
The Cleansing

The time to cleanse earth has come. ================================================================= I will be pausing this novel to sort out some personal issues and will be re-uploading it again with proper context and story. Thank You for reading. And thanks for the support to my readers.

MSKartoos · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Angel's nightmare

The Foster Communications(FCM) HQ was basically a fortress with the population being as high as 30 million people, including visitors, tourists, and employees. And due to it being in the center of the island, the FCM city depended on the farming sector for producing food which could easily feed 200 million people.

The skyfarms for producing food were similarly managed by chosen workers associated with FCM. Being on the western side of FCM city, it was home to agriculturists, horticulturists, agronomists as well as farming experts along with their families in various fields furthermore laborers for ordinary tasks.

The location of FCM Island was chosen as per ease of access to trade routes from all directions.

While the farming sector was to the west of FCM City covering approx. 200,000 acres of land for agriculture purposes while connecting to Sub-Saharan Africa for trading cereal grains in bulk for fresh veggies grown in FCM Island.

Eastern part of the FCM Island extends from the city to the coast containing residential sector.

Primarily involved in trading of spices and everyday essentials from the Indian subcontinent and its neighbors .ie., South Asian Countries.

While the Northern side stood facing Middle Eastern Countries for oil trade from the gulf.

The pathway connecting the northern sector was surrounded by the private forest owned by Oriel Foster.

Leaving the Southern part being involved in the business of network technology with the rest of the world from America to Russia and from the Arctic to Antarctica.

As I was learning the physiography of my country with Miss Morgana who is my tutor at her house which was also in the residential sector near my home. I began to feel sleepy as it was pretty boring to study even when the whole world was enjoying the new year with family and friends.

"Angel, pay attention to the lesson, no dilly-dallying otherwise I will be giving you extra homework." I heard Miss Morgana as she was sternly scolding me for my inattentiveness.

"Sorry, miss I will pay attention. Please miss no homework. Please miss I wanted to celebrate the new year at my Uncle's office since he has no vacation." Angel implored to Miss Morgana showing her puppy dog eyes full of innocence.

"Okay. You can leave today since it's new year's eve but next time we meet I will ask you questions about the physiography of FCM Island." Even though I was scolding this naughty lass she just took off without listening any further.

"Angel, Happy New Year. And enjoy the new year and don't forget about the test." as I shouted to the frisky girl.

Without turning back Angel simply replied while speeding home "Bye Miss. Happy New Year to you too."

'Well, I will proceed to join with my friends at the restaurant in the Resto Lair'. Then Morgana jumped into the shower and to get ready for the party with her friends.


It was 11:00 p.m. as I looked at the pulse watch watching as I was rushing home so I and my mom could celebrate the new year with my uncle as we did every year by celebrating his birthday.

Immediately after reaching home I went straight into the bathroom and turned on the shower for being prompt for uncle's birthday.

"Angel, do not be careless in the bathroom otherwise you will fall down and get hurt. We will go and give your uncle a pleasant surprise for his birthday. Also properly clean your underarms and hair. Understood." as she lectured Angel who just sped directly in for shower without even folding her clothes. Hazel knew that she would never able to forgive herself for what had happened and how she could not give the poor girl, living with her mother as she never experienced fatherly love from Vic.

'Even though she perceives Alex as her father, just how Alex saw me as a mother in his youth but still I was so foolish to love and marry that son of bit**.' As she was recollecting about the time spent with Vic, Hazel cursed him for making her life go from high to lowest just for his greed to occupy a position in the company.

"Mama, when will you get ready to go to uncle's office? Hurry up we can't be late as you know uncle will be feeling very downcast." after getting out of bath Angel just rushed to her room and leaving all the pile of clothes on the floor. Hazel merely picked them and put them in the laundry bag.

"C'mon mummy, Go go go. We have to reach over at uncle's department in ten minutes. Otherwise, we may miss the chance to be wishing him first." I was urging mom to drive faster and reach the department in which uncle worked, as we still had to go from the eastern gate till the north-western area of the FCM city.

"Okay dear, please stop making a racket so that I can drive properly." as my mom asked me to be quiet. After crossing over the security checkpoint at the gate we drove towards my uncle's place.

As we reached near the entrance of the Department of Communications where Alex managed one of the departments which were under his care. We once again had to go through a security check through the guard post.

"Excuse me, ma'am would you state the reason for your visit and some ID for security checks." said one of the guards stationed at the entrance as stopping my car.

"Chima, it is me did you forget now. Hmph!" as I pulled the side window of my car down. Then he instantly realized it was his former superior. "Oh! It is the CEO. Please state the reason for your visit ma'am. Or should I inform Mr. Vic that you came to accompany him for the new year's eve?"

Even though Hazel could get the ridicule in his tone, she could not understand how his behavior changed from being so respectful towards her before and now being so sarcastic. But she didn't object as she knew it had to do something with her ex-husband.

"Hey, you blacky. You better apologize to my mother now unless I should complain to my uncle, he is a head figure in the company, you know." from the back seat I could hear this black watchman was being rude to my mother, so I also gave him an earful.

"Angel!! how can you be rude to this mister. Say sorry to him immediately."

"Why should I apologize to him, mom. He was being disrespectful to you, just wait I will complain and kick him out of the corporation."

"I am extremely sorry ma'am we all guards were just celebrating the new year's and just had a few drinks with my friends here. Please, little miss, forgive me for the slip of the tongue." as he was apologizing to me I could hear the sincerity in his voice and also fear of being kicked out.

"Good, now apologize to my mother." as I was triumphing over my victory over the guard.

"Yes, little missy. And I am sorry for being impolite ma'am. Please forgive me." even though Chimo was showing an atoning appearance but he was actually scheming to take revenge on both the mother and daughter in his mind.

"Ma'am, please simply record your identification in the scanner."

"Angel now patiently sit here plus don't forget to apologize to mister later." as Hazel got down from the vehicle and went towards the guard post for registering her identification in the scanner.

'zzzt, zzzt.'

Even before reaching the ID scanner I saw my mother being stunned with an electric baton by one of the guards. "Mother!!!!" I began yelling at the guards and ordered them to release my mother.

"What are you doing to her, release her at once otherwise no one will able to save y'all from the prosecution." I tried calling my uncle but my pulse watch couldn't connect over his number.

One of the guards quietly opened the car door and dragged me out forcefully. "Oh! The little missy over here sure has a lot of anger, hah. Now shut up, unless you want the same treatment as your mother, should I punish you little missy." and he began to chuckle.

"Hey, Danlami and Bomani what are you both doing, we would get prosecuted if we were caught on the CCTV." I heard one of the guards stopping the others. I also joined in, "Yeah, if you let my mum and me go, I promise not to talk regarding what happened today to anybody. I promise."

"Wole, just shut up or else I will break your mouth, you can put Danlami's word to your heart or else...," said Danlami as he was the one who stunned my mother with the baton. "Bomani, just gag that little bi*** so I can enjoy her mother peacefully. Haha haha haha."

"Y'all let's go in the security cabin and appreciate the gift I will give you all." then Danlami put my mother on his shoulders and went in laughing.

"Now little missy, just open your mouth and let me tie it up." Bomani playfully said to Angel.

"Aren't you afraid of the CCTV people complaining to the supervisor about you and your friends?" I asked with a trembling voice as I was tearing up.

"Haha, no need to worry missy the CCTVs all over the city are down for temporary maintenance and will be fixed only tomorrow." that Bomani guy was making fun of me as he said that.

After I was gagged and put together in the same room as my mother, I heard one of the guards warning me. "Little girl, you better don't try anything funny unless you want to see your mother suffer more. Understood."

I was gagged with a rough cloth, without space for closing my mouth. So I could only nod my head. Tears were gradually falling down my cheeks and I started praying to god.

'Please God, please. Save me and my mother. Please.'

I could hear the voices of the guards in the next room as they were being rowdy without any shame.

After a few moments abruptly everything became silent and I suddenly could not hear anything as I was praying in my mind to let all that happened today be a bad dream. A few seconds later I heard a supernal voice and immediately fell unconscious.

[Ding! The cleansing is being initiated.]

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