
The Collapsed World

Publishing schedule (once every three days.) In a world where the sound of wind hooting near your ears could shiver you up, where the sun played hide and seek behind the dense clouds, roads hidden under the fog, surroundings devoid of any presence. The noise of cracking and cackling will send cold sweat roll down your neck as you will walk amidst the debris left by destructed buildings and look at the sky in intervals, fearing when something will come and tear your flesh apart. In the world where you can only hear your own breathing and heartbeat, where you have only yourself, even your own shadow abandons you in the darkness. How long will you survive? No... What will you do to survive? Fein Rasmond, being thrown into a world in it's brink of extinction, embarks on a journey to search for his only twin sister after a strange dream he had of her. Not caring about his parents who neglected him since childhood, he cared only about his sister who he didn't even know was alive or dead. Explore the world filled with mysteries along with Fein as he stumbles upon allies and enemies. Discover the history behind all the destruction. In this world contaminated with undeads, dragons and beasts, Fein will exploit everything and anything in his arsenal to meet his motives, creating a vague line between good and evil, right and wrong, life and death. Despite everything the only thing that he claims.. I'm neither good nor evil. Asking me to care about other people is nothing but a waste of time. I'm a human, so are they. Why should i have to act the hero and protect when we all have the same four limbs? Blessed with a gift.... Haha. Should i try using my gift for other's I'll only be used like a little doll stringing around their fingers. Trust me Rene. I'll protect you so just come with me. People are too imbecile to deserve heroes. *Cover photo: AI generated (self produced)

Akira_Kei_ · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

A Humane Beast

At the break of dawn, the vessel encountered a substantial downpour, with powerful winds causing considerable waves and a vigorous sway. Having altered their course into Reinhardt territory near the Hiikami lands, the ship managed to avoid the more severe impact of the cyclone.

Around 9 AM, after a prolonged five-hour rain spell, the weather began to clear, though the sky retained clouds hinting at potential rainfall later. The ship's navigators and captains anticipated reaching the island before another downpour ensued.

Simultaneously, amidst the clearing conditions, Yulia found herself perplexed by an unexpected email.

"The chief was looking for Fein?"

The communication revealed that Gu-Sol, the chief of the Doomsday Order, was actively seeking for someone. The inquiry pertained to the possessor of the complementary half of a chain resembling a partially broken locket engraved with the letters "VE." Recalling that Fein typically adorned a locket inscribed with "LO," Yulia contemplated the chief's motives. Was Gu-Sol pursuing Fein, and if so, for what purpose? Could it be…

Fein possesses any supernatural abilities?

"Ma'am, Orks!" The office door swung open with an urgency that matched Kuina's tone. Yulia looked up, her demeanor poised and professional. "Yes, Kuina. Tell" Yulia responded calmly.

"Fein Rasmond has unraveled crucial information concerning the deaths," Kuina declared with a sense of urgency.

"Please share the details." Yulia instructed though her interest was limited.

She handed over a note that held the weight of revelations. It was a note left by Fein in his unlocked personal room waiting for Kuina's discovery.

As Yulia perused the contents, her eyes traced the lines meticulously.

"A human is behind the orchestrated killings," Kuina divulged, her voice carrying a mix of shock and concern.

Yulia absorbed the information, her hazel eyes fixated on the note. "Hidden room in the northwest of the engine—Fein requires personnel for undisclosed reasons,"

"Yes!" Kuina ascertained.

A thoughtful silence lingered in the air as Yulia absorbed the gravity of the situation. "Fein's request implies a significant motive. Handle the personnel matters, Kuina. I shall delve into the investigation of the mysterious room," Yulia directed, her voice unwavering in its professionalism.

"Your understanding is appreciated, ma'am," Kuina expressed gratitude before departing, leaving Yulia alone with her thoughts. As she continued reading the note, her hazel pupils constricted, signaling a heightened sense of focus.

The rest of the note beckoned, hinting at a hunch regarding the elusive culprit,

It may be a hunch and i may not have any evidence as of now, but the culprit is…

How does he discern the culprit without concrete evidence? Despite attributing it to a hunch, his unwavering confidence suggests a depth of experience in such matters. There's an air of suspicion surrounding his exceptional acumen.

Post 11 AM, the vessel, having traversed Reinhardt, progressed toward Watcher's Island beneath the crepuscular sky. The prevailing breeze exceeded the norm, and despite the region typically teeming with dragons, the recent disaster had grounded them. It proved fortuitous, sparing them from potential aerial skirmishes. Standing behind the ship's safety railing, Fein detected the rhythmic trudge of approaching footsteps.

"I thought it'd be quite a challenge to look for you. Unexpectedly finding you here is quite a surprise."

Fein derisively responded before turning around, "Ludic Boseman", whom he assessed from bottom to top. Ludic stood with hands tucked in his coat pocket, a shadow casting darkness over his eyes.

"Would you care to share some of your wisdom with me?" Fein inquired.

Ludic, puzzled, responded, "What are you talking about?"

"Your past. Will you disclose everything?" Fein pressed.

Ludic sighed, "This is neither the place nor the time for such discussions."

"Then… is it the time to ask why your hand tightly grasps a revolver right now?" Fein confronted.

Ludic, fixing a penetrating gaze on Fein, displayed a quiver of anguish in his golden eyes.

"What?" Ludic exclaimed.

"Don't panic. I am armed as well, but the difference is I have no intention to end your life right now," Fein reassured.

Ludic swiftly withdrew his hands and raised them, retorting, "What are you saying? Why would I want to kill you?"

"Because you attempted to kill me last night as I approached your concealed chamber," Fein calmly stated.

Ludic remained silent, avoiding arguments or responses, keeping his head lowered.

"You are familiar with the creature inside that room, aren't you? Both you and the doctor have been feeding it for some time, so you must know them. Who is it?" Fein crouched slightly, maintaining direct eye contact with Ludic while questioning with his heavy tone. "Your sister? Mother? Father? Brother? Wife? Children? Daughter…"

Abruptly, Ludic drew his revolver and aimed it at Fein, prompting him to stand upright as he finally comprehended the reason.

"So, it is your daughter in that room," Fein concluded.

While engaged in conversation on the deck balcony, discreet personnel, directed by Kuina, were positioned to relay critical information to their commander.

"Ma'am, the culprit has been identified. It is indeed Ludic Boseman, as indicated in the letter," reported one personnel.

"Good work. Maintain your vigilance," responded Yulia.

On another side of the communication channel, Yulia was informed about the discovery of a concealed door, being present in the room herself.

"Ma'am, we found the hidden door, but… it's locked," reported another team member.

"Don't worry," assured Yulia, who approached the door and, armed with a hand pistol, resolved to breach the lock. Four precise shots dismantled the metal lock, and Yulia forcefully kicked open the door, causing a resonant echo in the room.

Inside, a scene of chaos unfolded, accompanied by faint movements. The restrained entity, connected by chains, spoke.

"Papa! Is that you?" the unexpected voice echoed, surprising everyone, including Yulia. "Did you bring me food?"

Hearing no response the little beast frowned. "Hey! Why aren't you saying anything? My wrists are hurting. Can you please remove these chains from me? I won't hurt anyone again, as promised."

As the young beast continued to speak, the onlookers remained frozen in silence, witnessing for the first time a beast displaying human language and behaviors.

Ludic's anguished words resonated with the crashing waves while the cold metal of his revolver tapped against Fein's head. "Stop… speaking.. will you? Ever since that day you've talked too much," Ludic uttered, the pain etched in every syllable.

Fein, facing Ludic's turmoil, couldn't help but unveil a glimpse of mockery with a scoff. "You must've been through a lot, haven't you," Fein remarked, his tone deepened. "Someone close to you turned into something you've sworn to kill. How long have you been hiding her? Might it be… you came with the rescue ship only so that you could transfer your daughter from the vessel to here?"

"I was supposed to be on Von2402 originally," Ludic confessed, his voice strained. The breeze outside brushed their hair and clothes, adding a haunting backdrop to the unfolding revelation. "I helped in the evacuation of the civilians into that ship. But… but I couldn't even protect my own family."

Ludic's emotions erupted, tears streaming down his face. "That day. My wife died protecting my daughter from the face of a beast! And… I could do nothing… other than… just watch! Right before my eyes my daugh.. Clara.. she outgrew her lost arm. Took the shape of a beast…. And then revert back to normal."

Fein, surprised by this revelation, struggled to comprehend. "What? A beast reverting back to normal. That's new."

"I knew it! It was a second chance given to me!" Ludic declared, his grief turning into determination. "I didn't want to waste it! I decided then and there that I have to protect Clara! I will do anything to protect her!"

Fein, attempting to fathom Ludic's actions, questioned, "That's why you've been hiding her all these times. But why did you have to kill people?"

"I didn't want my daughter to be sinned for the murder of human beings," Ludic confessed. A tense silence enveloped them as Fein absorbed the weight of Ludic's burden.

Fein, softly glancing away, mumbled, "So you took the sin upon yourself. I think I'm beginning to understand."

"Understand? Haha. Don't joke with me!" Ludic tapped the revolver against Fein's head. "You know nothing of my pain! You know nothing and still had to stick your bloody nose in it! Wanna be a hero, huh?! If only you hadn't been here… no one would've known! Only because of your childish desire to be a hero… YOU FUCKING RUINED MY LIFE!"

Fein, grasping the revolver tapping on his head, pulled it closer between his eyes. "I'm not trying to be a hero. Likewise you, I also had my reasons to act the way I'm acting. When I think about your cause… I cannot help but wonder if my sister had become a beast like your daughter… Maybe I'd have done the same."

"DON'T FUCK WITH ME! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE LOST! HOW MUCH I'VE SUFFERED!" Ludic's rage echoed with the thunder rumble.

"You're not the only one suffering, Ludic," Fein asserted, being reminded of his own situation.

The communication device affixed to Ludic's waist emitted a sharp buzz, its transmissions audible to those around. Urgent voices echoed through the air.

"The beast has been apprehended!"

"Ma'am, please step away!"

"Ma'am! We found the freezer in the doctor's office!"

"The ship has located Watcher's Island!"

"Shit!" Fein cursed. His meticulous plan had one flaw – the communication device Ludic carried, unknown to Fein, was linked to all devices.

Ludic, visibly shaken, his gun lowered, stammered, "Whah... whah... what? They took Clara? They took my daughter?!"

Fein flinched, realizing the unfolding scenario mirrored his foresight. Ludic's bloodlust-filled gaze locked onto him. "It was you. Wasn't it? YOU LED THEM TO THERE, DIDN'T YOU?!"

"Yes. I did."

Meanwhile, Kuina hurried to the balcony after reporting the gruesome discovery. Approaching Fein for reassurance, she arrived too late.

"Ludic Boseman! Drop your weapon!" Personnel emerged, guns raised, but Ludic, consumed by rage, shot Fein.

"FEIN!" Kuina's shriek resonated as he tumbled over the safety railing into the ocean. Attempting to catch him, she collapsed, haunted by the traumatic loss of her brother.

Desperation filled the air. Kuina's hand groped at emptiness. "No! Not again! I don't want to lose again! I couldn't protect again!" Her screams echoed the horrifying vision of her brother's bones, etched in black.