
The Color of Souls

Heli lives in a world where the color of someone's soul determines their worth. But what if this color system was flawed? When Heli draws a black string, the worst of them all, she is thrown on a journey to uncover a conspiracy that threatens to tear the world apart. Will she expose the corruption and turn the world around, or could she become the biggest villain of them all? Whatever you need to read ig: The cover is AI generated because I could never draw that good ;-;;; bonus facts: This is a book I worked on with my bestie co-writer Bush so like 50/50 credits on that lmao annnnd chapter publishing might be a bitttt slow since both of us have to read it before anything's published, but wish us luck >:D *read till at least the second chapter before you decide to ditch it please* - EVERY WEEKDAY COZ YOU COULDN'T PAY ME TO TYPE ON WEEKENDS I HAVE A CHANNEL NOW !!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6DjAK9vpn_EeDtn4Wr2mw

PilinyTheYounger · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs


The whole room looked at Heli, who was grinning like a cat under her hood as she spoke. "I believe that with the damage thats been caused, and how much the papers spread, there have been multiple elders in the black layer spreading all these," Heli said loudly, her voice echoing through the large conference room. Everyone was silent, and the elder in the middle suddenly threw themselves to their knees. The elder in the middle instantly noticed and held up a hand, and all the other elders, who were silent, looked away from Heli and at the elder in the middle of the room. Taking the cue, Heli respectfully sat back down.

"Sentence her to death. We will do our best to find anyone else involved." The middle elder said, in a loud and booming voice. Heli was silent in her seat, still trying to remember where she had seen the elder before. 

Then other elders got up to drag the elder on their knees out of the room. Heli was watched as the doors closed. Now she was wary of one thing. 

"This is too easy."