
The Conspiracy (eng)

The one that left by the betrayal in the unknown world, The one that lost in the forgotten land, and  The one that fated cannot love.    As they uprise a conspiracy together against the enemy that closer than they thought WARNING! Plagiarism and Copying this story are not allowed. Please find your own idea to make a story not by stealing other's. Not only me, but other authors in Webnovel as well. You could be inspired, but not claim other's story as your own.   This story may contains Characters Death, Trigger Warning for the derivation personality of the Canon Character, Strong Words and Swearing, also Harem Reverse which pointed to the possibility of the OCFs might have relationships with more than one exo members characters.  Inspired by EXO... note: please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors. TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-39T30RaeH4&feature=youtu.be

ELLAMOON · คนดัง
19 Chs

staying alive

Luhan was standing alone in the wide spaceship controlling room. The space was a bit too empty just for him. His eyes traveled lazily into the view in front of him. The earth satellite, Moon appeared in front of him. 

It's only been 30 minutes since he left Earth and he already felt uneasy. He was worried, obviously for leaving Aera back in the house by herself. He was so worried that he almost thought of getting back to her right now. 

"So you will back?" A voice asked and Luhan turned his face. 

Its been too long since he heard that voice, but still he trembled and weak whenever he heard it even until now. 

His surrounding was all white. He knew what this is means and he quickly kneeled down in the crystal floor, waiting for his cue.

"I see you're getting taller Luhan." The voice said and Luhan was beginning to saw the voice's figure. 

"Master Thia" Luhan said humbly and looked down to the floor. "It's been too long" 

Thia smiled and walked closer to Luhan. She touched his shoulder and Luhan quickly understand this was his cue to stand up.

"Look at you. I can feel your powers drenching out from your veins." Thia looked him with excited eyes.

"I am nothing compared to you Master." Luhan answered, his gazed fixed into Thia's face. The too familiar eyes welcoming him. His face quickly turned soft.

Thia smiled "As you know, I am not Aera. But Its okay if you want to look me the same way as you see her just like right now." She said in understanding tone. Luhan quickly drove his gaze away.

"I'm really sorry Master, I didn't mean to..." Luhan stuttered but Thia ignored his apologize as expected.

"Aera is already 20. That means she'll finally notice my presence." She paused and looked Luhan in his eyes. "I've notice you didn't kiss her no matter how badly you wanted to." 

Luhan nodded in understanding. This is the reason why he never can do one thing he always wanted to. Because he knew Thia would know, and beside he was banned to do it. Not because Thia, but because of other things.

"Just because I know everything, doesn't mean you can do it to her Luhan. You are allowed to do it. I told you I'm okay with it." She walked closer to him.

"Do you still remember the things about me and her? I said it even before you met her 4 years ago." 

"Yes Master. Both of you are same even though you are not the same person."Luhan recalled the words that explained to him by Thia. 

She was the one who saved him. The one that kindly enough to going down and grabbed his shoulder so he could inhaled the air to breath again. He remembered every single scene and he cherish every moment that he could spent alive with the thought to always shows his loyalty to Thia. He would do anything to satisfy her. 

"Have you still not understand the meaning Luhan?" Thia tilted her head, wondering if he finally could solve the mystery. 

Luhan shook his head "I haven't master. It would be easier if you are willing to kindly tell it to me." 

"I can't. There are more than one reasons why I saved you that night Luhan, from your father rage against you and your mother. But I can't tell you. It will break the rules. You should find it yourself." Thia answered with sad eyes. 

Luhan could never understand that part ether, the reason why Thia willingly protected him. He hated himself after watching her mother died in front of his eyes, along with his little brother that taken away shortly after it.  

"I'll tell you one reason." Said Thia, causing Luhan to look directly into her, anticipating.

"I've watched my parents killed in front of my eyes  I was three and I couldn't do anything about it." Thia looked down to the floor and for the first time Luhan witnessed it. Never, once in her presence she showed any weakness nor the appearance or needed to be protected. But now his Master, the one who taught him a lot how to control his power, and even protect him countless of time looked vulnerable. 

He couldn't bear the sight and quickly kneeled in front of her. 

"Master. I'll do anything to revenge  those people for you." He said.

Thia looked to him and touched the top of his head. 

"No need to Luhan. They're long gone. You have nothing to worry about it." She tried to reassure him. She could notice Luhan seemed serious and she didn't want him to blindly attacking people for the sake of her.

"By the way" Thia changed the topic and pulled her hand again. "I've met Chen" She unconciously rubbed her neck as if it's hurting.

Luhan flinched with the mention of Chen's name but he tried not show it. But then upon seeing Thia's act his face turned hard.

"He seemed to not liking Aera though. The interrogation a bit harsh in my opinion" Thia continued as he watched Luhan stood up, his body tensing up. 

"Don't say he..." Luhan started but cut by Thia.

"No he didn't torture her. Well not yet, I guess. I quickly visit him to prevent that to happen. He just shocked when he saw her eyes." She explained but Luhan body did not relax at all.

Luhan didn't care who was Chen or his relation with him, but if he dare to hurt Aera he will have to face him.

"He thought that Aera was me. It just a small misunderstanding." She explained further. 

"I understand..." Luhan finally replied. Thia's words is always the truth for him. Even tough at some point he wanted to reject it.

"You should understand him Luhan. It seemed like he never touch anyone with his bare hand anymore." Thia held a pause while remembering the event "He couldn't believe that I can touch him freely. He definitely never feel anything no matter how much he wanted it." 

"Master. . I don't think it's a good idea. He might ended up wanting you to..." Luhan started again but as expected Thia cut him.

"Then I make him to not wanting it, before it's too late. I can't drag him too, just like I did to you." She smiled to him and Luhan watched in adoration.

She was so beautiful in a way that he can't explained. Maybe it's because they still share the same wind race blood, or looking to her it's just remind him of how amazing she was when she was saving his life.

"Luhan. You need to be careful, the Ship that brought Chen and the other wielders seemed to notice your presence, their ship is nearer. I'll see you later. Please Stay Alive" Thia waved him and his surrounding evaporate in a white smoke before turning into the inside of the space ship again.

Just when he was about to get back into the controller, the alarm sound echoed and his radar turned red. 

He quickly ran his finger in the device, a sign of other space ship appeared and badly it was on the attack mode. It was indeed the ship from exo, he could notice the way it designed that was a trademark of the Incore Corporation. Panickly, he jet off to the other side of the ship and looked something in his bag. He pulled out a small device and a notifying sound could heard, aiming to him.

"Attention, this is Lieutenant Maro from the EXO planet. Your ship matched the classification of our mission. Put off the shield and surrender yourself and we will not harm you." The one that was put on the charge by Xiumin in their ship speak up and Luhan couldn't hide his nervousness. 

"Again. Put off the shield and surrender your self. You have 15 seconds before we shoot you down." Maro's said and Luhan pay no attention to it. Instead of put off the shield he put on another one and make it double. 

If he surrender and there's no way he will not ended up in prison. Riding this ship only, already make him to have a reason trapped in one of the deepest level. So he rather fight or put his faith on the device that become his last hope to escape from this unfortunate event. 

"15. 14. 13. 12. 11" the count immediately start almost right after Luhan put another shield on.

He tried his best to catch on his breath, and tumbling with the device in his hand. 

"Is this still work or what?" He stated loudly when he notice it won't turned on.

"10. 9. 8. 7. 6" the count continued.

"Dammit. Do you want me to die here?" He madly exclaimed and still try to turned on the device. 

"5. 4. 3. " Luhan buldged his eyes as he watched the ship prepared to shoot him down.


"2. 1" Maro voice stopped and a buzzing sound could be heard as a light of laser aiming to him in a quick speed. 

Luhan, still trying to get the device on now closing his eyes. Preparing for the pain that must will be not pretty. His memory quickly turned the part when his Aera waved to her the last time, how his father used to teach him to fire bending, Thia who beautifully smiled to him just a minute ago, and how his mother died in front of him as she took the same kind of laser that was supposed to kill him instead of her.

He closed his eyes as he remembered the last words of his master. The laser light was so shining that even though he closed his eyes it was still blinding him.

"Please Stay Alive"
