
I am alive

H e a l i n g ? H e a l I ng ? H e al i n g ?

Rain fell all night without a stop it was like a dam being released without a stop ,it stopped very early in the morning in a forest a boy was on the ground there was suddenly a rattle in the bush the bush was shrubbing and suddenly a tiger walked out of the bush and saw the boy by the expression in its eye it was happy it first circled the boy and then started getting closer closer until it was near the boy whose cloth was very wet only the gods know if he is sleeping or is already dead and if you look closely you would see that it is the boy from yesterday night the only difference is his cloth is wet the tiger camenear the boy and started smelling the boy there was suddenly a sound inside the boy which sounded healing complete and the boy body started flashing golden lights the moment the boy body started flashing golden light the tiger that was smelling the boy and when the tiger saw the boys body shining with golden light it felt an enormous amount of pressure in the air it felt a fear it has never felt in it life and it leg became weak very weak that it couldn't work it tried to crawl but how could atiger crawl the boy hand suddenly twitch and his eyes open his eyes were espressionless he then sat down immediately he sat down there was suddenly a very huge headache he felt like needles were piercing his head and there was different type of memories he rememberes that when he was five his mother die sorrow consumed his father the his father fell sick and die when he was ten he was tested to have no bloodline and thus could not cultivate so he has to join the sect and he became the sweepers his job is to help the disciples do their manual job like wash clothes but there are many servant aside from him they may reach up to one thousand and the external disciple are not more than ten thousand the inner disciples are not more than two thousand the core disciples are not morer have heare than two hundred the reason why the sect employ servant is because they do not want their disciple to work hard but only focus on cultivation the reason why the disciples wanted to kill him is because he heared something he should never have heared let me to explain he was going to the servant or sweepers quarter and it was very late in the night when suddenly he heared footsteps he quickly hide some disciples were passing when a word fell into his ear there are five disciples the first one was saying he was horny the second one said the same thing too the third one then said we should choose one out of those servants women or girls yes lot us go and do it every one of them supported the idea when there was just a shu shu the fifth person shut them up and then sat d somebody is here the others were confused when a shadow appeared on the back of the fifth person and on the head of the shadow there was four star the shadow look like anthena the shadow was not clear then the shadow started spinning and spinning and then it turned to a particular location the other four looked dumbly for a while before they remember that their friend has a detection range bloodline he then said come out of there or else come out the third guy took out a very interesting and shiny dagger the third guy then say bloodline activate and then something like dagger came out of his back it was like his shadow but on the head of the dagger there was two star

(Let me explain the grades of bloodline

1.shadowless or blackish(1 to 9 star.The weakest of all bloodline)

2.yellow(1 to 9 star) second to the weakest but is pretty strong

3.green(1 to 8 stars)

4.purple(1 to 7 stars)

5.white(1 to 6 stars)

6.king (1 to 3)

7.emperor.1 to 2)