
The Collapsed World

Publishing schedule (once every three days.) In a world where the sound of wind hooting near your ears could shiver you up, where the sun played hide and seek behind the dense clouds, roads hidden under the fog, surroundings devoid of any presence. The noise of cracking and cackling will send cold sweat roll down your neck as you will walk amidst the debris left by destructed buildings and look at the sky in intervals, fearing when something will come and tear your flesh apart. In the world where you can only hear your own breathing and heartbeat, where you have only yourself, even your own shadow abandons you in the darkness. How long will you survive? No... What will you do to survive? Fein Rasmond, being thrown into a world in it's brink of extinction, embarks on a journey to search for his only twin sister after a strange dream he had of her. Not caring about his parents who neglected him since childhood, he cared only about his sister who he didn't even know was alive or dead. Explore the world filled with mysteries along with Fein as he stumbles upon allies and enemies. Discover the history behind all the destruction. In this world contaminated with undeads, dragons and beasts, Fein will exploit everything and anything in his arsenal to meet his motives, creating a vague line between good and evil, right and wrong, life and death. Despite everything the only thing that he claims.. I'm neither good nor evil. Asking me to care about other people is nothing but a waste of time. I'm a human, so are they. Why should i have to act the hero and protect when we all have the same four limbs? Blessed with a gift.... Haha. Should i try using my gift for other's I'll only be used like a little doll stringing around their fingers. Trust me Rene. I'll protect you so just come with me. People are too imbecile to deserve heroes. *Cover photo: AI generated (self produced)

Akira_Kei_ · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs


Kuina troded all alone in the passageway of the quarantined ship.

She didn't expect that they'd be so intimate to each other. For some reason it didn't sit well with her heart. There was this pinching pain as if someone prodded a needle in and out unendingly.

What was she doing in his room?


Why was he shirtless?


Why were they both in bed?


Why was she leaning so close to him?


What were they talking about?


What was she whispering in his ears?


What is their relationship?

She found herself questioning stuff completely irrelevant to her. That made her wonder, why does it bother me?

Fein is just a hand that I clung onto. I can't claim him for myself. Then why do i feel pain seeing him with another woman? I shouldn't be feeling it.

"Yes. And I'd like you to go and check there."


As Kuina entered the deck with pointless thoughts in her head, she stumbled into the conversation of two men one of whom took a turn from the other side of the wall.

She quietly walked past him, lowering her head and stealing a glance of his blue belt all while contemplating by herself, hoping that she had never seen the sight.

It was the third time she felt an immense pain like that. It was adding more to the burden in her chest.

Perplexed of her own emotions, the sounds of waves crashing entered her ears distracting her trail of thoughts. She trudged to the balcony. Leaning against the railing she glanced down at the ocean. The image of a crimson pool vividly emerged before her eyes.

Her fate had been cursed.

Hands tainted.

Memories filled with terror and regret.

The sensation of the frigid body of her own brother, still lingered in her fingers.

The feeling of killing someone her own, won't ever erase from her past.

As though she hadn't seen enough to let go of her emotions.

Then what it was that was causing her heart to throb too much. It was unsettling, suffocating and restless.

It is a hideous feeling! I don't like it!

She crossed the railing. What laid ahead of her was the vast expanse of the ocean with no sight of land anywhere. The waves splashed against the ship making an enormous noise. Kuina's salty tear drops of misery mixed with the wide unknown of the ocean.

She outstretched her arm at the purple and dark blue painted sky as if embracing the mysteries of the misty evening.

"I can't handle everything all by myself. I'll let my fate handle it."

Her shoulders quivered, arms pressed on her chest.

Kuina had chosen to give up. Living was a privilege that she thought she didn't deserve. It didn't matter anyway. Sooner or later she had to die, why not just today.

"Sure it is easier and more peaceful that way."

The sudden voice startled her, causing her to lose her footing. The dark silhouette behind, grasped her arm and pulled inwards.

She, being suddenly pulled inside, crashed with the person, hugging him with the sun setting in vibrant red behind.

Her face buried on his chest, causing him slight pain, since there was a wound he had received there.

"Fein!" She expressed with astonishment.

Fein noticed her snot sticking on his sweatshirt. Her eyes were puffy puffy. It was evident that she cried. But for what reason was still not known to him. He sighed then spoke.

"Suicide is not a bad idea if the terrors of this world cowers you."

"That…" her voice eventually reduced to mumbles. "..exactly isn't the reason."

Kuina stepped back from hugging him. Her face lowered out of shame and embarrassment. She wanted to ask about their relationship but she just couldn't bring it up. She thought it was unnecessary for her to know. She, afterall, held no right to interfere in his personal affairs. Fein stared at the top her head for some time. He could tell what she was curious about but chose not to talk about it as well.

"Have you heard about the isolation protocol?" He asked.

"Yes. I've heard."

"Then what're you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same."

Kuina was being moody like she was trying to hold a conversation again after arguing with her boyfriend. It was nonsensical.

"Apparently the protocol doesn't apply to me. Ms Yulia has asked me to investigate the death."

"What?! But.. but the death might've been caused by a beast! She knows how risky it is! How could she tell you to do it all alone?!"

Her brows wrinkled but this time out of concern for Fein.

"Well. I'm the only beast slayer on board. Someone had to do it if not me…" Fein walked ahead and stood leaning against the railing, the wind affectionately brushed his hair as he continued to speak. "..Otherwise our ship wouldn't be allowed to enter the so cold safe zone."

Silence reigned between, letting the sound of waves splashing reverberate. Fein slightly slanted his head pivoted by his left hand and sneakily glanced down at the girl. The girl made such an incomprehensible expression that made Fein wonder if he spoke something he shouldn't have. He was sure his every word was chosen and calculated. He didn't want to go through such only if he wasn't forced.

He came to pacify Kuina because Yulia persuaded him.

A while ago, Yulia came to an agreement with him. She made a deal to share her investigation about the riot in the headquarters with Fein if he reconciled with Kuina. Though suspicious of her motives, she successfully grabbed Fein's interest which led him to the current situation.

He broke their absurd silence and asked. "What's wrong?"

Kuina nodded her head left and right. "Why is it… everytime that you have to do the risky task all alone?! That time you volunteered to be a bait…. Now.. while everyone hides.. you will be investigating deaths… all by yourself! This is… unacceptable!"

"I wasn't all alone in the field whatsoever."

Kuina clenched her fists. She voiced her declaration filled with angst and determination.

"I'll be investigating with you too! Undead.. or beast.. whatever shows up.. I'll protect you!"

Protect she says…

Fein replied nothing but only stared at her squeezed closed eyes.

How naive.

Suddenly an emergency alarm echoed around the ship, alerting everyone residing inside. Not many but 2 people, excluding Kuina, Fein, Yulia and Ludic gathered there.

It was in the passageway to the engine room. The lower half of a body laid on a pool of blood and an arm hung with the emergency glass of the alarm button.

The horror of the scene explicitly claimed… It was the work of a calamity!