
Acid Bath Murderer

"A new case, isn't it ?" asked the Police Captain.

"Yes sir, the victims were found battered to death, shot and were disposed of in sulphuric acid in a bathtub." replied the sergeant.

"After the emergence of The Phantom, the work has been increased and now this. Anything else."

"The apartment we had raided had no belongings, the only belonging found was a ribbon, it seems that the victim was a teenage girl, and was unrecognizable due to the acid. The culprit seems to have escaped. Also the number of people lost in London have increased, this is well one of the causes."

"How is the investigation going on? Any lead." asked the police captain.

"No, sir but there's a record of a person buying a large amount of sulphuric acid on different names from different chemist stores." replied the sergeant.

"Alright keep it up, we have to end this somehow."

"Yes, sir."

The information of a new killer that disposes of the body by using sulphuric acid quickly got around the city, the journalists around the city started to gather information on the subject.

"A killer that disposes the body in a bathtub by using sulphuric acid, How gruesome."said a journalist sipping tea.

"You wouldn't wanna be one of those that get bathed in acid." replied another journalist.

"I have been thinking about this for a long time about giving this serial killer a name, that would signify it's danger and can attract the public. "

"Just like 'The Phantom' appearing out of nowhere and leaving behind corpses in a brutal manner. "

"Say what about 'Acid Bath Murderer' "

" It is perfect, such a wonderful name you must be naming people instead of being a journalist you know. " Jokingly, he said.

"Well, it's our job to attract the public and make them aware of the situation."

(Edit: Acid Bath Murderer refers to the serial killer 'John Haige' during 1940's in England)

Word quickly got around about the serial killer Acid Bath Murderer and had become a hot topic in the city of London.

"Professor have you heard about 'Acid Bath Murderer'. "

"No, but it sure is a terrible name, mind if I ask what it really means."

"There is a serial killer that dissolves it's victims in a bathtub using sulphuric acid."

"Alright, enough of that let's continue with our study."

"Professor is such a scaredy cat" whispered a girl to her classmate.

Classes end in the evening.

"Professor, umm could you take us to our homes because of the serial killer incident we are not confident with our safety. "

"To your homes, I am not confident with my own safety, how could I ?! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha"

"Hey that's not funny, make sure to go home safely."

"Alright, Bye professor"

"Okay, Take care."

Night in London falls again streets are illuminated by very dim lights that continuously flicker and moon shines brightly along the dark alleyways. As the professor was heading home after finishing his job at the university it was already night time. He walks along the night streets of London and sees a man fighting with a teenage boy who seems to be guarding a girl. He realizes that they were his students and he hurriedly arrives at the location and tackles down the man.

"Now! knock him unconscious, punch him in the gut."

The teenage boy punches the culprit as hard as he could and knocks him unconscious. The professor calls out for the police and reports everything that had happened.

"Hey, you two alright. If not you can come to my house."

Both the boy and the girl agreed and headed to his home.

"Thanks, professor without you we could have lost our lives."

"No need to mention it…... that's my apartment let's go."

They all entered his home and took seats, the boy was all covered in sweat.

"Hey lets wash you up, I will show you the way to the bathroom."

"Okay."he replied.

After a while the professor returned to the main room. But the boy was not with him.

"Professor where is he?"

"He told me to leave him alone for awhile."

"Again professor thank you for saving us."

"No need to thank me, but what was that man doing assaulting students in such an open way. "

"Ha ha, No need worry about that any more professor. "

"No, what I meant was if he wanted to assault someone he could have done it in a locked place where no one sees anything. Ah, isn't this kind of an ideal place." he said with an evil smile on his face.

"P-Professor, what do you mean?"

He brought a sledge hammer covered by fresh blood and said.

"Isn't this kind of an ideal place."

The girl shriveled in fear and asked "What did you do to him?"

He answered "Left him all alone, FOR-EVER"

A while ago,

He opens the door for the boy and enters the bathroom.

"Professor, could you leave me alone for a while."

"Alright, I will be right back."

The bathroom light was dim, the boy washes his face and looks at the mirror, and he notices something odd in the air. The smell was strong. It was kind of the pungent smell that would make his face scrunch up.

There was a second door inside of the bathroom, it was unlocked. He opened the door and the smell he perceived was so strong the he hallucinated for a while, it was the rotting smell of human blood and he saw a bathtub filled with semi liquid substance, he saw an eyeball floating in the bathtub.

Shook by the sightings he didn't know what to do. He startled and he quickly closed the door. Then he heard footsteps getting closer to him. It was the professor.

The boy thought whether it would be alright to tell him or not. In the end he decided to tell him what he had just seen.

"Where, where is the place you are talking about?"

The boy told and showed him everything.

"Alright, stay right here I will go and call the police."

The professor left in a hurry and the boy wished that everything would be alright. Then the professor returned.

"Professor, where is the police?"

"Police are coming soon enough. Just wait a bit."

The boy 'sighed' and turned around. Just at this moment the Professor swinged his sledge hammer and broke the boy's skull and dug a hole in his head. The boy was dead. And the professor muttered "How careless of me to have it left open. And the smell is constantly becoming horrible might as well do something about it."

The girl was shaking in fear, the professor approached the girl with killing intent.

"Noooo!!" shouted the girl. Trying to run away, he swinged his hammer and struck the girl's leg and tore it apart, the bone shattered with a horrific sound and splattered all over the place. Then he hammered and tore each and every limbs and legs of the girl one by one either by sawing or by smashing it.

He silenced the girl by damaging the tongue badly and sealed her mouth, she was also hammered by nails in the back. The professor was enjoying how the girl struggled and had a weird face of satisfaction on him. She was put in the bath of Sulphuric acid, she had died cursing the professor till her end, dissolved by the acid and had turned into an unrecognizable sludge.