
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

MA_Writecraft · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Starting A Journey

Pov ( White )

Timeline ( 8th season )

I sat on top of a silk road, hanging just below one of the gates out of the weavers den.

Its been a few seasons, and it's time for me to move on. . . I could have spent more time here in the den I mean, but. . .

If I deed. . . It would have made my leave a lot harder. . . I thought as I stood alone on this rarely used road. . .

And then while as was lost in my thoughts, I felt a sudden soft warm feeling at my back, and 6 slim arms on my chest.

? ? ? : " Hey white?. . . you're making that face again. . . are you okay? . . . where leaving soon, so you should say you're final good byes before we go. . . "

She departed from me, as she did I turned around and kissed her soft cheek. . .

White : " Thank you, Cecilia I'm alright know , thanks to you atleast ( chuckle ) I'm just thinking of how much I'll miss this place. . . "

she nodded while giving me a sweet smile, before she went towards her crying family.

As I look at her I saw my old teacher Ember. . . as she walked towards me, holding two of her arms out. . .

( hump. . . )

Master Ember : " Becareful out there alright. . . I'll miss you, little pervert. . . "

She said this, as I felt warm tears hitting my silked shoulder . . . huh . . .shes still a head taller than me I realized . . . so I still felt like a child when we hug. . .

As I was still intoxicated by my thoughts. . .

her tears faded, as I felt her hard yet gentle push on my skin soft carapace. . .

And as I looked at her. . . the only thing I saw was a determined smirk. . . that I copied. .

she leapt far, far away from me as she dawned her pale root bow, and draw it. . .

Surging so much Soul silk on the string that it made it tremble, and eventually cracked as she realised her string. . . ( tsuk. . . )

The Metallic heavy Stoned arrow flew. . . and it was fast very fast. . . As I felt it broke a few sound barriers while it flew. . .

And as It went and aiming strait at my hearth. . . I responded by closing my eyes.

And focused. . . focused at the sound of my Impending death. . . focused at the intent of my opponent . . . Focuse at the people watching, and finally I focused at the life of the world, the living soul that calls for me. . .

And then when it was only a couple of meters away, I opened my eyes, both of them glowed a pale white light, that trailed to my eyes edges. . .

As I raised my hand. . . Hundreds of treads appeared as the arrow was blocked by my hand. . . while treads appeared tied around the arrow. . . stopping it from going through my hand. . .

It was over. . . Ember again approached and hugged me one more time. . .

Master Ember : " ( Chuckle ) Come back safe alright. . .

Eldrest Scarlet : " Oh my how scandalous! . . . ha ha ha "

My old Music teacher said jokingly as she and Uncle Hunter approached as. . .

Hunter : " ( sigh ) you should go White the caravans almost ready. . . here it's my final gift to you. . . "

I departed from Embers hug as they approached.

He gave me thick a silk scroll. . . it was heavy but I didn't mind I only placed inside my bag. .

And then before I new it, uncle Hunter also hugged me. . .

Uncle Hunter : " Becareful out there alright, and remember in Every den there's always someone stronger than you. . . if you remember this you should be fine. . . "

As he said this he went to the side with Ember as they waited for our departure. . .

After his good bye Scarlet also went for a hug before she gave me . . . the one of instrument I reinvented here . . .

It looks like a Ukulele but with six strings, it sounded like a guitar when played, I called it Music stone because it's made out of grey stone with a core made out of Crawling Wood.

This one in particular was made extremely well, it had intricate carvings all over its body, resembling the seal they use to guard the gates, while its head was a sharply cut.

and it was light. . . lighter than the prototype I made and showed to Eldrest Scarlet two seasons ago. . .

Eldrest Scarlet : She Fancied a Smilling smirk before she spoke " I don't like doing this, sad good byes so we shouldn't. . . I'll see you next time love. . . "

she Said as she kissed my forehead and left to with the others. . .

As I met up with the waiting Caravaniers and other crimson Guardian apprentices. . .

We road off as I cried with Cecilia as we wave to our family in as a final good bye. . .


Hello this is the author. . . I've started school again so I'll probably have less time to write especially when my studies actually starts to get serious. . . this is just a warning.

alright enjoy. . . oh and I won't stop writing here in webnovel, if any of you reader are worried about that . . . this is to much of a good hobby to let go so easily. . .

Alright till next update. .