
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

MA_Writecrft · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

White Dream

Pov ( White )

Place ( White's D.W ) Time ( 5th S )

I feel heavy, and tired. . . it feels like I've run an entire a marathon, my body. . . it just doesn't want to move. . .

As I tried to stand up. . . even though the floor feels so good. . .

? ? ? : " Well hello. . . you're finally awake. "

As I heard my own voice, my body reacted on it's own and stood up. . . and then floated, now it felt like I'm sky diving again.

now that I floated upright using air as a floor, I finally saw how spoke. . . and he's me. . . atleast my last incarnation before I was reincarnated. . .

White : " Daniel Gears. . . . why? am I here again. . . did I went to deep sleep again? "

Daniel he's, my old self he had Pointed ears white wavy locks and a rather yellow brown pale complexion he's was my handsome human incarnation. . .

Daniel : " I know you must be curios why you're here again. . . no reply huh. . . sure let me just show you its that. "

Hes finger pointed at the normally blue and pink sky of my world. . . but when I look up at it. . . it wasn't dream like no more, more like a nightmare. . . it was now dark. . . nothing but a pitch black nothingness like space.

White : " So what is it. . . It looks familiar vaguely. . . "

Daniel : " Well. . . that should be normal we did enter this world from it. . . "

What! how and . . . I remember when I was floating . . . The Abyss. . . the place that took my memory the place Mask maker warned me never to go to. . . but why is it here.

Daniel : " I'm not sure either. . . this is you're dream world. . .you're domain. . . where you keep every ability you've gained. . . just look over there. "

I did as he said. . . huh he read my mind well that's a lot easier.

I saw it. . . it was another two hills just like the one I stood now. . . one has a statues of knights, samurai, monks, Vikings, and other swords man fighting portraying different martial arts with the sword, littered all around the hill. . .

When I look closer I saw that the statues where only using the stances, and techniques I learned, except that each one was only using one variant part of my. . . it's a record.

The other hill was. . . different it only had large tree. . . with Silk hanging on its dead gray black branches. . . flowing with the wind. . . wait wind!. . . well this is new.

I thought that was it but as I turned back to my former self I noticed something. . . the long rolls of white silk seems to get longer. . .

White " huh. . . you might be right but if this really is where I store all my ability, where is my. . . "

Daniel : " if you're thinking about knowledge, it's here dumb, dumb. "

He said as he pointed at my forehead. . .

Daniel : " And besides why would you need a library? and beside you ate your library so."

Wait I just realized this is my world right?

Daniel " yes why? "

he looks suspicious. . . then I could do this. . . I pressed my hand on my forehead and willed all my memories to be copied apart of my soul. . .

Daniel only smiled as he saw what I was doing. . .

I pulled out a white orb like the one Grampa God gave me. . . but I wasn't satisfied, I then split it up and, eventually the one white orb became thousands, even hundreds of thousands of different colored bubbles. . .

I made a sea of colors. . .

Daniel : " ( clap clap clap ) Well done you made you're first. . . whatever this is, but you know that's stupid right you might have erased every memory you had and placed it in that white capsule. . .

But you didn't so well done so why make a sea of knowledge. "

White : " Good name. . . I don't know it just felt right to store one here. . . now are we really safe from that. "

I pointed at the impending darkness that would consume my world. . .

Daniel : " pretty sure right now were protected by that celestial blessing, that pretty celestial gave us so where safe here, but. . . "

White : " but it might not be forever. . . alright let's do something about it. . . "


White " ( Cough . . . cough. . ) ughhed. . . my . . Every-thing. . Damn what could have happ. . . oh. . right. . . Widow.

I shouldn't be surprised. . . I knew that she was always drunkard. . . haaa( sigh ). . . I just didn't know how to help. . . "

I'm trapped in between white web. . . it wasn't silky soft . . . like those of what Weavers can create. . .

It's. . . spider tribe webbing, ( sigh ) good thing I always have my Fangs with me. . .

I wiggled until the Fang I left at my left sleeve, made its way back to my hand. . . and then ( Snap! ) ( thud ).

I was lose my feet landed on the clothed floor of a room. . . I guess this is Widows room?. . . I shouldn't be here and my. . . ( thud! )

My body collapsed, it just wasn't capable of handling the pain. . .

White : " ugh. . . Damn I need to. . . Bind! "

White strands of silk braided itself in mid air, and then mended my wounded and broken carapace. . . It didn't fully heal my injuries. . . It only made it easier for my wounds too heal naturally. . .

And then I stood up, still having an incredible pain on my chest and weirdly groin. . . what could have happened me? what did she do? I can't imagine she tortured me so. . . why am I so injured. . . I even have bite marks. .

I used more of my Silk to puppet my own body, so I wouldn't move with the dexterity of the dead. . . ( sigh ). . . and this isn't even the first time this kind of thing happened. . .

Damn I should really go and find someone that can help with my * problem *. . . but before that I should get out of here first. . .

I'm currently surrounded with layers upon layers of sticky spider tribe webbing. . . ( sigh ) this would take me . . .I don't know, hours maybe?

I started with the cutting, I used the Fang I already held, and another one that I hidden strapped on my leg. . .

And then, I cut, and cut, and cut away at the weirdly durable, and sticky webbing. . . I didn't know how long I was doing my task, but I eventually made it out of that mess. . .

And now on top of an unfamiliar roof. . . huh. . . this is new. . . I usually don't leave the Weavers Hearth first time I'm on top of it. . . I should. . . wait, hold on. . . how long was I. .

I immediately fished out a charm Hunter gave me to tell time. . .

White : " Well. . . F*ck I was gone for that long huh. . . "

I checked it. . . the charm was a tool, used by the weavers to tell the time, and date, and it seems like I was sleeping for a week?. . . ( sigh ). . . I missed so much. . . a week in this den is roughly a month on earth. . .

I wish Cecilia isn't too worried. . . she knows I go " exploring " a lot, but I always did tell her what I'm up too, heck I invite her sometimes, ( sigh ). . . I should go back.

And tell them I didn't leave the den yet. . .


Pov ( Widow )


( A few hours before White woke up )

What do I do what do I do. . . if any of those red heads found out I'm. . .

Widow : " Damn it. . . why the Hell did you even go to the library? I warned you that never go there unless it's Night!. . .

( Sigh ). . . I really should stop drinking so much. . . Ouch. . . Damn I hate that even though you're unconscious, you can still show a girl a good time. . . "

※ Widow said as she wrapped, White in even more webbing. . . While she barely stood up straight, her legs trembling and her black face blushing white. . . ※

White : " Ugh. . . "

※ Widow immediately reacted by jumping and layed still on her ceiling. . . ※

Widow : " . . . . . ( sigh ). . . he hasn't wake up yet thank god he was just breathing. . . I should get some medicine for him. . .

( sigh ). . . I really can't believe that we actually went at it for an entire week! gods they've probably started looking for him. . . "


Pov ( Hunter )

Hmm. . . . he's late? he's never late. . . I could ask Cecilia about it later. . . I'll give him another hour.

A few hours later. . .

huh. . . I should be worried but ( sigh ). . . I should look for him, lets start with Ember first. . .

I walked for a few minutes, and visited Embers firing range, this is usually where she teach the young, how to use their string. . .

Hunter : " Little Ember have you seen young White around? he never showed up to my Teaching hall. . . "

Little Ember : " Elder! ( bow ) everyone bow to Great Elder Hunter! "

The six student she was teaching, her way of Fighting and manipulation of silk, all bowed to me as an elder.

And the master of there master, it was out of respect rather than anything else. . .

Hunter : " its alright, everyone go back to you're training I need a word with you're master. . . "

All the students nodded, and went back to drawing their stringed roots. . .