
1! Bai

"I want to watch TV," whined the three year old boy for the hundredth time that day. 

Bai glared at her nephew out of the corner of her eyes and in a low menacing voice she threatens, "Do you want to go to the basement." 

The three year old boy, Chen, quivers but boldly replied, "No." 

"Then shut up." 

Chen punched his fist onto the sofa and screamed, "It's not fair!" 

Bai looked up from her iPad and stared at the baby carriage across the room. Please, don't wake up. 

Once she confirms that there's no movement coming from the carriage, she relaxed and then remembered her nephew, Chen, who almost cause her efforts to go to waste. 

Bai glared down her nephew and menacingly warned him, " If I hear one more sound out of your mouth, you are going straight to the basement." 

The boy did not answer her, only staring back at her with a grieving face. 

"Got it?" 


"Chen! Do you suddenly not have ears!" Bai shouted in a whisper. 

Chen turned his head back on her and grudgingly sat on the sofa corner. Mumbling his baby words that Bai does not understand. Probably something about his injustice. 

After not getting the reply that she wants, Bai returned back to watching her anime on the iPad, ignoring him.

After some twenty or so minutes pass, Bai turns to see her little nephew fast asleep. She got up to position him well and lay a soft blanket over his small body. During the process she sighed to herself. God probably won't send me babies. It's probably for the best. 

When Bai's sister in law, Sia, came to pick up her kids, it was 5pm. Sia then asked if Chen has been a good boy and Bai replied not really. Sia apologized then scolded her son, "Didn't I tell you to be a good boy! Bad boys goes to the basement, didn't I tell you before!" 

"No! Mommy I was a good boy!" Whined Chen as he stomps his feet. At this point Bai just wanted them to go home. 

Sia proceed to glared at her son while slowly saying, " Good boys don't throw tantrums." Then she looked down and saw on Chen's arms was a Barbie sticker. "Chen, what did I tell you about having girls things on you. You are not a girl. You are a boy. That means you can't play or have girls toys or stickers!" 

"I'm sorry.." muttered Chen. 

Sia nodded her head as she patted Chen's head and they headed to the car. 

Bai bid them goodbye with a wooden smile and once they were gone, she felt a heavy weight off her shoulders. With a sigh of relief she smiled, but it only lasts for a second before remembering that they will be back tomorrow and forever. I need to start charging $120 per hour. If I did so, today I would've earned $600. 

That following night, Bai opened up her FaceBook page. She scrolled down her feed, reacting HaHa's when a post is funny, following up with her friends life, trying to find who's married and who's successful now. Of course she is envious, but what can she do. Absolutely nothing. 

Bai logged off, then prepped herself up nicely and went Witzy live. 

"Hello Everyone, welcome back to my live. Come in and don't be afraid. Sister BoBa will listen and answer your worries, complaints, pain, and other worldly affairs." Bai  cheerfully said. 

Comments started flooding in, asking her how she's been, what she's up to, or complimenting her outfits and makeup. Bai replied with "Thank you's" and "I've been good" until she saw a comment that made her teared up. 

missbutter [ BoBa, are you okay? You look down...Talk to us TT. ] 

timberlakeinyourpants [ Whoa BoBa. What's happenin', why you tearing up? ]

mrhandsome [ Did somebody hurt you? Don't cry. ] 

fiery [ im ready to throw some hands! ] 

Bai wiped her tears as she read the comments and laughed. She replied, " Thank you guys. It's just that I've been babysitting my sister in law's babies for a few weeks now and I've been feeling overwhelmed. You all know how I'm not good with children." 

investishit [ now the question is, does she pay you?]

Bai scratched her head awkwardly and stammered, " W- Well, she buys me Boba Tea?" 

investishit [ BoBa, if you are gonna evade, how about a better excuse. Now, does she pay you? ] 

Bai sighed, " No." I'm doing this all for free. 

The comments section exploded when they learn that BoBa wasn't getting paid. Some of them complained in her stead, saying along the lines of "not her kid, not her responsibilities." Some offer advice for her, telling her to struck a deal with her sister in law, or telling her sister in law the truth and how it impacts her life. Some of them also opened up about being in the same situation and what they did to get solve the matter. One comment even said that it's okay even if she doesn't get paid because they are will to buy from her store. 

All in all, Bai was grateful that all her viewers cared about her wellbeing so she cheerfully comforted them, " Thank you everyone. I am very grateful for all the love you have for me but today is not about me, it's about you guys. So let's get started! Wohoo! Also I am giving 5 free giveaways this week since I missed last week's giveaway. So stay till the very end to get a chance at winning the free giveaways. Now let me get ready." 

Bai got up and picked up the box under her table. She took out some incense, candles, monk beads, a notebook, a black pen and a small black cauldron with a flame mark. As she was setting up her table the comments section was riling up with excitement. 

bobaismyflavor [ hehe of course we always stay till the very end! whoever leaves the party first needs to buy from BoBa's store. $40 worth's! ] 

TuckerKnees [ no worries, I always buy $100 worth of her goods ] 

Everyone [...] 

bobaismyflavor [ did I ask you to brag, tuckerknees. eye rolling to the fourth dimension here. ] 

Bai laughed at the situation down below and stated, " Okay, I am ready now. Write your problems down below. I will start with whoever comments first."


This is a story I made up and don't really have a general idea where the plot will go but hopefully everyone enjoy it so far!

Thank You!


unsaltedbutterflycreators' thoughts