
The Chronicles of Illis - Book 1

The story is set in the fictional/ fantasy world of ILLIS and follows the journey of a boy named Kai and the many people he comes across. THE STORY IS A WORK OF FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND ANY PERSON, CAST, CREED OR RELIGION DIRECTLY

Rediah · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs


Once alone Kai quickly started to analyze the situation. He was alone, abandoned by Ken and Cyer, had been made a prisoner and was due to be sold the coming night.

"Seriously... could things get any worse?" He sighed looking around.

"Don't worry to much Kai, Kenviar cannot abandon you."

"Wisdom, looks like he already did"

"Naah, I think he is merely playing a prank."


"well anyway, Kai concentrate, I have something to tell you."


"I probed about the incident in that village. I have concluded that there is another entity like me but not like me that has manifested within you..."

"eh... wait ... WHAT"

"Just as I said,"

"so, you mean something like you is within me as well right? Should I be worried?"

"I do think it's a sign of worry..."

"so, what do I do?"

"Honestly, I don't have a clue."

"Odd..." a resounding voice spoke; it appears we are stuck inside a cage of sorts... want help?"

"That's him..." wisdom started, "who are you, why are you and what do you intend to do?" wisdom started bombarding questions.

"Oh, do shut up, Kai?"

Kai who had agreed to being totally bonkers simply replied, "err yeah, help? Sure."

As on cue Kai fell down, just as he had when ken had assumed control over his body but instead of entering his being like before he woke up to find that he was still there, being able to see, hear, smell, taste, sense and all it was just that he was not in control over himself, a spectator in his own body.

Kai's eyes turned a deep shade of black as he smiled.

And then the resounding voice.

"Ah, this actually is much better than expected."

"Shit, shit, shit, this is really bad", wisdom's spoke up again.

Kai or rather Kai's body lifted its hand bringing it in front of his face, he observed it as if it were something extraordinary, proceeding to clench it into a fist and rotating it as to test its movements then relaxing it and turning it about to observe the back. Kai placed it on the cage door in a very measured manner as if performing an experiment. his eyes traced it from the shoulder to the tips of his fingers finally focusing on the door.

As if struck by a battering ram the door blew away about 20 feet or so with a loud *CLANG* sound as it tore from its hinges.

"Hah haa" kai heard his own amused laugh.

He carefully proceeded to step out measuring his every step, a guard who had been half asleep up till a moment ago had fallen back, off of his chair. His hands clenched the earth as he stared at Kai's form, Kai approached the guard who was paralyzed with shock and perhaps fear. Kai extended his arm in order to pull the guard back up on his feet, the guard hesitantly took it, as soon as he did Kai felt his face turn to grin and in a moment the guards arm exploded, like it had a bomb inside it, bursting, the sound of his muscles and skin being ripped apart could be distinctly herd.

The guard, wide eyed, shocked, looked at his own arm or rather where it should have been, the part below the elbow was completely gone and within a split second a river of blood started flowing through his injuries as he himself screamed in agony or he would have, had Kai not swiftly silenced him covering his mouth with his hand.

"Shhh, its already over." Kai whispered as the guard's head exploded. teeth racing like splinters along with broken bones, his jaw completely obliterated. The entire form of the guard shook wildly falling to its knees and squirming on the floor as it lay flat.

Kai looked at himself his cloths blood stained.

"Oh well..." he took a step forward, "I love this, I LOVE THIS!" he exclaimed. the real Kai was in utter shock, He could feel the sensations and if he could he would vomit. Shuddering, barely managing to collect his thoughts.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" came wisdom's voice who had been silent till this point. The bracelets Kai had been wearing felt like they weighed a ton.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" The resounding voice yelled as Kai's body tried to remain standing, it felt as though his arms were going to rip off of him, but unable to withstand the weight of his own body, his knees buckled bringing him down and with this Kai lost consciousness again.

as Kai's eyes opened, he had regained control over his own body with intense pain in his arms and a severe headache. Surrounded by bandits. He looked around.

"What the hell happened?"

"We don't know boss but I heard a sound and when I came to investigate the kid was drenched in blood and the guard was..."

"The guard was? The guard was What?"

"Well, see for yourself boss"

A few bandits shifted revealing the remains.

"THE FUCK...?"

"I think it was the kid, boss"


"Boss you won't believe this," said a bandit as he approached the gathering, "we found the cage door all the way over there. It's as if it were ripped apart"

"Boss," began another, "think about it, no one else was around. The kid is not in his cage and is covered in blood, surprisingly not injured, just unconscious. Also, he isn't that far from the cage. No matter how you look at it, it all points towards the kid."

"He's up boss, he's up", Kai was lifted to his feet.

"Did you do this, kid?"

"I-I think so..."


As the boss yelled in rage and shock, two of the bandits nearby fell face first on to the ground, one after the other, the backs of their heads had throwing knives impaled within. The remaining bandits drew their swords in caution.

"You go raise the alarm NOW!", yelled the boss as the said bandit raced towards a nearby turret. He had taken what appeared to be a mere twenty or so steps when a hooded figure descended upon him. Cyer had jumped from atop the turret, he used momentum to cut through the bandit's skull. Within the moment he sprang forward tackling another bandit down to the ground, his heart pierced by Cyer's dagger. The bandits in disarray stared at their dead comrades wide eyed then proceeded to charge Cyer all at once, who was now upright. Taking his stance as well, he held the dagger in his right hand while his left hand held the short sword. The dagger was upside down and leaning against Cyer's arm such that the dull of the blade traced his skin.

Charging forward, Cyer blocked a sword strike with his dagger, cutting down his opponent in a swift counter. As if he had predicted it. He quickly drew his sword and brought it to cover his back as it blocked the sword slash that followed. Cyer spun around tearing through the attacker with his dagger and at the same time ducking down to avoid yet another slash from another assailant. Retaliating with a kick to the throat Cyer threw him back. Cyer stood upright once again, the remaining bandits took a step back, glaring at him, at the monster of a man who had killed six of their comrades in front of their own eyes suffering not even a scratch in the process, all in less than a minute.

Cyer smiled and charged again tearing through the enemy ranks, cutting, slashing, stabbing to the point he cut down even the two bandits who held Kai up and had frozen due to fear.

"Sorry about the delay my friend..." Cyer said to Kai as he himself turned to face the bandit boss who was screaming a war cry while looking at his dead men.

Cyer handed Kai a cloak as he stood facing the boss.

"Quick, put this on and go to the turret, hide.",

Kai obeyed as Cyer charged for a third time right towards the boss. But instead of the swift kill Cyer expected he was blocked by a pirate sword, Cyer immediately tried to cut him with his dagger but he was seen through, the boss took hold of his arm avoiding the dagger and threw him like a rock, during the process Cyer lost his grip over the dagger and it fell a good distance away. Without delay, the boss put forth a torrent of strikes at Cyer who had barley stood up, was at his heels he held on to his sword with both hands blocking and dogging the strikes as best as he could, but the pressure was building because the boss wasn't letting up, one wrong move and game over.

"A little help please!!!" Cyer called out, Kai who had just reached the turret, paused and turned around to look and as he did, he saw Ken descending from the dark sky, he carefully landed behind the boss, standing with his arms folded behind his waist, simply observing.

"I thought you had this covered, besides, it was fun to watch."

The boss instinctively turned his head to look at the source of the voice, as he saw Ken, Ken waved at him grinning as he pointed back towards Cyer who had used the moments pause to launch a throwing knife at the boss, who instantly backed up but in doing so gave Cyer some space which he used to swiftly stab through the weakened defense of the large man, impaling his heart. The boss looked at the sword traced it back to Cyer's hand. Looking at his face he smiled,

"Assassin eh,". he said as he fell to the ground, dead.

Just then alarm bells started going off.

"SERIOUSLY, all that showoff and you still couldn't prevent the alarm" Ken blurted out.

"ME??, you were the one supposed to be on look out, no one from here raised the alarm" Cyer retorted.

"EXCUSE ME!! I wasn't the one to call out for help"

"You abandoned your post regardless; you could have ignored my call,"

"Oh please, you were getting hammered"

"Are you blind? I was playing him, PLAYING HIM."

"Well fuck it! Where is Kai? We better get out of here."

"The turret."

Ken approached Kai.

"I can explain," he began with a sigh, "but for now we need to get out."

Kai felt weak, really weak, his arms still hurt.

"Tell me, Ken... was this... was this your idea for a prank?"

"Sorta, ... kinda..." Said Ken making an apologetic yet anxious face. "Well shall we leave now?" Ken continued.

"No..." Kai breathed out

"No what? You want to stay? Be sold?" Ken spoke up again back to normal

Kai shook his head "Help everyone imprisoned here"


Cyer had approached them by then

"What's going on?"

"Kai's wants to rescue everyone"

"Seriously Kai, ... we don't have the time, in a few minutes this whole area is going to be swarming with bandits and lowlife of all kinds."

"I said, we will free the prisoners"

Ken looked at Kai, an eyebrow raised, then smiled. "at least allow me to do it in my own way then"

"Wait... wait... wait!!" Cyer interjected, folding his arms, "Are you instructing us to beat the lot of them?"

"It's a request for you," Kai answered.

"Kai, Ken... I am sorry but you do know I can't show myself here, the wolves are chasing me and this would bring them a way lot more closer to me. I don't think I can outrun them this time if they catch up."

"You won't help?" Kai asked with a dejected look

"Oh, I will I will," Cyer answered quickly looking at Kai, "but I won't show myself thus the identical cloaks," Cyer pointed at the cloak he had given Kai to wear which was identical to his own, "and I am fine as long as those who see my face end up dead."

"I see... so ... what?"

"I mean you stay hidden, or I do"

"Kai it is," Ken said stepping outside

Kai looked at Ken and Cyer,

"Kai, stay hidden ok..." Cyer said shaking his head and stepping out as well.

They were surrounded by what looked like hundreds of bandits and such.

"So, wait, I am allowed to go all out... right?" Ken looked over his shoulder to where Kai was, who replied with a nod. "Just checking. This is going to be fun"

They were surrounded by foes, by the looks of it there were more than mere bandits, some looked strong, some stronger still. Ken stood grinning looking at them with hungry eyes, arms spread, fingers curling, Ken slowly licked his upper lip.

Cyer took a deep breath looking at the enemy then his solemn expression turned into a smile as he shook his head at seeing Ken as eager as he was.

"Cyer is there any chance I can get you to sit this one out?" Ken asked looking sideways at Cyer grinning from ear to ear wanting all the opponents to himself.

"Sure, sure why not." Cyer answered as he walked back towards Kai, "Tell me when you get tired of it, Kai I think we should let Ken deal with this, if that's ok with you, I am only human you know" Cyer added to Kai as he got near enough.

"Oh... ok then!?" Kai answered a bit surprised. and Cyer proceeded to sit beside Kai, as they observed the demon facing off a horde of enemies.

Ken spread his wings, and with a slight jerk to his hands they turned into claws, He charged at the horde which rushed at him with equal vigor.