explained while tapping the wall.

"Incredible!" I exclaimed.

"In any case, we should take it lightly today." said Dominic.

"Don't mind what he says." Heath whispered in my ear.

Dominic opened the heavy door, and I came across a large, well-lit room. There were several types of weapons and equipment for training located in the corner. Heath had really thought of everything.

This time, Heath insisted that Dominic should be the first to challenge me. However, that didn't work out well, since I was too afraid of releasing my powers in that closed room, no matter how strong the walls were.

"What the hell is that?" Heath shouted. "Just finish him once for all!"

"I'm trying, but it's hard! He is very strong." I answered.

"He is not even managing to lift a finger against you! Take the opportunity."

What Heath said was true. Dominic was unable to attack me. I threw him a blow that was easy to deflect, but I hit him hard, making him fly away for the happiness of our spectator.

"I am so sorry!" I shouted immediately.

"Are you apologizing to your enemy?" Heath asked incredulously.

"Yea. No! Oh, forget it! Dominic, are you okay?"

"Yes, don't worry. I was just distracted. I think it's better to change partners for today."

"Oh! My turn." Heath smiled.

"Take it easy with her, Heath. Althea is not very attentive today, and we shouldn't exhaust her."

"Oh well…" replied Heath with a disappointed voice.

The fight with Heath was more exciting and I got hit a lot. I had to pay attention for better or for worse. When Joseph arrived, we were still fighting our battle and I asked for a truce for Heath who, still agitated, continued the fight with Joseph. This time I stood aside as a spectator.

The rest of the day went by quickly and my tension with our soon arrival to Venus increased every minute. The sun was setting, and we were now very close to reaching our destination. The next few days would forever change our lives for the better, or for the worse. However, no one seemed to want to discuss that topic.

The weather seemed to be more serene than ever. After dinner, I followed Dominic to the living room and took that time to ask him questions about his past. Dominic told some stories from his childhood and I told him a little more about mine. I was a bit ashamed of sharing my stories when I noticed that I didn't have any happy one to tell, contrary to Dominic. At some point, when the silence took over, Dominic sighed before starting to talk once again. I knew he had something important to say.

"Althea, Joseph had a vision. About Venus and Abel." he then said, with serious semblance.

My body involuntarily trembled. I was scared of what he was about to say.

"What kind of vision?" I asked, fearing the answer.

"A bad one."

"Do you prefer to tell me or not?"

"Do you want to hear it?" He asked. "I don't want to leave you alarmed ahead of time, but I prefer to be cautious."

"Then tell me, please. I rather not be kept in the dark regarding any topic that is related to me." I replied sincerely. I wanted to know everything that was about to come.

He hesitated a little before explaining to me Joseph's vision, finding the correct words to use.

"Joseph said that Abel can become obsessed and may end up hurting you unintentionally. Althea, the Descendants have power and influence over people, which is also one of the characteristics of the gods. People tend to revere the Descendants, and many cannot help but become obsessed with them." said Dominic, to my surprise. I was not aware that I could have such power. "Abel is a bit older than you, but he is an extremely unstable person. Since he was younger, he reacts very badly when he doesn't get what he wants… that's how he was raised. I don't think he is capable of loving or having mercy towards people."

"Poor him..." I whispered, surprising Dominic with my words. "He must be very unhappy. A life without those feelings sounds empty."

"Maybe. The only person he respects and obeys is Mihalk, so we must not provoke him. If he exceeds the limits, I will kill him without a doubt, even if it costs my life afterward. I cannot allow him to risk your life."

I didn't want things to get to that point, but I knew it would be impossible to contain Dominic once he was angered. Besides, it was obvious how much he despised Abel.

"Wouldn't it be dangerous for you to face him? Isn't Abel strong?" I asked, trying to use the right words. Apparently, I managed to do so, since Dominic opened a bright smile.

"I can kill him with closed eyes. He wouldn't even notice… But I wouldn't want to give him such an easy death." replied Dominic with a cold voice and a hideous expression that I have never seen before on his face. It felt as if I didn't know that person in front of me.

On instinct, I moved away from Dominic. I knew that there was something in his past that surfaced occasionally and that caused me fear. Fear was also one of the first feelings I felt after meeting him for the first time. I knew he was no saint.

Suddenly, I saw a confused expression on Dominic's face, after realizing that I had distanced myself from him.

"I'm sorry for that. Is just that, when you talk about such things, your expression changes in a way that… scares me." I explained to him. "It's like you become another person."

"I am sorry Althea, I hadn't noticed." he replied, without being able to hide the sadness in his eyes. I felt immediately guilty by my words while Dominic stood up to move further away from me.

"No! Don't move away." I said, holding on to his arm.

"I don't want to scare you, Althea."

"I know that. I know you had no intention. Come here." I insisted. "You know I can't stay away from you anymore so don't you dare walk away."

Finally, a smile occupied once again Dominic's face.

"We share that feeling. You are like a drug to me." he then said while laughing. I did not understand.

"What is a drug?" I asked innocently.

"No. It is nothing you should know of." he said, shaking his head.

So, I remained without understanding.

That night I went alone to my room. Heath was already asleep, and Joseph needed some help to control the ship. The last thing he said was that we would reach Venus in the morning and not overnight. According to him, the wind had suddenly changed direction. I was very tired, so I fell asleep within seconds. We would probably have reached our destination by the time I would wake up.

That night I had a different dream; I dreamed of fire. I dreamed it was burning. Dominic had managed to implant a seed of fear of Abel in my mind and that dream was a result of that.

I woke up at eight o'clock in the morning, noticing that the sea was very rough and noisy. I could hear the water hitting the rocks strongly. Venus' beaches shouldn't be as safe or fun as those on the other islands we had been before.