
The Conspiracy (eng)

The one that left by the betrayal in the unknown world, The one that lost in the forgotten land, and  The one that fated cannot love.    As they uprise a conspiracy together against the enemy that closer than they thought WARNING! Plagiarism and Copying this story are not allowed. Please find your own idea to make a story not by stealing other's. Not only me, but other authors in Webnovel as well. You could be inspired, but not claim other's story as your own.   This story may contains Characters Death, Trigger Warning for the derivation personality of the Canon Character, Strong Words and Swearing, also Harem Reverse which pointed to the possibility of the OCFs might have relationships with more than one exo members characters.  Inspired by EXO... note: please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors. TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-39T30RaeH4&feature=youtu.be

ELLAMOON · คนดัง
19 Chs

the brother and the war

    Yi Fan sighed as he looked to his house front door. Going home was somehow always being uneasy for him. Either it was because it reminded him of his past or the fact that his younger brother were there. It was not like he hated Sehun. It was more because he tried to protect him since he was a little and brought to EXO.

      But the next thing he knew after the project that done to him and his brother by the king. They all were going to the Guardian Academy, and Sehun being friend with the high class people, like Kai and Tao. The two of them were coming from influential parents. Kai's father was a General Commander, as well as Yi Fan's boss now in the Military. While Tao's father was the Head of all Division in Government, means that he was precisely under the King and ruled all of EXO government in all districts.

    Yi Fan definitely know that Sehun would never being under his watch again once he introduced him to his friends. And he was right. After graduated from the Academy, Sehun was recruited to the Palace to follow some training along with Kai and Tao. A year later on the Annual Test, Sehun was leveled up his power to Level 3 as a wind wielder. Yi Fan was really proud because there was not a lot of even his best soldiers could reach that level. For some reason, it was so hard to level up the power wind bender. But Sehun has other power that definitely couldn't compare even to a wind wielder on a Level 4.

      His happiness and proud of his brother wear off after hearing Sehun chosen as one of the Elite Team, know as The Royal Team Protector that being under the King him self. He was joining the first two in the team, Lay who was the Head of Military Medical division and Chen who was the crown prince. Yi Fan realized now he couldn't protect him again, at least not if he was out to running out missions.

      "What are you doing standing out here?" Sehun said from the door.

     Apparently Yi fan was too busy with his thought that he didn't realized Sehun must be watching him from the security camera and opened the door from him. Great, now he must looked like a day dreamer.

     "Aren't you gonna come in?" Sehun said again, wondering what is wrong with his brother. Yi Fan nodded and walked in. He could smell food in the air.

     On the couch Tao and Xiumin his friend were chatting and he could notice the back of Baekhyun's figure on the kitchen.

"What are the General of Frost and Light doing in here?" Yi Fan asked.

"They came for dinner." Sehun quickly said, sounded excited to see Yi Fan were home.

"Seriously, we're off the duty mate. is that the way you addressed you friend?" Xiumin called out from the couch but Yi Fan just ignored him, turning to his next target.

"Aren't you having tons of food in your luxury house in upper stage?" Yi Fan looked to Tao, who was just shrugged.

"It was too lonely to eat alone."Tao replied

"Rich kids and their lonely problem." Yi Fan thought.

Meanwhile Baekhyun came out from the kitchen with a tray of food, his mouth were busy chewing. He casually sat in the couch beside Tao and scrolled up his device, looking for the latest news.

"I thought you said they come to have dinner. But it looks like Baekhyun just swallowed up half of it?" Yi said facing his brother.

"Actually we just finished it. You are late." Sehun gave him a sad smile and walked toward the kitchen. He must be trying to find anything left for Yi Fan to eat, at least if it was not munched by Tao or Baekhyun.

"Whatever. I'm going to my room." Yi Fan left them to his room and didn't even look back.

"He is so not fun."Baekhyun blurted out, mouth still full of food. A little piece came out while his talking and fell to the tray, making Xiumin that already pick up a cake dropped it back.

"Where's Lay?" Tao asked and calmly picked up the cake that Xiumin dropped earlier. Honestly he was too ignorant to feel disgust, unlike Xiumin.

"He was out with Chen and Kai running mission." Sehun replied and came out from the kitchen with a drink.

"I heard it was a special mission" Baekhyun called out, making Tao furrowed his brow.

"You've heard of the mission? How come me and Sehun are clueless?" Tao looked surprised but still not stopping eating his cake.

"The Generals were called this afternoon. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were ordered by Commander to guide them." said Xiumin. It was all surprising now. The Royal Team guided by The Force and Fire General? They were never guided by anyone when running mission. But two Generals accompany them at the same time? It was just unbelievable.

"Where are they're going though? Guided by Generals? Are they facing the monster or what?" Tao blinked in disbelief and blindly reached out for the food in the tray, grabbing Baekhyun hand in accident and earning a glare from him.

"I don't know. Probably the prison, I heard Kai mentioned something about interrogating the prisoners earlier" said Sehun and started gulped down his drink slowly.

"Correction. Right Tunnel in Section three cells." Baekhyun remarked.

Tao dropped the cake and swallowed the rest that he still not finished chewed. While Sehun accidently gulped down all of his drink in once.

"What the hell?" Sehun gasped for air and started to feel his throat were burning because of the drink.

"That was disgusting Tao" Xiumin pointed the cake that dropped by Tao, already half eaten.

"Are you guys serious?" said Tao, completely ignoring Xiumin.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Baekhyun said and gave them a reassuring face, as if he was trying to confess them.

"Well do I know if you're kidding? I can't even tell whether you're joking or not." Tao said sarcastically, referring to Baekhyun other names. Joker Face.

"He's not." YI Fan suddenly appeared again, already changing his clothes and held his device.

"The King is expecting us in the Atrium for a sudden meeting." He quickly added and look to all of them.

"All of us?" Xiumin stood up, his voice suddenly turned into a serious tone.

"Yes all of us; The Generals and The Royal Team. Don't you have the information already? It's related to the Prince and the others mission today." said Yi Fan and made Baekhyun and Tao stood up to check their own device.

"Alright lets go" Sehun lead them to the front door, completely forgot about his burned throat. Duty's calling; his throat could wait after that.


The Mid Stage of Metro looked busy as always while 5 men were walking out from one of the building. Four of them; Sehun, Xiumin, Baekhyun and Tao were all started to climbed up into their vehicle while Yi Fan just stood in front of it, not moved. They all looked quizzically to him and he just smirked.

"We'll meet there. It's a busy time, people just got off work. It will be crowded in the road." Yi Fan said calmly, looking to the air above them where lots of vehicles and conveyances were flew all over. Flying cars, Jets, Plane, even Train were all close to each other, making it hard to fly in a speed mode.

"Wait what?" Sehun asked, about to dragged his brother inside the Jet where the rest were already sat comfortably.

"Don't be late and get trapped in the traffic." Yi Fan called out and flew up to the air. Just a second faster before Sehun could grab his arm.

The four of them just watched as Yi Fan flew like a Jet between the big conveyances. It was so easy for him to slip in between them. He even decided to fly higher, where all of the vehicles restricted to fly in that high level. He would definitely arrive at the Atrium in just minutes.

"Show off!" Sehun grunted and climbed up into the Jet, he fastened the seat belt and looked to Tao that sat on the driver seat.

"Aren't we supposed to fly by now?" He asked annoyed.

"It's the moment like this that makes me wish I could fly like him" Xiumin sighed.

"Shut up." Said Sehun and earning a cold glare from Xiumin.

"That is not the way you're talking to your senior Sehun." Xiumin raised his hand a little, and with that Sehun arms and legs were trapped in a thick ice. He couldn't move at all and groaned in annoyance. Xiumin then quickly pick up the anti UV light black shades from the pocket in front of him and put it on Sehun's eyes before he could compel him with his obedient ability.

Baekhyun and Tao chuckled in amusement when Sehun started cussed. A second later much to Xiumin annoyance, another thick ice appeared. This time covered Sehun's mouth. They just ignored Sehun's muffled scream as Tao started to fly up the Jet.

A few minutes later, Yi Fan landed a few meters outside the Atrium. He tried dusting off the unnoticeable dirt on his clothes before walking to the front door. The path that guided by some pillars that leaded into the front door of the Atrium were empty. It was actually made Yi Fan nervous if he was late or too earlier.

He decided to ignore that fact and just walked to the Atrium. The front door was opened before he even touched it. He quickly he stepped inside and it closed again behind him. Yi Fan turned his head and saw 2 guards were standing beside the door. It seemed like they were the one who opened the door for him.

"Yi Fan" a familiar voice called up and made him turned his head again just to saw Lay came up to him. He was wearing his military outfit and that rather made Yi Fan felt uneasy.

 "You early" Lay said as he approached him.

"I thought I was late." Yi Fan replied and notice the Atrium did almost empty. He noticed Chen and Kai were talking secretly in one of the farthest corner and some other General from Military was just entering from the side door.

"I bet you flew right away to here." Lay tilted his headin understand.

"Do you know what's the meeting all about?" Yi Fan asked in curiosity

"No. But I heard it's related with the mission today." replied Lay and gestured Yi Fan to followed him. Yi Fan nodded and he followed him toward Chen and Kai that was rather seemed quiet this time.

"Hey" He greeted once him and Lay were nearing. Kai and looked up while Chen was looked down to the floor, looking a bit lost in his thought.

"Senior" Kai greeted back, before nudged Chen and made him looked to Yi Fan too.

"Oh Hey. How was training?" Chen asked dryly, he looked obvious hiding something that keep bother his mind.

"It went well surprisingly. My new soldiers improved a lot. They should be ready for war by the next year. How was you're mission?" Yi Fan asked back.

Kai and Lay looked at each other for a mere second created a tense silence, before Chen finally broke it.

"It didn't went smoothly actually. It's just complicated." Chen said.

Yi Fan just nodded, not even bother to ask anymore. He know that the mission probably too hard, but he notice that none of they were hurting so he don't have to worry at all.

"Prince Chen. It's been awhile." said someone out of sudden. They all looked to the source and Chen suddenly looked nervous when noticing a girl was stood behind Lay. She was all dressed up in a military outfit just like Yi Fan's but a little different.

"General Rea" Chen said. It's been two years since the last time she saw Rea, the girl that caught his attention right after he saw her for the very first time. The strong girl that he once believed as the love of his life.

"We're going to wait for others." Kai blurted and grabbed Lay arms, dragging him to the center of Atrium followed by Yi Fan.

"I thought I clearly said not to call me that" Rea smiled and walked closer to Chen.

He tensed with the short distance between them, and Rea even get closer.

"I thought I only I agreed to that if you not addressed me with prince" He replied, trying to hiding the nervous in his voice.

"Sorry. Force of habit."

Chen nodded and looked to Rea. He studied her figure carefully. Her face still looked beautiful as always, her hair was tight up into ponytail, and her outfit perfectly covered her body. He couldn't hide the fact that this girl was still attracted him the same way 2 years ago. He was always liked her ever since school, but never asked her out because of his past relationship. He just afraid that he will just ended up hurting her too, just like his past girlfriend or date. And his fear proved to be right. He hurt her.

"I see" He finally managed to say.

"You have to stop feeling guilty Chen. Honestly I already forgot about what happened in the past. You're a great guy, and you should've acting this way every time you see me." Rea looked to Chen straight in the eyes. She was telling the truth. She already forgave him for things he did when they were still dating.

"I'm sorry" Chen muttered as he looked into Rea's half covered neck, the material from her clothes hiding the scar that he unintentionally left on her.

"And I already told you its okay." She replied and shook his head "How many times you will apologize until you realized I already forgave you."

"I don't know."

"Quit it now seriously. Or I will consider to not forgiving you for real." She gave him a look and that made him blinked in surprised, making her chuckled.

"I'm just kidding. By the way the girl soldiers in my team gossiping around about you. They even asked me if I know you already have my replacement?" she curiously looked to him. After 2 years, she was sure enough Chen already have someone as her replacement. But it seemed like her thought would be prove wrong.

"You know I don't date anymore. My father tried to set me up a few times but that never worked out."

At that time Rea gawped in surprised and looked Chen confusingly.

"No way. You're kidding right? But why?"

Chen inhaled and sighed before finally talked again.

"I know it will never work with any girl. I have to admit that fact, no one will stay safe with me. I supposed to protect and love, but instead I will just hurting or worst kill."

Rea just stood there, not really sure what respond she should gave to him.

"Look, Chen." She began. "I'm sure you'll find someone. Someone who was strong and will never affecting by…" she said but stopped, not sure to continue.

"You're the strongest girl in the whole guardian Rea. You're a general now, that's just how strong you are. But still, I hurt you. Because I couldn't control my self." Chen reminded and that made her silent

"I'm sorry" she said out of blue. This time he was the one who surprised and looked confused.

"What? Why?"

"Because I was not strong enough for you."

"It wasn't your fault"

"So did you. It was not your fault"

And that conversation stopped in there, leaving both of them in a complete silence. They traveled the memories when both of them still together, it was a happy time. They were both known as the strongest couple. The prince and the candidate of General in Unit 1, a unit of the strongest soldiers in the non-bender division. But then, as if it was the fate that they should've faced. They had to separate. Much to Chen's disagreement, Rea refused to leave him. But he made her anyway, decided to not even see her in every way possible. After that he made his mind to never get closer to any other girl again. He believed, no girls created strong enough in this world to be with him. They said with a great power there also come a bad thing, and sometimes a cursed. Chen at this point believed he definitely cursed. He, moreover had done something that made himself deserve to be cursed.


The Atrium was in a complete silence. It was so silent that the breath couldn't even heard, despite with the fact that almost 50 people were standing in front of the King altar where he stood motionless. They all lost in words right after Zunro entered the room, and break the news. Which was became the reason why the silence was unintentionally created.

"We will fight into another war. It seems like this is something we couldn't avoid at all"

Zunro even didn't have to mention who will be their opponent in the war. It was clear enough, a general understanding that didn't have to be told again. They have much opponents for sure. Different races from other planet in their Galaxy, and even other Galaxy. But the king already stated "war", which only refer to one opponent in particular. The Fergent.

"It seems like they will try once again to take over our galaxy, our home. Most of all the core of Life. The source of our power." Zunro finally broke out another words after he realized no one would be voiced out their words anytime soon.

"Rodin and Fen Li, my once trusted friend were sending to watched their movement 4 years ago. But then they abonded their job and even turned against me." He continued and now started to paced the altar slowly.

"They even hiding something after they finished the previous mission 12 years ago to find the core of life key. They said they found nothing on the Land of Tezel, but i personally know long enough they lied to me and to all members of government."Zunro now stopped and eyed all of people that stood in front of him.

"Most of all, i figured their the one who betrayed us and told The Fergent about the key existences. That's why i demanded to punish them with the number 1 punishment according to Law. Death Punishment." He said this loudly.

THe audiences seemed to be so starstruck with the fact that the war was coming and more shocked when they knew about the fact they betrayed by their own kind . For years, all of them were protecting each other to survive and life in peace. There was no even a slightless idea, a few of them would be the one who would threw them into the enemy.

"As the matter of fact regarding the war. I want all generals to train their soldiers more frequently. This is an order for both non-benders or not. You will disscussed the schedule of the real battle rehearse with the Commander. The Annual Exam of Strength would be held every 3 months from now instead of a year. We need to find more good soldiers quickly. And The government should working on informing the other branches in other land. Leveling up the security, priority number one.

The War is coming, we only have at least just two years before they're worked on their plan.i will release the public announcement a month from now. Prepare your self. Our faith is coming." Zunro finished his words and turned around to exit the room. When he finally out of the sight, guarded and accompanied by his protector team. The room was erupted in a big chatted of frustation and desperate voices.

They were about to face The Fergent one more time, which only mean one thing. Lots would die and evolution was probably occured again.
