
The Crazy Tomboy

♡✿♡✿♡✿♡ Ever been in a worst case scenario, where your once wealthy family becomes poor and began eating from hand to mouth, and how you have to take on soo many part time jobs just to fend for both yourself and your entire family? Well that was the case of LALISA BAL, popularly known and called Lisa. She is a pretty nineteen years old and the only child of her parents. She and her family are from Thailand, but they had to move to Australia, because of her father's job which he later lost. She is tall and slim in figure, and still has the killer shapes to make any guy go crazy. But all this beauty was hidden behind baggy clothes and huge trousers why?? Lisa's father came home one day that he had lost his work in the oil company. He was the general manager of the company, in charge of overseeing the funds and finances of the company, but all of a sudden something went wrong and he was instantly fired. Not too long after, he became in debt and highly burdened by his once light weighted responsibility, and had to borrow money from a loan shark. He used his wife's mini bar which was their family's only source of income, as a collateral for the money he borrowed. Lisa's Dad tried so hard to get another job but all to know available, he began working on a construction site, but quited when he was involved in an accident that claimed one of his legs, since then he became idly useless cause no one wanted to hire a disabled man. When it was time to pay back not to mention the interest added to the money he borrowed he couldn't pay up and his wife's mini bar was taken away from them. Because he couldn't pay up the interest, every night by 8pm the thugs would appear and beat him up for twenty minutes before going back to their base. Things became worse when his now jobless wife became a chronic drunkard and also a gambler. Lisa had to shoulder her dad's responsibility at the age of fifteen, so that she would be able to fund his hospital bills and also send herself back to school. Amidst that crazy personality stood a nineteen years old young girl of wild dreams, and the greatest of all her dreams was that she wanted to become a student in her dream school, a school meant for the rich and not the poor. Finally another scholarship session came and after applying for the second time that year she was accepted, but she still needed to gather more money for her textbooks and writing materials which was surprisingly very expensive, because it was to be purchased in the school and no where else. After striving to get into the school, she finds out that all she dreamt and thought about the school, was not really what she expected, and things even become more worse when she finds herself entangled between the two most popular boys in the school, who are most likely arch enemies!! What do you think will become of Lisa in Geelong high school? What do you think could be the situation that led to her dad's misfortune? Note: Lisa has a high level of fighting spirit, and also a stubborn rigid mind that when she makes it up she never changes it, or will she? For who and whom?

Fave_Gold · วัยรุ่น
58 Chs



The meeting between the ministers ended minutes ago, and right when Senator Xavier was about leaving with Senator Lucas Kingston's father, Senator Clearn blocked them both from nowhere and the duo smirked at him.

"You think covering up for your evil sons will help them in anyway". Senator Clearn glared at the two of them.

"No, we think it'll save our reputation". Senator Xavier uttered annoyingly.

"Then why not keep your vicious sons in check to avoid all this from happening in the first place!!". Senator Clearn yelled.

"Tristan lower your voice, we're at work do you want people thinking we're threatening you about your daughter". Senator Lucas uttered.

"Tristan go rest okay? We'll talk later when you've calmed down". Senator Xavier uttered and patted Senator Clearn on the shoulder before walking away and Senator Clearn glared at him.

"How's Olivia faring right now? She's recovering well from the shock right?". Senator Lucas asked.

"Don't ever mention her name with that filthy mouth of yours!". Senator Clearn spat.

"I was really looking forward to becoming your in-law . It's a pity your daughter had to end things immaturely". Senator Lucas smiled.

"I never for once liked that crazy son of yours...

"It's understandable after all Kingston acts as rashly as your two sons so I get how you probably feel. I'll see you later, goodnight Tristan ". Senator Lucas said before.

"That crazy mogul!". Senator Clearn spot before walking away.


Senator Xavier was about to enter his car when a voice called loudly.

"Tae Manoban!". The voice said and Senator Xavier turned facing a young man in his thirties who stood smiling at him.

"You know him right?". The man asked Senator Xavier who gave him a stern gaze.

"Three Strat ford street. My Master's waiting for you over there". The young Man said and with that he walked out of sight and Senator Xavier balled his fist in rage.

"Damn you Russell! You go this far just to meet with me? What is it you're up to that you're bringing up a scandal from four years ago". Senator Xavier uttered clenching his teeth, before entering his black limo.

"Are we going directly to the mansion boss?". His driver asked to start the engine.

"No, take me to stratford street, house number three". Senator Xavier muttered sternly glaring out the window.



Davis' eyes slowly opened up and the first person he saw sitting right next to him was Olivia as she gazed at him with a worried look on her face.

But her face soon brightened when she saw him regain consciousness.

"You're awake?". Olivia smiled and Davis blinked his lashes rapidly, before scanning the entire room with his eyes.

"What I'm I doing here?". Davis inquired when his gaze landed back on Olivia who gave him a questionable look.

"You got shot in the shoulder last night in your hotel room, don't you remember?". Olivia uttered, giving him a puzzled look.

"I do but...What are you doing here? How do you know?". Davis muttered and Olivia sighed.

"I was the one who found you and you here for treatment. You would have been six feet under the ground by now if I had been a second late". Olivia boosted and Davis scoffed, before making to stand up but Olivia pushed him back to bed.

"You're just gaining consciousness, you need to rest, just tell me anything you want and I'll get it for you". Olivia said and Davis gave her a raised eyebrow.

"I'm just trying to return the favor here, okay? Don't get me wrong!". Olivia sneered, getting uncomfortable with the look he directed at her.

"My phone...I need my phone". Davis uttered and Olivia immediately brought it out of her jacket pocket and that was when Davis noticed the outfit she was wearing and his eyes widened.

She was putting on a black fashionable bomb shot with rolls of beautiful crystal waist beads locked around her waist.

For the top she had a white tight crop top that exposed almost half of her and that was why she covered it up with a jean jacket.

"Do you go about dressing like this?". Davis asked with a frown on his face and Olivia glared at him.

"I do so what? Is there anything wrong with it? To think i saved your @ss and you're here ridiculing me". Olivia uttered trying to change the topic and Davis rolled eyes at her.

"Thanks but it'll be best if you leave you'll be late for school". Davis said relaxing his head on the pillow as he took his phone from her, then began browsing on it.

"I'm not leaving yet". Olivia said and Davis glanced at her.

"How can you be such a carefree of a person! It's obvious your own friend and cousin planned what happened to you last night and you dare act like nothing's wrong?!". Olivia snapped getting pissed and Davis sighed before sitting upright on the bed.

"Okay now that it's clear they planned my attack last night, what's it you want me to do? Didn't you see how fast they got released even with all the huge allegations laid against them...

"So what?! You're going to let them go scot free just like that?!". Olivia uttered.

"Olivia please leave, I need to rest and you're not helping". Davis muttered laying back on the bed as he covered himself well with the duvet.

"Weak Idiot!". Olivia spat before storming out of the room, but Davis instantly stood up pulling her to himself; he adjusted her jacket on her and buttoned it up completely.

Olivia just stood frowning at him, as he helped her button up her once loose jacket.

"If you feel uncomfortable like this, then just go change at home before going to school". Davis uttered calmly letting go of her, and Olivia rolled eyes at him, before finally leaving.

"Stubborn peacock!". Davis uttered shutting the door after Olivia left, then he went back to sit on the bed, then his phone pinged and a message popped in.

💬 What happened to you last night was just a little warm up, once everything has died down then I'll really come for you and no doctor in this world will be able to safe you then. If there's one thing i hate most in this world is betrayers!! Plus do yourself a favor and stay away from Olivia if you wanna live long otherwise Kingston might just kill you before I do and it won't be cool.

By merely reading the text messages Davis knew who sent it, and he sighed before throwing his phone to the otherside of the bed.


"Here try this one on too". Amelia said to Oliver as he dropped the outfit in his hand to check out the one she suggested for him.

"I'll take it then, thanks". Oliver smiled and Amelia returned it.

She was actually helping him pick an outfit for school. They've been on it for ten minutes now.

"I'll leave you to dress up for school then". Amelia said as she made to leave.

"Amelia?". Oliver called.

"Hm yea". Amelia answered.

"Don't you plan on going back to school?". Oliver asked suddenly.

"I do but I have to take care of some things first". Amelia replied.

"Really? Is that thing you have to take care of more important than your education?" Oliver asked to move closer to her.

"Anything that involves my life is important right? So it's way more important than acquiring knowledge". Amelia smiled and left, shutting the door behind her.

"Is it me or the more I get to know her better the more mysterious she becomes to me". Oliver thought to himself before walking away into the dressing room to dress.


Lady Emily left for an appointment with her make-up brand 'Elegant', Senator Russell had left early for work leaving only Dylan and Lisa at home.

Dylan had barged into Lisa's room(His ex room) to snatch the remote control from her.

They had fought over the remote control to the living room's huge 3D TV all through last night and as usual Lisa ended up winning, pissing Dylan off really madly.

Not like they didn't have televisions in their specific rooms, but being the trouble making duo they where they didn't want to take another alternative than to fight their way out.

Dylan searched round the room for the remote. He actually plans on watching his favorite show he missed last night for one hour before leaving for school.

He finally found the remote but was surprised to see it in Lisa's hand and she was still sleeping soundly in bed.

'Does she know she's already late for school? Or is she planning to skip school today'. Dylan thought within himself as he tiptoed silently towards her.

When he finally got to where he was, he gently took the remote from her and as a result of the friction Lisa's eyes slammed wide open and Dyaln out of fright and fear fell to the ground.

But instead of reacting Lisa threw him the other part of the remote, before turning to the otherside of the bed to sleep.

'Is she crazy or something?'. Dylan thought in puzzlement.

"Hey! Do you know how late you are for school? Don't tell me you're planning on skipping school just to have the whole TV for yourself once I leave!". Dylan yelled removing the duvet over her body and his eyes widened with how hot the duvet was.

He immediately placed his hands on Lisa's pale hot forehead and his eyes widened more.

"You're burning up?!". Dylan yelled in shock and Lisa swung her tired eyes open again.

"Can you please be less noisy? I need peace!". She said calmly as she stood up sluggishly from the bed and Dylan just stood staring at her like a lost kid would when being asked where he came from.

Then suddenly his eyes caught a red substance on the bed and he frowned instantly.

"You poured hot sauce on my bed sheet the first time you slept on it?!". Dylan gaspard and Lisa turned to see what the psycho meant, then her eyes widened knowing fully well what it was.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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