
The Cold Alpha Lord loves me

Haiqa_Nasir · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

chapter update schedule .information about shoutouts,bonus and apology chapters

Saturday and Sunday (2 chapters or some time three if the chapters are small but I will try to prolong them))

Monday and Wednesday (1 chapters bcz I have online classes and exams or sometimes I will update two long chapters if I am free )

Also I will update on Thursday,Tuesday and Friday if I get time . it depends on my school work. So plz try to understand. hope you are not angry .give comments and support me plz. also I am sorry for not starting the story and only giving intro and etc .I do bcz so you can understand every character personality and you are not confused .I read many stories and I was confused bcz of the characters {I am not offending anyone who did not write .everyone has their own way. So plz forgive me of you think I am being offensive} .I will write the two chapters of my story on Saturday and as an apology I will write the first chapter of the story tomorrow and I will write 2 looooonnnnggggg chapters on Sunday. after some days it is Eid so I cannot write on Eid days .if I am free I will write 2 chapters in that week for sure . they won't be maybe not too long .plz be considerate,understanding and supportive . and I am telling you guys now that timings of update are not final and I will sometime update on evening or at night .some days I will update in morning if I have time . so plz understand . Also in the future if I cannot update bcz of any problem I will write one or two extra chapters that week . So support me . here is a proper schedule

☆Saturday and Sunday = 2 chapters

☆Monday and Wednesday = 1 chapter

☆Tuesday, Thursday and Friday = only of i did not update(as an apology) or as a bonus chapters

●number of chapters updated in a week = 6 chapters or 8/9 if I wrote an apology or bonus chapter.

●numbers of bonus chapters in a month =4 (4bonus chapters are must and I don't know how many apology chapters)

guys I will upload a new cover when I find the write one . you can also give me ideas .contact me via email


thus is my email .help me find covers . I will tell you a bit about the story so we can find a cover or you can also send me covers matching to the name ,etc .

remind me when i have to write an apology or bonus chapter. Also I will give 2 shoutouts when I update a chapter. who will get a shout out can contact me through email and give me ideas of what should be the next twist ,etc and if you want me to write a small chapter (100 till 200 words) special for you (your name will be mentioned on the title with the chapters topic like * Chapter name ( special for Anna or whoever * ) you have 2 choices a chapter special for you or giving me ideas so others can see your writting skills.The people who want to get a shoutout have to comment daily and each day at the end of the chapter I will give a shoutout topic and you have to write 5 lines on it in the comments .The 2 person's whose lines will be the best will get one . also you have to write a line about my writting skills with the 5 lines .So in total you will write 6 lines . And if you don't get a shoutout try next day .I will give everyone a shoutout so the person who has got one will not get again after all persona on the list are finished the lost will repeat but the order wont be the same . if you are not in the list no problem I will give you one too and if you want to make it to the list email me your name _*if you will help me with covers or not . After I will find a way to upload the updated list in the community ever time a new member join us . I recommend you to join the list but If u don't want i ain't forcing you .here is my email agin


that's all for today folks.

love you guys ❤❤❤❤❤❤