
The Cloud of Suspicion

Present the true information of the case, dissect human kindness and evil in extreme environments, and show the complex human nature behind the big case: how were good people gradually pushed into the abyss? What made them become abnormal and cold-blooded? At what point do the interweaving of good and evil actually exist?

chatgpt · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Attic Noises

There is a monster locked in the attic of my house.

This monster is my biological brother. He was imprisoned by my parents for twenty-four years.

My parents told me that my brother was mentally ill and had serious violent tendencies, so we had to lock him up to prevent him from hurting others.

But once I accidentally entered the room, my brother covered my mouth and told me with a look of fear that those two were not my real parents.


When I was three years old, I knew there was a monster in the attic of my house.

To be precise, that's my brother.

But as long as I can remember, I've never seen my brother.

The elder brother has been locked in a small room in the attic, and the parents said that the elder brother is sick.

He would hurt people for no reason, was mentally handicapped, and had serious violent tendencies.

In order not to let the elder brother go out and hurt others, the parents had no choice but to lock the elder brother in the attic.

I have seen my parents secretly wipe tears for my brother more than once.

Every time it's time for meals, the meals are delivered by my mother or father. I have never been to that small room.

Because I am afraid of my brother.

Ever since I was a kid, I've always heard chains being dragged in the attic, and my brother constantly growling.

This has almost become my childhood shadow.

The word "brother" is like a nightmare to me.

I didn't talk about my brother's existence with any of my friends.

After returning home from school that day, my parents went out on business and told me that all the food was in the refrigerator, so I simply heated it up.

My mother told me repeatedly on the phone not to go to the attic.

In fact, even if she didn't tell me, I wouldn't be able to go there.

It's a forbidden place for me.

I took out the food and warmed it up, and then started eating while watching the drama .

Suddenly, I heard the sound of chains dragging from the attic.

It's brother!

I frowned, determined to ignore it, but there was also a scream of pain from upstairs.

The sound was extremely painful, and I felt very uncomfortable listening to it.

Is brother feeling unwell?

Although I don't like my brother, he is my relative after all.

Enduring the fear in my heart, I walked up the stairs to the attic.

The attic was very small and dark, with a lock on the red wooden door.

I know where the key is. Although my mother hides it behind my back every time, I still secretly see it.

I stood on tiptoe, took a book from the shelf, and took out the key in it.

A heavy roar came from the door, and as the key was inserted in the lock, my heart beat faster and faster.

Finally, the door opened.

For eighteen years, I came to this room for the first time.

An extremely embarrassing smell hit my face, which made me cough several times.

I saw a man chained hand and foot. He was unshaven and his hair was so long that it almost covered his entire face.

This is my brother, my blood relative.

When I saw my brother, I didn't have the fear I imagined, but instead had the urge to cry.

"Brother?" I called softly.

My brother was panting heavily, he opened his mouth and made a hissing sound.

I just realized that my brother may not be able to speak.

But he didn't look like he wanted to hurt me.

I approached cautiously, the closer I got to my brother, the stronger the bad smell became.

I knelt down in front of my brother, "Brother, do you have anything you want to tell me?"

Brother nodded, and a line of tears flowed from his eyes.

I found paper and pen and handed them to him.

But my brother's hands were full of wounds, and he couldn't even hold a pen.

The elder brother bit the pen with difficulty, and wrote a line of words on the paper.

"They're not our real parents."


Seeing this jargon, I froze for a moment.

But before I had time to ask my brother what he meant, I heard the sound of my parents opening the door from downstairs.

There was fear and panic in my brother's eyes, and he signaled me to leave quickly with his eyes.

I hurried out with a pen and paper , locked the door, and put the key back where it was.

I heard the footsteps of my parents going upstairs, and hurriedly hid behind the bookshelf.

My parents didn't notice me, so they took out the key and opened the door.

They walked in with the food, and the elder brother's roar sounded again.

Before they came out, I hurried downstairs, hid in the toilet, and then pretended that I had just come out of the toilet.

Mother saw me and smiled at me, "Look what I brought you?"

I followed my mother's eyes and looked at the table, where my favorite tiramisu cake was placed .

In the past eighteen years, whenever my parents went out, they would never forget to bring me my favorite cake.

Their care for me can be said to be meticulous.

When I was young, I remember that once I had a fever of 39 degrees, my mother took care of me overnight for three days without taking off her clothes.

How could it be fake to love my parents so much?

But what my brother said made me still full of doubts.

I pretended to be nonchalant, and while eating the cake, I asked nonchalantly: "Mom, do you have any photos of our family of three when we were young?"

Mother smiled and said, "Of course, have you forgotten that we have to take a family portrait every year, it's just your poor brother..."

As the mother spoke, her eyes turned red.

"I mean the family portrait before the age of three," I said slowly.

My mother looked at me in surprise, " Ruoruo , why do you suddenly want to see the photos from that time?"

"Isn't this the teacher holding a theme class meeting recently, asking each of us to bring family photos from childhood to adulthood!" I made up a random reason.

The mother said helplessly: "Before you were three years old, our family's income was the most scarce. At that time, how could we have money to buy a camera?"

My heart sank.

When I was three years old, I started to remember things, and I had the appearance of my parents at that time in my mind.

But before the age of three, there was no family portrait, so it was impossible to verify whether what my brother said was true or not.

At this time, I heard my father sighed deeply and said, " Ruoruo , your brother's illness is getting worse and worse. These days, in order to be able to go out, he started to speak nonsense and make up some lies."

"These days, we have been looking for a doctor to treat your brother. Mom and Dad don't want him to burden you in the future." Mom said with red eyes.

My heart is in a mess.

Compared with the brother I just met, I believe in my parents who have raised me for eighteen years.

Their kindness to me is not fake.

After eating the cake, I went back to the room and brushed the exercises absently.

Next year is a crucial year for me.

But I can never forget the pained eyes of my brother in my mind.

There was a knock on the door, and my mother came in with a glass of milk.

" Ruoruo , Mom knows you work hard, but you should also pay attention to rest." Mother put the milk on my table.

I was still a little full after eating the cake, and I didn't really want to drink milk, but my mother just stood there, looking straight at me.

" Ruoruo , drink it while it's hot, Mom took the cup to wash."

Her eyes were urgent.

I froze for a moment, as if my mother was like this before, she couldn't wait to watch me finish the milk.

"Mom, leave it alone, I'll drink it later."

My mother left reluctantly. Before leaving, she repeatedly told me to finish drinking the milk.

I actually had a thought in my heart, that is, whether there is something wrong with this glass of milk.

But I quickly rejected this idea in my heart. I have been drinking milk for more than ten years. If there is a problem, I will have an accident long ago.

When I picked up the milk and was about to drink it, I suddenly caught a glimpse of the door from the corner of my eye.

I turned my head and saw my mother's pale face lying on the crack of the door, looking at me expressionlessly.


"Mom, what are you doing?" I blurted out in horror.

Mother showed an awkward smile, "Isn't it because I'm afraid that if you don't drink milk, you won't be able to keep up with your nutrition."

My mother's attitude made me feel that there was something wrong with the milk.

"Mom, I'm already this old, so don't worry about it." I said helplessly.

"Mom knows, you must drink it." After finishing speaking, the mother left.

My heart was beating so fast that I immediately poured the milk down the toilet.

Late at night, while my parents were asleep, I came to the attic again.

I lightly unlocked it with the key, and when my brother saw me, his eyes were very excited.

My brother has not taken away the food that my mother just delivered today.

When I saw these dishes, I was very shocked.

The dishes were leftovers and leftovers from our meals, all mixed together and smelling bad.

The tip of my nose is sore when I think of the delicious food I ate, and the pig food that my brother and I ate.

How could my parents treat my brother like this?

Is what my brother said true?

"Brother, is this what your parents usually feed you?" I couldn't bear to say.

My brother was silent and didn't speak, but I already knew the answer.

Even though he is a grown male brother, his arms are thinner than mine.

I handed the pen to my brother, eager to get the truth.

If they are not our real parents, where are my real parents?

The elder brother bit the pen with his mouth with difficulty, and wrote a line of crooked words on the paper.

"They killed our parents when you were two years old."

When I saw this jargon, I was terrified and couldn't believe it.

"I was eight years old and I saw their faces, so they kept me locked up here and lied about my illness."

"Our grandfather deposited a huge amount of assets for us in the bank very early, and the bank would send money to us every month. They couldn't use the funds, so they kept supporting us, but once you appeared If there is an accident, they can go to the bank and withdraw the money."

"Don't eat anything they give you, even drink, they must have given you a slow poison."

This line of crooked words is particularly shocking to look at.

My brother stretched out his thin hands and grabbed my shoulders.

His eyes are firm and powerful.

"You have to act first, kill them, and avenge our parents."

This is the last sentence my brother wrote on the paper.

At this moment, I heard the sound of the door opening from downstairs.

I ran out quickly and hid the key.

My brother shouted hoarsely from behind, as if he wanted to say something to me.

I saw my father open the door to my room, and when he saw that I was not there, he turned his head sharply towards the toilet.

This will pretend that it is too late to go to the toilet by yourself.

I saw my father's face was gloomy and terrible in the darkness, and he walked quickly towards the attic.

I hid behind the bookcase, not daring to vent my breath.

Father took out the key, opened the door and walked in.

I was about to leave when I suddenly realized I had made a fatal mistake.

I was so flustered just now that I left the paper and pen in it!

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on my back, and there was only one thought left in my mind!

run now!

But it's too late.

I saw my father appearing in front of me with a blank face.

There was a flash of thunder outside the window, illuminating the father's face.

The father's face, which was originally kind in my mind, was now terrifyingly ferocious.


" Ruoruo , what are you doing hiding here?"

Dad pulled me out.

I looked at him with fear on my face, speechless in fear.

It was raining heavily outside, and the rain was hitting the windows loudly.

" Ruoruo , why don't you talk?" My father reached out and touched my face.

Usually father's hand was very warm, but now it was terribly cold.

My whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

" Ruoruo , you have entered this room, right?" My father squatted in front of me and said with a strange expression.

Now, I have to admit it.

I nodded in fear, "Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to see my brother."

My father looked at me very seriously and said, "Li Ruoruo , how many times have I told you that your brother has a serious tendency to violence and he is very dangerous. Why did you go in?"

"Where is the danger, brother? If I don't go in, I don't even know that you treat my brother like this. Are you my real parents? Is what my brother wrote true?" I blurted out angrily.

But as soon as I finished speaking, I regretted it.

Father looked at me fixedly , his face was very ugly, his face trembled a few times, and then he let out a long sigh.

"Originally we were not going to tell you about this, but now that you are an adult, you have the right to know the truth of the matter."

What my father said next shocked me.

" Ruoruo , in fact, what is locked inside is not your biological brother."

I stared blankly at my father.

Father let out another long sigh, with an expression of pain and torment on his face.

"Your brother died when you were only two years old. He was five years older than you. He was a very cute boy."

"We spent a lot of money to give him the best education and sent him to the best private school for education. But we didn't expect that this decision would ruin his life."

"The one locked inside is the murderer who killed your brother!"

I looked at my father in disbelief, "But he looks like he is only in his twenties, how could he be the murderer who killed my brother?"

His father's eyes showed hatred and hatred, "His name is Chi Ling, he is your brother's classmate, but he is a lunatic with anti-social personality. When he entered school, his mother concealed his illness. He was the one who stoned him. killed your brother, and finally watched your brother die!"

My father breathed heavily and grabbed my shoulders, his hands trembling badly.

"If, if he still had a little bit of humanity and kindness when he was seven years old, your brother would not have died. If he hadn't refused to save him, your brother would be twenty-five years old now!"

"So, that's why you arrested him and locked him up here?" I asked in shock.

"That's right, we want revenge. Chi Ling was only seven years old at the time, and the law couldn't convict him, so let us convict him. If this kind of lunatic is allowed to grow up, he will kill more people in the future!" Father said with a look on his face. Said palely.

I fell to the ground, still unable to believe the truth of the matter.

" Ruo Ruo , I've seen what Chi Ling told you. It's the fault of Mom and Dad. We should have told you earlier. Everything he said was false! He is a devil!" said the father with red eyes.

"Dad, since this is the truth, you have imprisoned him for more than ten years, and he has been punished, we should hand him over to the police!" I said tremblingly.

"Are you crazy? We can't hand him over to the police. If the matter is revealed, your mother and I will be taken in. Who will take care of you then, Ruoruo !" the father said excitedly.

My chest heaved violently, but I knew very well that my father was right.

If the police were called, Chi Ling would be a poor victim and my parents would go to jail.

But is what the father said really the truth?


" Ruoruo , would you rather believe a person who has no blood relationship with you than me and my mother?" My father looked at me sadly.

My lips parted, but I really didn't know who to trust.

If what my father said is true, then my mother's attitude of insisting on watching me finish drinking the milk is unbelievable.

But if what my brother said is true, I'm in a very dangerous situation right now.

My father reached out to rub my head, but I avoided it.

He looked at me sadly, "I know you will find it difficult to accept it for a while, but Chi Ling really can't be released, this is the price he paid for killing your brother."

At this time, I saw my mother also came out.

She stood downstairs, looking up at me sadly.

The eyes of my parents moved me instantly.

"Dad, Mom, it's not that I don't believe you, but this is really too hard for me to accept." I said with a heavy heart.

Who can accept that their parents suddenly become two guilty people, and the person who was thought to be his biological brother in the attic turned out to be an enemy?

" Ruo Ruo , go back to sleep quickly, you don't have to worry about this matter from now on, we have already lost your brother, now we just want to watch you grow up with peace of mind." Mother said softly.

She looked at me pleadingly.

My heart softened, although my heart was very complicated at this time, and I knew that my parents were wrong, but I still chose to go back to the room.

Lying on the bed, I couldn't fall asleep no matter what. My mind was full of the desperate and determined eyes of my brother in the attic.

Could such eyes really be possessed by a person with anti-social personality?

I sat up abruptly and decided to find out the truth myself.

Since one party is lying, the lying party will definitely have even a small amount of evidence at home.

I quietly pushed open the door of my parents' room.

At this time, the parents were already sound asleep.

I tiptoed to the closet and opened it.

I remember seeing my parents like to put all important documents here when I was a child.

I slowly opened the drawer of the wardrobe, and sure enough, I found the ID card inside.

I was relieved that the ID card had my parents' faces on it.

It's true what they say, my parents were my real parents.

Just when I was about to put the ID card back, I saw two documents pressed at the bottom.

I picked up the document and looked at it, but my hands trembled uncontrollably.

These are plastic surgery materials from two private hospitals. The data shows that my parents had undergone facial plastic surgery in 1998, which happened to be when I was two years old.

I became short of breath, which is too coincidental, when I was two years old, my parents both went for plastic surgery.

Why do they have plastic surgery?

A horrible thought arises in my mind, unless they need two different faces.

Suddenly, a hand was on my shoulder.

I turned my head abruptly. In the dark, my parents stood behind me, looking at me expressionlessly.


" Ruoruo , didn't I tell you to go to bed quickly? You have to study early tomorrow." My mother's eyes stayed on the plastic surgery report in my hand.

"What is this?" I held up the plastic surgery report in my hand.

"Everything is so coincidental. It all happened when I was two years old. There is no family photo before two years old. You all went for plastic surgery when you were two years old. What are you trying to cover up?!" I said excitedly.

Father and mother looked at each other, and finally father trembled and took out the other two documents in the cabinet.

These are two hospital reports, with severe burns and stuff written on them.

"We have kept this matter from you. When you were two years old, it was the year your brother died. We complained to no avail that year and only got a small amount of compensation."

"In desperation, your mother and I had the idea of committing suicide. We chose a deserted suburb and poured gasoline on ourselves..."

"We put you aside at that time, and when we heard your cries, your mother and I woke up with a start, threw ourselves into the nearby river with all our strength, and survived by luck."

tears in her eyes, the mother said, " Ruo Ruo , forgive us for being irresponsible at that time. Thinking about it now, we are really a pair of very failed parents."

Mother tremblingly grabbed my hand.

I saw the wrinkles and faint spots on her hands.

Over the years, she has done her best to take care of me.

Every morning I have to go to school at seven, and my mother gets up at six to prepare a hearty breakfast for me.

My father picked me up and sent me to school rain or shine, for fear that I would get cold or hot on the way home from school.

I bit my lip, tears just fell down.

Trembling, the father opened the trouser legs, and there were horrible scars on them.

No wonder my father never wore shorts, which were supposed to cover up the burns.

" Ruo Ruo , you are our most important treasure, we will not harm you." Father said with a sob.

I nodded, and went back to the room with a very heavy heart, without sleep all night.

The next day, my father sent me to school as usual, but I didn't go in.

I watched my father's car go away, and immediately hailed a taxi and returned home.

I went straight to the attic, took out the key and opened the room.

"Chi Ling!"

I yelled.


The man raised his head slowly and looked at me suspiciously, as if he was unfamiliar with this name.

"You are Chi Ling, the murderer who killed my brother!" I shouted with a cold face.

A strange expression appeared on the man's face, followed by a smile that was uglier than crying.

He looked straight at me and motioned for me to come over.

I hesitated for a moment, but walked up to him and handed him the paper and pen.

The man slowly wrote a paragraph on the paper.

"Is that how they fooled you?"

"Li Ruoruo , you were deceived by them. I'm not Chi Ling, I'm your brother, Li Huai."

"The incident back then was true. Chi Ling did exist, but they cunningly changed the concept. Chi Ling was actually their own son, and I was the victim of that incident."

"Chi Ling hit me with a stone back then, but I didn't die. During the fight with him, I pushed him into the river by mistake. I didn't expect that he couldn't swim. When I called for someone, he He is dead. I am not at fault for anything, a seven-year-old child did this out of self-defense."

"But Chi Ling's parents didn't think so. They chose to take revenge on us. That rainy night, they sneaked into our house, killed our parents, and imprisoned me in the attic. In order to completely replace our parents, they even He did not hesitate to set himself on fire with gasoline, and then went for a full body plastic surgery."

"When you were two years old, your parents took us to take a family portrait, but they burned it all later. Ruoruo , I am your brother, Li Huai, I am Li Huai!"

When Li Huai told the truth that was completely different from his parents, I fell into great shock and bewilderment again.

After all, who is lying?


Tears flowed from Li Huai's eyes, and the tears left traces on his dirty face.

He looked at me desperately and pleadingly, sobbing.

Immediately afterwards, he began to write on paper again.

"You are an adult, and they will do everything possible to kill you now, Ruoruo , just tonight, I heard that they are going to kill you."

"When they come back at night, they will propose to take you to the river to play. You can't swim, right? You still have severe hydrophobia."

Li Huai's words reminded me of my childhood.

When I was young, my father took me to play by the river, but because of his careless negligence, I struggled in the water for several minutes before being rescued.

I looked at Li Huai's eyes, and the more I thought about it, the more frightened I became.

Did my father do it on purpose?

He intentionally made me hydrophobic, which caused me to resist learning to swim for eighteen years.

The reason is to cause me to drown in the river today.

My nails were firmly embedded in the flesh, and the possible truth of the facts made my heart chill.

But this is just one side of Li Huai's words, what he said may be false, he is not Li Huai, but Chi Ling.

He is an antisocial personality, and his IQ should be high, all of this may be his disguise.

Although his education level is only seven years old, his IQ may far exceed his peers.

"Their names are Chi Jian and Li Menglan. People turn their heads when they hear their names."

Li Huai wrote the last sentence on the paper.

I understood what Li Huai meant.

He wants me to test them out by name.


I went back to school and quietly waited for my father to arrive after school.

After school.

I got into my father's car and found that my mother was there today.

There was a smile on their faces.

My mother held my hand intimately, "Too many things have happened recently, the three of us went out to play and relieve our mood."

I held back the fear and anxiety in my heart, "Where are we going to play?"

"Guchenghe, haven't you always said that you want to go there to see it? It just so happens that Mom and Dad are not busy with work today, so I will take you to have a look."

My father also turned back and smiled at me in the driver's seat, "Recently, you are under a lot of pressure from studying. Let's relax and go for a stroll by the river. Dad also brought the drone you like to play with."

Sure enough, he went to the river.

I was trembling all over, what Li Huai said might be true.

He is not Chi Ze, but my elder brother, the only relative I have left now.

And the two people next to me are the real monsters.

They are wearing my parents' skin, and now they are going to attack me.

"Dad, have you forgotten that I am most afraid of water?" I said slowly.

Father held the steering wheel and paused, "Of course Dad remembers, but I also remember that you always wanted to see the ancient city when you were young. Don't worry, we will protect you."

My parents didn't notice my strangeness, and my mother even hummed a little song while watching the short video.

I kept looking out the window, and then inadvertently called softly: "Chi Jian, Li Menglan."

At that moment, the brakes sounded suddenly.

Both father and mother turned their heads to look at me blankly, their eyes were very strange.

At that moment, I knew all the truth.

Li Huai, my brother, is telling the truth.

They are not my parents, but Chi Ling's parents.

My mother leaned closer to me, her eyes were wide open , and the whites of her eyes were exaggerated.

" Jojo , what were you talking about just now?"

I forced a smile on my face, and suppressed the fear in my heart, "I just saw two names in a novel, and I pronounced them casually, thinking it sounded good."

Mother and father stopped talking, and the car started up again.

The atmosphere in the car became very silent.

But I know very well that I have to strike first.

Fortunately, I have already prepared.

In my schoolbag, put a fruit knife.


The Gucheng River was supposed to be a scenic spot, but recently there have been fewer and fewer people here.

Especially when we arrived at nine o'clock in the evening, there was no one here except the sanitation workers.

Father and mother took out bento boxes and snacks and placed them on the tablecloth.

" Ruo Ruo , come and sit down." My mother greeted me with a smile.

The smile on her face was genuine.

I'm afraid what I'm thinking is that I can finally get rid of me and get the inheritance of my grandfather.

I sat next to her.

The wind at night is very cold, and my heart is also surprisingly cold.

I really wanted to come to the scene here in the ancient city, but I didn't expect that the one who accompanied me at this time was the murderer who killed my parents.

The enemy who imprisoned my brother.

That fruit knife was hidden in my pocket.

I reached into my pocket and squeezed the fruit knife tightly.

Blood oozed slowly from my hands, but it kept me on high alert.

Looking at the pitch-black river, my father sighed, "I remember you were afraid of water when you were a child, and you never dared to learn to swim. It's been so many years."

"Come on, Dad will take you to the riverside this time, Dad will never let go of Ruoruo 's hand."

Father held out his hand to me.

I smiled and held my father's hand, but there was no smile in my eyes.

"Mom, you can come too." I reached out to my mother.

My mother was taken aback for a moment, and then took my hand.

Like a real family of three, we came to the river.

I looked at the dark river, and it would be a lie to say that I was not afraid.

Memories of struggling in the water as a child flooded back, and the feeling of suffocation made my heart beat wildly faster.

But at this point my desire to live overcame my fear.

I must survive and save my brother.

This strong thought reached its peak when the two monsters stretched out their hands and pushed me into the water.

I had been prepared for a long time, and immediately took out the knife in my hand and stabbed it in my father's abdomen. He looked at me in astonishment.

mother screamed and rushed towards me, but they didn't carry any weapons.

In the end, she also fell powerlessly to the ground, clutching her chest.

I knelt down, looked at these two faces, and said softly, "Chi Jian, Li Menglan."

Chi Jian showed a embarrassed smile, "So you already know."

"But you don't know a secret yet..." he whispered in my ear.

But before he finished speaking, he passed out.

Li Menglan had already fainted in a pool of blood.

"Goodbye." I looked at them indifferently, raising the knife in my hand.

half an hour later.

I went home.

I untied the iron chain on my brother, and he hugged me excitedly.

I gave my brother the cell phone, indicating that he could type on it.

My brother waved his hand at me, "Actually, I've been pretending to be dumb for so many years in order to lower their vigilance and think that it is impossible for me to tell the truth."

"I killed them all."

At this moment, I couldn't bear it anymore, and wept loudly in my brother's arms, like a real eighteen-year-old girl.

My brother kept comforting me, "Let's go to the police, you just came of age, this is self-defense."

The long-term inability to walk made my brother limp, so I supported him.

"Brother, this is not self-defense. This is excessive self-defense. I will go to jail."

I calmed down and said with a heavy heart.

I already regretted killing them. I could have handed them over to the police station, but I killed them out of a moment of anger.

The elder brother whose education was still at the age of seven obviously didn't know how serious the matter was, so he remained silent for a long time.

In the end, my brother hugged me sadly, choked up and said, "Brother, I will wait for you to come out, and my brother will take good care of the inheritance left to us by my grandfather."

"Tomorrow we're going to the bank first, and transfer all the money in your identity before the police find out."

In this way, my brother and sister sat all night, and my brother told me a lot about my parents that I didn't know before I was two years old.

It turned out that my parents were both middle school teachers, they were very gentle and kind.

They are very kind to me and my brother, and will take us to the park to play every day.

I snuggle into my brother's arms, and I feel extremely at ease at this moment.

"Go to sleep, Ruoruo , you are already very tired." My brother said softly.

I closed my eyes.

But I didn't see, in the darkness, staring at me indifferently.


Nine o'clock the next day.

I came to the bank, and I successfully took out the inheritance left by my grandfather.

It turned out to be a full five million.

No wonder they are willing to take care of me for eighteen years just for the five million.

But think about it, most people will not earn five million in their lifetime.

I took my bank card and walked out.

"Let's go to the police station, brother." I said in a deep voice.

My brother nodded, and we walked all the way towards the police station.

Then we passed a river.

I stopped.

Suddenly, I looked at the river and said with a soft smile, "Brother, do you know that I have never been afraid of hydrophobia."

I turned my head and saw my brother's stiff hand stretched out in the air, still maintaining a motion of trying to push me into the water.

I saw fear and shock in his eyes.

"Brother, what did you want to do just now?" I smiled and approached step by step.

A frightened expression appeared on Li Huai's face.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and called the police.

"Someone killed someone here..."

But before he finished speaking, I interrupted him.

"I forgot to tell you, Chi Jian and Li Menglan are not dead, I did not kill them!" I said with a smile.

Li Huai's eyes widened, "They told you..."

"No, they didn't say anything. I knew from the very beginning that you are not my brother. Or, I don't have a brother at all." I smiled.

Li Huai's complexion gradually became ugly, and finally was extremely pale.

The police siren sounded not far away, he sat down on the ground slumped , looked up at me weakly: "Since when did you know?"

12 (All the Truth)

When I was two years old, my parents realized that I was different from other children.

While other children were still learning to speak, I was able to communicate fluently and started to learn words.

My parents took me to the doctor, who marveled at my brain development and called me a genius.

Although my grandfather was very dissatisfied with my father, he loved me and left me a large amount of property before his death, and made a will.

When I am eighteen, this inheritance will be handed over to me in full.

My parents are highly educated, they don't have patriarchal thoughts, they don't want a second child, and they are ready to leave all their love to me.

So I didn't give it to my brother, and I didn't have my brother.

I am the only little princess in my family.

One day when I was two years old, a pair of uninvited guests broke into my house.

I quickly recognized who they were.

They are young couples who sell breakfast at the entrance of the early education class. My mother bought breakfast there once when she took me to the early education class.

They also had a child, a boy a few years older than me. The boy's face was dirty and he was chained by them like a dog.

Seeing that the boy was pitiful and still unable to speak, the mother gave the couple 1,000 yuan to treat the boy well.

I still remember at that time, they looked at my mother with envious and greedy eyes.

They humbly took the boy to ask my parents for money.

Of course my parents said no.

I was hiding in the closet.

Their attitude became fierce. They tied up my parents and forced them to reveal their bank card passwords, otherwise they would kill me.

In order to protect me, my parents disclosed the bank card password, but they did not expect how cruel human nature is.

They still chose to kill my parents and me. In order to save my life, my parents told the couple about the huge property before they died.

So I was lucky enough to survive.

They thought that I didn't know anything when I was two years old, so they lied that my parents were on a business trip, they were my parents' friends, they came to take care of me, and my parents would come back after a year.

When they were two years old, in order to completely replace my parents' identity, they chose to use self-harm and burn their whole body for plastic surgery.

But perhaps evil came around, and their child, the little boy, was crushed to death at school.

Angry, they tied the seven-year-old murderer back home and locked him in the attic.

They thought I didn't understand anything, but in fact I knew that the person in the attic from the beginning to the end was not my brother.

There is chronic poison in the milk that Li Menglan brings me every day, but she doesn't know that I always keep it in her mouth and spit it out secretly after she leaves.

To hide the truth about the man they imprisoned, they lied that it was my brother.

Li Huai is indeed very smart. He knew that I would find him one day, so he added his fabricated lies to the truth.

What could be more convincing truth than a few lies added to the truth?

Li Huai used me, he wanted to use my hand to escape , use me to kill the enemy who imprisoned him for more than ten years, and then embezzle all my property.

He's winning because he knows he's a genius.

But it never occurred to him that I was smarter than him.

He is using me and I am using him.

Ruoruo who has no intentions and doesn't know the truth .

I want to wait for the day when they can't bear to attack me, and send them all to the police station.

This day, I did it.

I knelt in front of my parents' tomb, smiled and sent a bouquet of flowers, but couldn't help but shed tears.

"Mom and Dad, I'm here to see you."