
The Connected Souls

[Completed] WHEN TWO SOULS FALL IN LOVE....... There is nothing else but the yearning to be close to one another. The presence is felt through a held hand, a voice heard and the sight of a smile. Even through a simple touch. Souls do not have calenders or clocks nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not around. Your soul feels their absence and doesn't realize that the separation is temporary. Because love finds its way....... Death can set apart the bodies but not soul. Anastasia Prescott (23 years) A charming, young and innocent girl who lost her love, Ashton Watson three years back in a tragic incident which left her soul shattered into pieces which is beyond repair. She dedicates her life to WATSON CORPORATION, the dream of her beloved Ashton and make it big, just as he dreamed it to be. But while doing so she lost herself as she never overcome from his loss in her miserable life. She was a lifeless body without a soul who was adamant for ripping apart her every being in his memories. Ashton Watson (26 years) The young lad and the heir of Watson Corporation who was keen to pursue his dream of taking his father's empire to new heights. He fell head over heels for Anna and her innocence. He was determined about his future with her. But least did he know that he would not be able to keep his promises that he made to her. He knew that he was her everything and that is why he uttered the last words on his deathbed, "Live for me Anna. Don't ever give up on yourself. I love you and I will always be with you. You may not find me near you but I will always be around you." Regan Knight (29 years) A debanoir, one of the most dashing bachelor and the most successful entrepreneur of his generation. He is conceited and ruthless when it comes to business. Love is not a part of his lifestyle. But things change when he sets his eyes on Anna who beholds him in a trance from which he never wants to come out. He gradually understand the meaning of love and...... pain. He know he would never be able to replace him in her heart but after realizing his love for her, he is ready to accept this fact as his fate. He thinks his own love would be more than enough for both of them to spend rest of their lives together. All he wants is a chance from her, for her, for them. Will Anna move on? Will Regan be able to mend her? Will Regan and Anna have any chance of a future together? Join the emotional journey of Anastasia and Regan in search of love. The journey which throbs with emotions you never experienced, the agony and finally the blitheness which leaves you with nothing but bliss and contentment to love and to be loved by your precious. --- Excerpt --- "I love you Anna." He finally confessed. His heartfelt confession moved a string in her dead heart as if awakening her soul from a deep sleep. Those three simple words that were barely above a whisper held the utmost conviction of his every promise that he had silently made to her. She didn't expect something like that. Her eyes widened in shock and she muttered unbelievingly. "You love me?" She shook her head still not believing what she heard from him and gulped. "You love me. As….as a friend…..friend, right? As a….." The edges of his lips curled up slightly. Out of all the reactions, it was the most unexpected from her. She was still not ready to believe what she heard and he was determined to make her believe every word he said. He cut her off to speak further and repeated again. "I love you......as a man loves a woman Anastasia."

ash022 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
139 Chs

I am a virgin

Stella looked at both of them. Till now she only got to know about Regan's love for Anna from what she heard from Drake. She couldn't believe that he was the same so called ruthless, Regan Knight who was known to be a devil in the business world. She could see the love and admiration for her in his eyes. The way he was handling and talking to her was enough for her to understand that her decision to go against Drake wasn't wrong. When Anna pinched his cheeks, she noted his ears glowing red.

'Is Regan Knight blushing?' She thought in amusement and chuckled.

She looked at Anna who was talking to him animatedly and then him who was listening to her with his undivided attention as if it was his most important business deal. In that moment, there was no one else in their world. They truly looked like a loving couple who didn't bother to notice someone else's presence around them. She took it as her clue to leave. She was happy that whatever she wanted eventually happened, although certain things went wrong.

She returned to the lounge and found Drake sitting in a corner. When she went near him, she gasped at his bedraggled state.

"Oh My God Drake! What happened to you? Who did this?"

He was sitting on a chair with his head hung down. He looked at her with bloodshot eyes that were remorseful.

"I lost my best friend. Reg..... Reg did this to me. Can you believe it?"

"But why?"

When he didn't answer she impatiently asked again.

"Has it something to do with Anna?"


"What did you do Drake?"

"I...I don't know what came to me. I was just trying to keep him away from her. So I did and said what I felt was right. But... but he couldn't take it and left. I don't think he would ever talk to me now."

"What did you say Drake? Please tell me. I will help you to sort it out with him. I promise." She put her hand on his and encouraged him to speak.

He knew he wouldn't be able to keep everything within himself. So he told her everything.

"I can't believe you did this." She shook her head unbelievably and withdrew her hand. "How can you say something like that? I told you before...you don't have any right to interfere in his life."

"I have that right. I am his friend for God's sake. I was just trying to protect him so that he won't get hurt." He gritted his teeth.

"And what if you are doing that in the first place? It's you who is hurting him Drake. You claim to be his best friend, right? Have you seen him when he is with her?" She yelled. "You have become so blind in your misconceptions that you haven't noticed the way his eyes brighten up with just a glimpse of her. Can't you see how happy she makes him? I know she doesn't love him yet but who knows if she is the one for him. May be his love is what that she needs for all the heartache that she had suffered through. Give them a chance Drake. Let them take this decision for themselves. If you still don't want to, then atleast don't make things difficult. He has already fallen for her...much deeper than you or me can think about. I saw them together. I swear I have never seen him this happy with anyone else. You want him to be happy? She is his happiness. If you really wish that... try to make things easier for him. Let him find his happiness."

"What if all this you say goes wrong? He would be left broken. That's what I am scared for."

"Drake we can't live our lives on 'What ifs'. If there would be a day when he would be broken... we would be there for him. You would be there as his best friend and that's what he would need then and needs now as well. Let him pursue her, his happiness. Trust me, he won't regret... What you did is wrong but you can still sort it out. Just talk to him for once and tell him the complete truth about Anna. It's still not late. I worry, if someday he would come to know about it through other means... how would he react? He credulously believe you. He has trusted you with every word you said with unquestioning belief. Don't break his trust with your silly thoughts and actions."


If sober Anna was sweet and calm, drunk Anna was loud and boisterous. Regan had a hard time to manage and convince her to go with him without anymore drinking as she kept on grumbling that she was still thirsty and wanted to have the same drink because her throat was 'as dry as dust' in her words. Regan couldn't help but guffawed on hearing her on which she started crying hysterically making him panic on the situation. However after a while, he managed to console her with a promise to give her...her favourite choco lava cake which brought a lovely smile on her face.

He wanted to take her to Richard's home but when he came to know from her that she would be all alone by herself with no one present there, he decided to take her with him to his place.

The car ride this time was unusually different unlike everytime as Anna kept babbling on anything and everything she saw on her way. Regan couldn't believe that she was the same her that he knew so far. He found her more cute and appealing that way. However, after reaching to his place, he came to the conclusion that he would never allow her to drink again even accidentally as drunk Anna was quite handful and stubborn to tackle.

Halfway through the ride, she started whining that she was drowsy and wanted to hit the bed. However, inspite of his insistence, she didn't doze off. When they finally reached his place, he waited for five whole minutes to get her out of the car.

He crossed his arms across his chest and said sternly.

"Anastasia...if you really want to sleep, you have to come out of the car."

"But I don't want to."

She whined again and took out her legs and stretched them for him to see. She pointed at them with her finger.

"Can you see the swelling? My feet ache Regan. I can't... I can't walk. What if I would never be able to walk again? What would I do then? She said and her eyes filled with tears.

Regan facepalmed himself.

"Anna!" He groaned. "Just come out please. I promise you won't lose your legs."

She nodded her head in a 'no' like a stubborn child.

"I won't."

"Fine! What if I carry you? It won't hurt then."

She looked at him innocently. Instead of replying, she extended her hands and encircled them around his neck when he bent down to wipe her tears. She agreed with an 'okay'.

He shook his head with a smile and scooped her in his arms. She laid her head on his chest holding him tightly. He lightly kissed her hair and assured.

"Don't worry. I won't let you fall."

"I know." She said softly.

He entered his house with her in his arms. The feel of calling it a home instead of a house filled his chest with more warmth and love if it was even possible. How perfect it was! All because of her. He looked at her dotingly and muttered.

"I don't understand Anna whether you have changed me or I always had this hidden side of me within that only surfaces in your presence... for you. Everyday I feel that I can't fall more for you than I already have, but you always prove me wrong."

He took her to his room and gently laid her on his bed removing her heels and massaged her aching feet.

"Do you feel better?"

"Yep!" She nodded happily. Then as if recalling something, she looked at him and frowned.

"You promised me to give me my favourite cake. Where is it? I want it now."

He rolled his eyes while removing his jacket. He kept it on the bedside table and sat across her with a glass of water for himself.

"It's time to sleep now. It's too late. Besides its not good to have sugar at this time. You'll get it in the morning."

She pouted. "But I am craving for it... badly."

"Anna?" He pinched his forehead. "You are not getting any of it. And what do you mean by craving? You aren't pregnant, are you? Generally pregnant women crave for things at unusual time." He rolled his eyes again.

She giggled on hearing him.

"Nope! I am not pregnant. How can I be... when I am a virgin?"

She wouldn't have confessed it so casually if she was sober. As soon as her words hit his ears he choked on the water he was drinking and looked at her incredulously. It was the last thing that he would have ever expected to hear from her. He didn't know how to react on her confession but still his heart was happy to know that she was unclaimed. He was never dogmatic for his woman to be a virgin. But still, her confession swelled his heart with indescribable ecstasy which he knew for a fact that won't last long as she was never going to be his in the first place.

He tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and cupped her face.

"Where have you been? Do you know how special are you? The more I try to distance myself from you, the more you pull me towards you. What would I do with you Anna?"

He kissed her forehead tenderly, touched it with his own forehead and closed his eyes to restrain the emotions that were swirling in his heart for her. He thought her to be too good and pure and he didn't want himself or anyone else to taint or ruin her innocence... neither by their act or words.



"Do you like me?"

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What would Regan answer and how?

Read to know.

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