
The Cost of Royalty

Queen Rowan lives in the kingdom of Kahllina. She is the wife of King Felix. Torn by the tumultuous relationship between them, she's given up on their marriage. However, tension only escalates when a dark secret is revealed. Given no other choice, Queen Rowan must do the unthinkable.

BellaJade · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The Cost of Royalty

Queen Rowan's POV:

Deep in the Kingdom of Kahllinia, I open the large wooden door to the King's chambers, making my way out into the hall. The hall is dark, lit only by candles that hang positioned along the hallway walls after a night of passion. There is silence except the sounds of my bare feet upon the marble.

I had spent the past hour inside my husband's chambers arguing over the future of our children. He had decreed that his children would be raised as he was, in their own estates, far from court. This would mean I would be heavily restricted on when I can visit them. They'd be at least half a day's ride, for safety. Going a distance like that every day isn't practical.

I had fought back on the matter.

The conversation ended when he warned that I'd be locked in the Tower, should I interfere. I stormed out.

Quietly, I head to my own chambers, climb under the covers and fall into a deep sleep, too exhausted to even bathe or undress first.

Life is always hectic as Queen.

Mistress Roxanne's POV:

Entering the King's chambers' I curtsy.

He stands amongst a fleet of servants dressing him.

"Majesty," I greet him curtsying

Walking up to me, King Felix places his hand upon the back of my head, kissing my lips. He holds me a long moment as we continue the embrace. His soft and stubby facial hair scratches my skin. He hadn't shaven in a week or two. My hand moves through his soft golden curls. His hands move to untie the ribbon securing my dress. The passion of our kisses only intensifies as the dress slowly falls down my frame and onto the floor.

"You know why I've summoned you here, yes?" He asks

"Yes, Majesty. You desire pleasure." I say through our kisses

His breath is warm, mixing with mine.

Making quick work, he loosens his pants, allowing them to fall. Pulling his shirt over his head, he stands bare. I take in his muscular features. He is a few feet taller than I. King Felix walks back over to me, lifting me. I wrap my legs around his waist. With his left hand, he wraps around my back, keeping me balanced. With his right, he prepares himself, placing his cock before my entrance, I feel the pressure as he enters me. I moan as he slowly rocks his hips, my walls stretching around him perfectly.

"You entertain my every waking moment." He says rocking his hips

I gasp.

"As do you, Highness."

"Your body is all I could think of, wishing to touch your supple breasts, whilst trapped in those boring meetings."

Backing up, he places me against him and the wall. My nails dig into his shoulders as he quickens his pace.

"You can have me whenever you desire, Majesty." I moan

King Felix finishes inside me with a loud pleased moan.

Queen Rowan's POV:

Making my way through the hall, my knight is hustling to keep up.

My eyes whip about searching for only one.

Finally after so long, I have excellent news.

I am pregnant with the heir to Kahllinia's throne.

One day he or she will rule a nation.

A people.

Seeing a group of nobles standing in the black stone halls, I make my way up to them. They nod respectfully and I smile in return.

"Majesty." They say in greeting

"Good evening gentlemen. Have you any idea where I can find the King?" I ask

"He is in the throne room, Majesty."

"Thank you. Be well."

I make my way through the large steel doors and into the massive room.

Looking out at the room I see it is flooded with royals and commoners, dancing to the music that fills the air by the skilled musicians.

Joy fills me when I see King Felix.

Then it falls.

He is dancing with a young woman.

I watch as he spins her around happily.

Then his lips land on hers.

Mistress Roxanne's POV:

Standing alone inside my chambers, I smile.

When I had first arrived at court, I never imagined my life this way.

Instead of catching the eye of a wealthy suitor, I caught the King's.

My family, seeing better opportunities with this path, directed me to entertain the King and keep him in my favor to benefit the family.

Now, months later, I am carrying his child.

Although not desired, especially at first, I came to realize that this above all secures my life at court. Placing my hand upon my stomach, I think to my future. Mine, the King's and the babe's.

Queen Rowan's POV:

There is a sharp knock upon the door.

"Lady Ayana, Majesty," The knight says

"Thank you, sir."

He nods and exits, closing the door behind him.

Lady Anya makes her way over to me.

She curtsies quickly.

Her expression is full of concern.

"Tell me, what have you learned?" I ask

I'd had sent her away this morning to ask questions at court.

Now, seeing her face, I dread her words.

"The rumors are unfortunately true, Majesty."

The words are a stab in the heart.

How can I be betrayed so coldly?

It is one thing to have a mistress but to welcome a bastard...

Nobles could revolt.

Rebellion could ensue.

Mistress Roxanne is pregnant with the King's child.

"How far along?"

"A few weeks, at least. She'll begin to show soon."

"Does the King know?"

"No, Majesty."

"Who does?"

"Her and the maester. That is all."

I stare out the window, out at the courtyard where my small children play together, laughing and chasing each other through the grass. I think to all the many happy moments in my life, my coronation as Queen, the joyful moments with my ladies, falling in love with the King, having my children.

It all seemed so beautiful before it fell apart.

One minute I was everything to him.

The next, nothing.

I know naught why he turned against me.

Eventually I gave up searching for answers.

Soon I no longer cared.

I spent my time caring for my children.

He began taking mistresses whenever I was with child, that was all. Then, as our relationship dissolved, it was quite often. He began drinking heavily and flirting openly. The only saving grace had been that he had been cautious.

I sigh, thinking of everything that is now at risk.

My reign.

My children.

The King could choose to take his mistress to wife and end my life.

The lives of our children.

Over a lustful fling.

It stickens me to my bones but I know what I must do.

I do what a Queen has to.

Mistress Roxanne's POV:

The coach pulls away from the castle. All I feel in this moment is sorrow for I'm not certain when I shall see the King again. My heart broke when His Majesty sent me away. I kept a strong demeanor in public, falling to tears in private. Everything fell apart overnight with no explanation.

It had happened quite often through the years when he had company such as royal guests or festivities I could not take place in. This time something felt different. It felt like perhaps he was saying goodbye. Nothing he said gave this impression but in his demeanor, he seemed distant, like he was pulling away.

During our last conversation, I hadn't been able to get a word in, to share with him my greatest news: I carry his child. I hadn't been certain at first but when my sickness continued, I knew.

I stare out at the trees as I listen to the tires rumble against the road. Closing my eyes, I enjoy the warmth of the sun upon my face. After many cold and rainy days, it was nice to feel the heat. Taking the chalice from the small box it is kept in, I take a sip. I think back to the many moments of the King's lips upon mine. The moment he'd sworn me his heart. The moment he asked me to be his. Everything swirled in my mind in a haze. Tears roll down my cheeks. Never had he raised his voice but his actions were cruel all the same.

The sweet liquid flows past my lips again, quenching my thirst. Feeling light headed, I groan, lying my head against the seat. I continue until the faint dizzy feeling from the alcohol begins. My hand moves to my stomach, resting there. I slowly become increasingly aware that it is becoming more difficult to breathe.

Worried, I put my arms behind me, quickly loosening the ribbon tying my corset. I'm relieved at first when it loosens but my breathing does not become easier. Panic begins to arise and my heart races as I wonder what is happening to me. I want to shout to the driver, to stop the coach so I can get some air.

That's all I need.


But I can't form the words to my lips. Every ounce of energy is wasted upon sucking in the next breath. One hand lies upon my chest, hearing my heart race uncontrollably. The other is on the babe in my womb, a defenseless creature. What is happening to me?

My energy leaves me and I collapse back onto the seat.

My eyes close, involuntarily.

My eyes remain closed and I breathe my last breath.