
The cost of strength

"Who was it?" "Why did they do this?" "What did they gain???" said a boy while pulling a sword from his stomach and falling to the ground. This is the story of a boy who is on a quest take back what has been stolen from him.

NEFFEX · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The Purpose

This is the world of Yggdrasill . The currency of this world can be distributed into

Coin currency:

small aether coins

aether coins = 10 small aether coins

gaint aether coins = 100 aether coins

Magic currency:

low level magic cores = 50 aether coins

mid level magic cores = 10 gaint aether coins

high level magic cores = 50 gaint aether coins

##Redacted## magic cores = #Redacted#

Keep in mind 10 aether coins are capable of lasting a family of four for a whole month [yup the inn was a pretty expensive one, our MC got ripped off (*_*)].

POV-> John

Entering my room, it was a pretty standard one with a normal bed and an attached bathroom . The was also a study desk at one corner and opposite to it was a balcony window. I took off my bag from my shoulder and kept it on the bed . i looked over my left and gazed and my sword 'Kosabimaru' [Yup i played sekiro (0-0)]. Kosabimari started emitting a purple flame filled with fury , Rage and ....Sadness.

I held blazing Kosabimaru with my left hand and said "WAIT".

The purple flames on the sword died down . I kept Kosabimaru at the study table . I took out a white shirt and a pair of green trousers and entered the bathroom. After undressing i stood under the shower faucet . Turning the shower on i closed my eyes as cold water fell on my face all the way to the toes sending me in a state of deep thought.


"you the best please keep protecting us!!"

"thank you for all you have done"

"you will help us right"

"i don't trust anyone but you"


"you did this to us"

"we trusted you"

"at the end you are no different"


A swordsman wielding a black Katana stood in place wearing a black mask. Had the dying been close they could have seen the tears flowing from the swordsmen's cheek as he said to himself looking at the sky.

"May i unleash all my fury today?"

A blurred figure stood in front of him with 5 high ranking demons behind him.

"heh let me see what is this so called fury you keep suppressing all the time."

The demon with two greatswords , demon with four hand holding a mace in each hand , demon with an incomprehensible body structure with chains all over his body , demoness floating in the air with an ominous looking grimoire in her hand started walking towards the black masked swordsman . The last demon with a human physique holding a similar Katana to the masked swordsman stood beside the blurred man.

Seeing the demons approaching him the black swordsman held the sheath of his sword in his left hand and started unsheathing the sword with his right hand, the Katana emitting a fierce purple flame while saying

"I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROAHING" in a calm voice [(#-#)].


With a jolt i came back to my senses.


Getting a hold of myself i washed my body and went out of the shower . After wearing my clothes i sat on the bed and took out a letter from it.


"I cannot describe in words what u did for me and my family. We will forever be in your debt . I have started my work as a fashion tailor in the city of Raidengroove , business is blooming and i am able to properly provide for my family. Thank you once again, if u ever require any help from me my home/shop is the peach clothing, 5th block , market district of Raidengroove city.

--- Rykard cromwell"

For the first time a slight smile formed on john's face remembering an old memory.

'Tomorrow i need to search for his address and find out about the whereabouts of Alicia.'

Keeping the letter inside the bag i walked towards the balcony window. The sky had turned dark and one could see citizens returning to their homes and Knights starting their night patrol.

'Knock , Knock'

As i was standing i heard someone knocking at my room door. Opening the door i saw it was the receptionist of the inn with a food trolley.

"Hello ! I was the one that attended you at the reception, you asked for dinner in your room soooo i thought i should bring it myself since no one else was free!"

'just kidding! i lied to the boss saying you personally asked for me. I am sorry for using your name but i will tend to you later for this mistake.'

"Thank you for your service i will take over from here."

' ('_')'

"No u cant this is part of our first class customer service u cannot refuse it, i will be the one preparing the plate for you"

"all right"

Upon getting my approval the receptionist entered my room and started setting up my plate.

"By the way my name is Rizz , I am 20 years old , nice to meet you."

"Well you already know my name is John , but I am also 19 years old."

'He's almost the same age as me!!!!!'

"Wow you do look handsome for a 19 year old."

Not responding to the comment I sat on the bed to eat. The meal consisted of fried rice with spicy curry as well as a piece of cheesecake for desert. I was just about to start eating when I noticed Rizz staring at me.

"cough cough"

Rizz broke out of her daze.

"Thank you for the meal, you can leave now."

Upon hearing me Rizz left my room with a saddened expression. I started eating my food and for 5 extra aether coins the food tasted pretty good. After finishing the food I closed the Fairy Lamp in my room and went to sleep.

"Tomorrow I need to find Rykard and ask him about Alicia i hope she is all right because I will need her help to find out about the truth. I need to be quick about this otherwise they will know I am still alive , and this time I will not be able to fight back with my full potential."

Lost in my thoughts I fell asleep a few moments later.