
she believed

After accepting that she was a character in the comic book she decided to play along she felt like she was the protagonist of the novel, she was always helping a scholarship student name Sahara.

Sahara was a scholarship student who was often bullied by many student because she was poor, favour found herself helping her and saving her from the bullies she felt like a hero when ever she does that. she was always thinking she was the protagonist. she felt since it was a Romance comic book she was the princess and her prince charming would come for her.

On a very sunny morning while going to class with Sahara, they met Emmanuel and his friends John and Matthew, the three boys where the school most handsome and popular boys in school, so they were liked by many people mostly by girls. As a lot of girls were running towards them they pushed Sahara and favour down.

Right on the floor favour was so happy and engrossed in her thoughts she felt that one of the guys would come for her as her prince charming, suddenly John who was the richest among the three boys walked to there direction and went to raise Sahara up. Favour was shocked and surprised cause she thought the guy was coming for her.

Favour got up and ran straight to the school kitchen to find the book which was always with Emmanuel and when she carried the book she found out that she was just an extra in the book, she was the character that would help the male and female protagonist fall in love, that was when she knew why she was helping Sahara. It turns out that Sahara was the female protagonist while John was the male protagonist.

she was soo angry at herself when she found out the next thing she found herself in the hospital,she was told that her heart condition has worsen.