
The Collapsed World

Publishing schedule (once every three days.) In a world where the sound of wind hooting near your ears could shiver you up, where the sun played hide and seek behind the dense clouds, roads hidden under the fog, surroundings devoid of any presence. The noise of cracking and cackling will send cold sweat roll down your neck as you will walk amidst the debris left by destructed buildings and look at the sky in intervals, fearing when something will come and tear your flesh apart. In the world where you can only hear your own breathing and heartbeat, where you have only yourself, even your own shadow abandons you in the darkness. How long will you survive? No... What will you do to survive? Fein Rasmond, being thrown into a world in it's brink of extinction, embarks on a journey to search for his only twin sister after a strange dream he had of her. Not caring about his parents who neglected him since childhood, he cared only about his sister who he didn't even know was alive or dead. Explore the world filled with mysteries along with Fein as he stumbles upon allies and enemies. Discover the history behind all the destruction. In this world contaminated with undeads, dragons and beasts, Fein will exploit everything and anything in his arsenal to meet his motives, creating a vague line between good and evil, right and wrong, life and death. Despite everything the only thing that he claims.. I'm neither good nor evil. Asking me to care about other people is nothing but a waste of time. I'm a human, so are they. Why should i have to act the hero and protect when we all have the same four limbs? Blessed with a gift.... Haha. Should i try using my gift for other's I'll only be used like a little doll stringing around their fingers. Trust me Rene. I'll protect you so just come with me. People are too imbecile to deserve heroes. *Cover photo: AI generated (self produced)

Akira_Kei_ · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Extra Chapter: A Tale of the Foresaken

"As a respectful member of DOR, I'd like to denounce my daughter from the title."

Enclosed in a dark room with only a bottle of water to survive with, she could only stare at her scratched foot. Her lips trembled, mumbling the one thing over and over again.

"It isn't over yet. It isn't over yet. It isn't over yet."

DOR was an organization that had existed for almost three hundred years. A secret organization established upon the system of hierarchy, where the previous employers entrust their children with their titles.

Yulia Orks was the daughter of such a respectful figure. A stature that none in the Orks family could've reached, her father stood there tall and proud. Even though there hadn't been enough incidents that required the DOR to interfere directly, her father was well known among governors and politicians for his contribution to the peaceful community.

Since, until a day came when DOR needed to come out in the open, they served as mere investigators, soldiers or peacekeepers.

Being born as the child of a highly distinguished man, Yulia could only curse on her fate. She wasn't as talented as her father, nor bore enough strength like him.

Outmatched by her siblings she could only continue to live in misery.

It was a time that'd never erase from her heart even after she died.

Constantly pressed into competitions, she had given up hope in everything or rather herself. Always taunted with comparison with her brothers and sisters, she started to care less about DOR and its bullshits.

The best she could reach upto was blue belt whereas her brothers had received their red belts.


It was a celebration that day, they were getting praised for their efforts in honing their skills eventually receiving their belts. Yulia was there too, as only a spectator. Grinning from ear to ear because all she learnt was faking that smile of hers.

What laid behind their success was her father who especially recommended her brothers that weren't even related by blood in spite of his own daughter.

To her father the grass was always greener on the other side. Meaning, he always favoured her cousin brothers instead of his own daughter.

She was just a useless mass of flesh...

That was what she heard growing up.

She pretended ignorance and observed her brothers. She was aware of their lackings, their pretence that people praised. She had known those were simply air filled balloons, harbouring no honest skills.

She could only scoff at their comical efforts saying, "Father should've at least seen them here."

The day of their celebration was apocalyptic.

The sudden intrusion of undeads, shaken up the whole family. They were late to be informed that not only their family, in fact the whole town had been invaded by rotting human bodies.

Yulia's father aside, there were at least 6 more red belt DOR members in her family. It was then that they realized


The belts were only a tie of crimson fabric bought with money. They were capable of nothing deserving of such sort.


It was as if in the span of an eye blinking..

Yulia was the only one left standing, a pistol in her left and a dagger in her right hand. Face tainted with blood, eyes glaring down at the lifeless body of her father, a piece of flesh torn out.

"Its enough. You can leave things to me, father."

She crouched, grasping his hand and gently caressing it on her cheek.

"Unlike them i won't disappoint you." Her spiteful sneer couldn't remain hidden anymore. It bloomed on her face as vilely as maliciously it could. "May you find salvation."

Henceforth she skipped ladders and directly took the post of her father. Tricking the top members believing her as the sole warrior left by the Orks family. It was a memory that'd never leave her side.

A tale of a forsaken posing as a valiant warrior.