
The Circle-

Jv_Author_Aziz · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 01

If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

A stupid question, Ashlyn thought, a question to make people pounder over all the times they've screwed up and then regret it.

The boutique was lively with the chatter and laughter. The show room was lit up brightly, a complete contrast to the pitch blackness of the sky outside.

Despite the liveliness and joyous atmosphere outside, Katherine Robert's office was quiet. The young woman in the boss' chair was holding a few pictures, tears brimmed in her eyes.

"I… I can't believe…" she was whispering "John… Oh, John how could you…"

Ashlyn refrained from rolling her eyes.

Sitting in the visitor's chair, she knew very well what Mrs. Robert would change if she had the chance.

Her husband.

Tears started flowing down Mrs. Robert's eyes as she stared at the pictures of her husband holding another woman's derrière and looking very happy about it.

Ashlyn's patience was running thin. She cleared her throat but Mrs. Robert paid her no attention. With a scowl, she stood up and yet received no reaction.

"My money?"

Mrs. Robert looked up at her with blood shot eyes "W-What?"

Now Ashlyn really had had enough "Remember me? The girl who spent her last two weeks chasing your husband to get this evidence? You have to pay me 5 thousand dollars?"

Mrs. Robert looked at her with mild disgust. Ashlyn gave her a look that could send people running in the opposite direction.

Mrs. Robert took out a checkbook from her handbag and wrote her a check. Ashlyn accepted it with a professional smile. Earning money was hard work, really.

"It was a pleasure working with you," she said, putting the check in her purse "Call me if you feel like John is cheating again."

Mrs. Robert burst into tears.

Ashlyn made a beeline out of the busy boutique and soon, the cold night air greeted her outside. A slight shudder passed through her and her pulled her hair out of the low ponytail she'd put it in. The rich golden locks fell around her shoulders, warming up her ears.

As she walked, her heels clicking against the gravel, she wondered why her client wouldn't just get rid of her cheating husband. She certainly seemed rich enough to go by without him.

She'd met all sorts of people due to her profession. Not many people surprised her now, she could read them like open books. Though she enjoyed being a step ahead of them, she did sometimes get bored.

That's what you get for being too observant, she thought.

She was just out of the bank when her phone started ringing in her purse. When she pulled it out, her face twisted into yet another scowl.

"Where is my damn money?" a heavy voice demanded "You said you'd give it to be today—

"I have it," her voice was soft, dangerously calm "Send someone to my place in an hour to collect it."

"Why an hour? Why not—

She hung up and put the phone back. She was not going to take crap from this guy anymore, not when she had the money to pay him back.

As she walked the busy streets of Los Angeles, she counted how much money was left;

Ten thousand dollars to Lynch. And thirteen to Parks. And a boat load of thirty seven to Benjamin Primus.

After walking for long enough to lose the feeling of her fingers, she reached an apartment complex. Ashlyn took a quick turn to the left and hurriedly went to a door by the far end. She knocked in her usual rapt speed twice.

In the silent hallway, she could hear the pitter-patter of someone's feet coming towards the door and a moment later, it opened with a small click.

"Oh thank God," a girl with long black hair and bright blue eyes allowed Ashlyn to come inside "I was getting worried."

"Seriously," Ashlyn shrugged off her coat and put it on her arm "You're going to become a blood pressure patient if you keep worrying like this, Lupe."

She went past her younger sister, through the plain but clean front hallway and entered the little lounge.

Collapsing on one of the worn out sofa's, she closed her eyes, the room heater suddenly felt like the best thing she's ever bought.

"So," her sister's voice reached her "Did you get the money?"

"Yup," Ashlyn didn't bother opening her eyes "We'll pay Horde today and get rid of that brute."

Penelope settled on the sofa beside her, Ashlyn opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was the deep concern in her sister's eyes.

"What happened?" Ashlyn asked straightforwardly

"She's no good."

Ashlyn smiled humorlessly "Why? She's cursing me again?"

"No," Penelope said, her blue eyes alarmed

"Don't lie, Lupe." Ashlyn ruffled her hair "I know she does that all the time."

Penelope sighted "Don't say it like its normal."

"You know I stopped caring about all that a long time ago," Ashlyn said "what's the real problem?"

"It's just," Penelope tried to string together her thoughts "her meds are out and we're almost out of grocery too. But you don't need to worry, I'll manage—

"We both know your jobs only let you pay your college fee," Ashlyn rolled her eyes "So don't try to play the hero. An old client of mine called this morning."

"What job?" Penelope asked, her eyebrows pulled together

She thinks I can't handle myself, Ashlyn thought with amusement

"Nothing much, he wants me to meet his parents and tell them he's not marrying the girl of their choice since he's in love with me." Ashlyn explained

"What?!" Penelope said in alarm "Ash! What if they sought you out later? And demand answers? And—

"Lupe, come on," Ashlyn burst out laughing "I'm Ashlyn Avonmore, for God's sake! Why do you think he hired me?"

After a shaky breath, Penelope pursed her lips and glared at her older sister from the corner of her eye. Though Ashlyn was three years older than her at 21, Penelope felt like the mature one sometimes.

Ashlyn was well aware of how much Penelope hated her jobs, and despite that, how much she wanted to help with them.

That wasn't going to happen though. Ashlyn had made it clear years ago. She would be the one to keep them afloat, and Penelope would focus on her study to get a good job after she got her degree. They both had brains, just not the same kind.

Ashlyn reached into her bag and pulled out the money "Here, the rest of the money is in the kitchen. Someone will come to get it in a while."

Ashlyn picked up her heels and bag and made a beeline towards the other side of the lounge where she opened the door to her room.

"Oh yeah," she looked over her shoulder at Penelope "I'm going to New York for the job."