
Chapter 2 - A stroll into the village.

As the sky was getting darker, the lone fisherman couldn't shake the irritation he felt by the foreign emotion that had overcome him. Boredom.

He had been sat in the same place for a long time, so isn't it natural that he would get bored? However, it was something that had been foreign to him up until now, so the feeling still loomed deep in Eli's consciousness and he knew that something had to be done about it.

The man finally put his fishing rod aside and stood up. He had finally decided to explore the area surrounding him. The same area he has been in for a considerable amount of time.

The lake Eli fished in wasn't by any means remote, a small town surrounded the lake, Eli had simply chosen a relatively quite part of the lake to fish in, but locals would still venture to Eli's part of the lake to go about their daily tasks and chores.

Eli stood up and made his way to the middle of the town. It wasn't a long walk by any means, it took him less than 15 minutes.

What Eli saw wasn't anything noteworthy, quite the opposite. It was pretty mundane and normal.

He saw townsfolk going about their day, closing shops, chatting, naughty children playing outside after dark. Things one would expect to see in any town.

However, this scene introduced Eli to a new feeling.

Not wanting to deepen these alien thoughts, he decided to go back to his usual spot and resume the activity he was famous for, and falling into a pit of introspection.