
0-1 First Mission

Entering the Deputy Chief's Room, Johnny found himself facing Andersen, a tall man in his brown uniform that had several medals pinned on his chest, a sign of his authority and position.

Normally he'd feel like he's going to another meeting, but now he definitely looked disappointed at you.

"You're late, Eisenritter."

"Yeah.... No excuses."

It seems like he missed his meeting, that's why he felt heavily disappointed. Thankfully he's pretty patient unlike other Deputy Chiefs.

Otherwise Johnny might have been given the hard boot for tardiness.

Andersen took the sole folder on his desk, and handed it over to you.

"Don't let this happen more frequently next time. Anyway, because of your eligibility as a capable leader, despite your personality appearance, and merit in your days as a student, you will be given authorization to command Nikke starting now."

He spoke calmly, as if he's already done this many times before giving Johnny the folder.

And within it was a file that reads that you will be leading a squad of three Mass-Produced Nikke in your journey. All from Elysion, and "special models" at that.

By special models, they were literal failures. All missions, 8 of them all resulted in failures, with them mostly survived all encounters and Commanders dying.

Because they were replaceable, it doesn't matter to many Commanders.

"Since you're last, you're probably thinking what mission you're about to take. Simply put, you're going up the surface to intercept a group of Raptures gathering on one place, and report any anomalies you see. Feel free to retreat if necessary."

That sent some shivers on Johnny, not from fear, but from excitement. Johnny doubted if there were any higher ranked raptures on the area, yet because it's Andersen who's giving this mission, he could be trusted.

.... Mostly.

"I know you have any doubts, so I'll just tell you this: There are only Servants and Husks. It should be easy for someone as talented as you. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Good. Take care of yourself, and maybe your Nikkes, they'll be here as soon as I contact them. Please wait outside."

After saluting Andersen, Johnny waited once again outside the Deputy Chief's room

Although he took out your phone, it was apparent that there were barely any applications that might interest him, and being called a "talented" commander is just a bit too much.

You weren't that talented in anything, unless you really put your mind on it, that's where everything will work.

Johnny crossed his arms then leaned back on the chair, closing his eyes to drown yourself in thoughts about what can and could happen next.

Will the mass produced Nikkes be quite distant towards everyone, even their commanders, or are they those who had their memories before they were turned into Nikke?

Hopefully if it was the latter, it might be better.

For a few minutes, he kept waiting with eyes closed in contemplation, until several loud thumps from metallic boots were heard nearby.

In curiosity, Johnny kept his eyes shut to pretend being asleep, soon hearing three girls speak.

"So, this is our new commander? He looks better than our previous one who just died out of arrogance. Shorter, too." One of the girls commented, observing him.

"I guess so, Eagle. I won't really hope that he's a better commander, but Ma'am Ingrid specifically sent us special Nikke." Another of them cut in, seemingly curious about the short commander.

"Well, I don't really care about that. It's our life now, after all. If we fail this mission, we'll probably be disposed of for being useless in the field.... Ah, he's waking up, get on your positions." The third of them spoke with a solemn tone, before shifting back to her position.

"Yeah.... You're right...." Nacht finished, scratching her neck.

Johnny slowly opened his eyes and leaned forward, observing the Nikke in front of Johnny, who were all from Elysion.

The three Nikke saluted towards him.

"I'm Soldier EG, Model No. A-1520, you may call me Eagle. Nice to meet you, Commander."

Based on what she wore, she looked like an elite soldier, fit for any Elysion Nikke. Armed with an assault rifle called Hunting Eagle, she should be a decent Attacker.

'Whoa.... Damn, she looks really cool up close and personal....'

[ Soldier EG - Attacker - Level 5 - Burst III (Locked) ]

[ Rarity: R ]

[ Weapon: Hunting Eagle - AR ]

[ Element Code: Z.E.U.S. (Electric) ]

[ Equipment: • Ceramic Visor | • Ceramic Vest | • Ceramic Armguard | • Ceramic Boots ]

"I am Soldier OW, Model S-0391! Glad to be of your service!"

Soldier OW, being shorter than her two fellow Nikke, looked pretty cute for a Supporter (if only her visor was not in the way). By her class and looks alone, she is used for scouting and surveillance measures.

Her skill to speed up reloads of an entire squad are pretty cool, sadly she was nerfed.

[ Soldier OW - Supporter - Level 5 - Burst II (Locked) ]

[ Rarity: R ]

[ Weapon: Searching Owl - SMG ]

[ Element Code: H.S.T.A. (Fire) ]

[ Equipment: • Ceramic Goggles | • Ceramic Jacket | • Ceramic Gloves | • Ceramic Boots ]

"I am Soldier Model Falcon No. D-2002. It's not much, but I do request that we have a compatible relationship..... I guess."

Soldier Model Falcon, or simply Soldier FA, is an Elysion Nikke who specializes in defense and close quarters combat.

This design looked like this Mass Produced Model was mainly to stop riots, though they were used to fight against terrorists (spoiler: no Terrorists or humans were harmed directly due to mental restrictions)

She had a tight bodysuit whose colors were mainly white and a green camoflage, wearing a riot helmet, and her weapon was both a large Riot Shield and a Shotgun with a long clip that were stored inside large pouches strapped on their waist.

[ Soldier FA - Defender - Level 5 - Burst I (Locked) ]

[ Rarity: R ]

[ Weapon: Clutching Falcon - SG ]

[ Element Code: D.M.T.R. (Iron) ]

[ Equipment: • Ceramic Helmet | • Ceramic Gear | • Ceramic Gauntlets | • Ceramic Gaiters ]

And all of their equipment were Tier 2 and were Level 1, as expected of Mass-Produced Nikke. Pretty much fodder material.

Now all that was needed to do was finish the first mission, right?

Johnny even wonders why Andersen would give you such a simple mission, but knowing that more than 80% of commanders like you die on their first mission, it was understandable, at least.

"Wait, I've just got a question to ask, did you have names on you? It should help me distinguish you from the other Mass Produced Nikke if a certain time comes. Also, saying your model numbers is too much of a mouthful."

Johnny spoke, and the Mass Produced Nikke looked at each other with some confusion on their faces.

Why would a commander like him ask such a thing? Isn't the names of Nikke just unnecessary?

"I stopped caring about my name a year or two ago. If it is of your interest, then call be Agnes."

"I still remember my name to this day, so you can call me Nacht."

"Phew... Nobody asked my real name for a while. Just call me Marteau if you want."

For Mass Produced Nikke, they aren't as distant as he thought, they were even quite open about their feelings unlike many others, expecting the same thing to not happen again.

"Alright, now let's go to the surface to finish my first mission. We have things to do beforehand."

[ Agnes (Solder FA) (R) has been recruited ]

[ Nacht (Solder OW) (R) has been recruited ]

[ Marteau (Soldier EG) (R) has been recruited ]

Ignoring your system's notifications, the four of you immediately left for the elevator.

Meanwhile, while you were waiting inside the Elevator, a transparent blue screen appeared right in front of you.

Within the screen, a blue haired girl wearing headphones appeared. Obviously Johnny knew who she is on the first glance.



"Hello, Rookie Commander! I am Shifty, your assigned operator for the rest of your service duration."

Like she said, she will accompany him during several missions and provide assistance until he retires or dies in battle.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too. I'm going to need your help here in my mission."

Shifty replied, "Ah, that's right! I'll send data to Model OW now, because it'll take a few minutes before you arrive at the surface, she may tell you where to go."

For a few seconds, Nacht received data from the operator, then nodded as she looked towards the road in front of them.

"Commander, I have received the necessary data. After we enter the surface, we'll go north-east 2 to 3 klicks from here."

Johnny silently nodded hid head, having played Call of Duty before, hr knew what this meant: 2 to 3 kilometers.

Simple as.

The elevator was rising quickly, the sound of a soft hum and the engine of the elevator was making sounds similar to an electric car's engine

Soon, the elevator stopped, its automatic doors opening to allow you and your squad to exit.

Once you left the elevator, a whole new world was revealed, while the elevator concealed itself under the ground.

Except that it wasn't even that bright.

Rather, it was bleak.

An abandoned, post Apocalyptic city was in front of their eyes, the sky being filled with clouds added to an atmosphere of loneliness.

Many tall buildings were ruined, and foliage seemed to rise above some of the buildings. There were grass, plants and trees at some parts of the city.

Right now there was nobody other than Johnny and your squad. With a solemn sigh, he took a step forward.

"Let's officially start this mission."

As Johnny walked forward, his Nikke followed with doubtful looks.

"He's strange. Quite unlike the other Commanders." Agnes commented as she whispered at her companion.

"But should we trust him?" Marteau asked.

".... I do. What about you?" Nacht replied, and both Agnes and Marteau were still wary about Johnny.

Who knows what he's doing?

"..... Only time will tell." Agnes replied, staring at Johnny's back.

[ ~ TO = BE = CONTINUED ~ ]

Question: So what do you think?

If Shift Up had buffed the R units, what do you think would be changed?

I wanna smash Soldier FA.

I wanna pin her down.

I wanna have seggs with her.

I wanna-- [SIGNAL LOST]

BadTranslatorcreators' thoughts