
The Chronicles Of Evercrest : Awakening

What awaits us beyond the veil of mortality? What lies in the realm that transcends life itself? Is it an eternity of boundless joy or an abyss of endless suffering? These were the questions that arose in the mind of Callyx, who after living a life full of suffering, met an untimely demise. However, an unforeseen twist occurs as a mistake by the Death reapers propels Callyx into an entirely different realm. Thus begins a remarkable journey—a tale of resilience and discovery—in this new world. What To Expect : Gradual progression of his life in the other world. 1.6k words per chapter. 3 chapters per week. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) And enjoy ............................................................................... Original Work Of Zale Kondor. This Cover Art Is Original And Mine.

ZaleKondor · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


"In my heart , I always believed that I was special and better than others. This allowed my laziness to deceive me into thinking I was better than I truly was. I neglected hard work, instead relying on others and constantly leeching off their efforts.

Unemployed at the age of 30, I even resorted to take money from my mother's pension, further sinking into a state of complacency.

My dreams, once vivid and ambitious, slowly decayed over time, mirroring my own deterioration. The idea of suicide crossed my mind multiple times, yet I lacked the courage to act on it.

Then, one day, a flood came launching it's hands on anything it saw. Amidst the chaos, I managed to save my mother, but I couldn't save myself.

No, I didn't want to save myself. Strangely, in those final moments, a sense of happiness came over me, perhaps due to the realization that my existence had become a burden to myself and others. And so, I died."

Callyx said to the Death Reaper.

The Reaper seemed disinterested in his monologue, it was lost in a haunting chant that filled the "white room" with an array of vaporous shapes, as far as the eye could see.

Upon entering this otherworldly space, Callyx was initially gripped by fear at the sight of the ominous figure before him, whom he dubbed as the "Death Reaper" owing to it's appearance. However, as moments passed, Callyx realized that the Death Reaper exhibited no harmful intent towards him, causing his fear to gradually subside.

The Death Reaper's face, was concealed beneath a sinister hood, with only two faint, glowing orbs for eyes, burned like molten embers within the depths of a never-ending void. His skeletal hands, adorned with glistening ebony claws,had a sinister scythe, its blade curved like a crescent moon but as black as the abyss. The weapon's edges shimmered with an eerie glow, hinting at the unimaginable power it holds.

As Callyx observed himself, he realized he had transformed into a vaporous form, he felt that he had become a soul. Though he hadn't been a fervent believer in any particular religion during his short life, he couldn't help but wonder about the impending judgment that awaited him.

The vapor clouds assumed diverse human-like shapes, each cloud embodying a soul in torment, their screams and cries echoing through the vast expanse of the white room. Uncertainty filled the air as these souls grappled with their newfound existence, unaware of their destination or fate.

As he looked upon these souls screaming, a question arose in his mind:

"Why didn't I do that?", He mused that perhaps his resolve to embrace death had dulled his emotions.


The Death Reaper let out a bellow that sounded like metal screeching on metal, and as it spoke, everyone fell silent. Callyx could feel his vapor mouth shut and it seemed as if he could no longer open it.

In a haunting voice, it chanted, " N'ATH ASF ACTAS KATH"

It's bony hands stretched out and pointed toward a distant spot. As all the souls followed it's gesture, they witnessed cloud sparks swirling and twirling relentlessly, Slowly merging together. it formed a spherical, building-sized mass that glistened like a mirror and flowed with a thick, viscous liquid.

"ANDHARI", The Reaper's commanding voice echoed as he gazed upon the colossal, spherical mass that gleamed like a mirror. Callyx sensed an inexplicable force tugging at his very soul, and as he glanced around, he noticed everyone else being drawn towards it as well.

Stepping into the mirror-like structure, Callyx immediately sensed that his soul seemed to be pulled in various directions. but bizarrely, it didn't seem to hurt him.

When Callyx opened his eyes, he was astonished to find himself in a vast field filled with spherical masses that looked like the same as the one he was in. He called them "portals", as clearly, he had left Earth and arrived in a new realm.

In front of various portals, the souls lingered, while a Death Reaper stood ahead of them. Some of the portals remained empty, shrouded in an eerie silence. As Callyx surveyed the field, he discovered that the entire field was enclosed by a mysterious roof and beyond the portals, there were a set of stairs , leading into the unknown. The entrance to the stairs had statues of two armored giants with longswords, who's eyes peered at the horizon.

One thing he noticed was that, compared to the white space, his soul seemed to gain definition in this realm. Transforming into a humanoid figure with a vaporous yet solid appearance.

With the passage of time, the number of reapers and souls increased steadily, with some souls even taking on the forms of animals.

The Death Reaper, who stood before Callyx, suddenly raised its hands, causing a ripple of energy through the air. In response, Callyx and the souls found themselves stirred from their inert state, and the portal that had transported them began to contract in size.

As they began to move........


Callyx cautiously looked into the source of the ominous roars and saw a soul beside a portal in distance, undergoing a dramatic transformation. In a mere moment, the transformation reached completion, revealing a gigantic and terrifying beast in the very spot where the soul once stood. With a lunge, it clamped it's jaws down on the Death Reaper in front of it, unleashing torrents of purple fire from it's maw. The destructive flames engulfed both souls and Death Reapers alike.

In the midst of the chaos, Callyx felt the grip of the Death Reaper's power fading away. Seizing the opportunity, he swiftly darted towards a nearby portal, seeking shelter from the fiery mayhem. As time passed, the once teeming field of souls gradually dwindled, as many succumbed to the unforgiving flames of the beast.

As the intensity of the fight escalated, Callyx made a conscious effort to avert his gaze from the battlefield, seeking refuge and concealment beside the portal.



As the deafening sounds reverberated, growing louder with each passing moment, Callyx cautiously looked into the field.....

Callyx's heart pounded as the monstrous creature and an armored giant , clashed. The armored giant swung his long sword against the beast . He discovered that the entrance had only one armored giant statue now.

They engaged in a fierce battle, dodging and weaving through the air with incredible speed and agility.

The armored giant delivered a powerful blow with his longsword, sending the monster crashing to the ground. But to Callyx's amazement, the creature quickly rose to its feet, unfazed, and unleashed a torrent of purple fire from its gaping maw towards the giant.

The scorching flames licked at the giant's armor, leaving charred marks, but the resilient giant pressed on, undeterred by the assault. With a renewed determination, the armored giant retaliated, launching a series of devastating attacks at the monster.

Their battle intensified, their clash creating shockwaves that echoed through the field. Callyx could hardly believe his eyes, as the two forces clashed with such ferocity and power.

Callyx's was gripped with fear as the impending fight closed in on him. He instinctively sought refuge, attempting to conceal himself as best he could, crouching behind the shrinking portal.


Callyx was abruptly hurled from his crouched position as he glanced around, only to find himself face-to-face with the monster's swinging tail. The force of the impact sent him hurtling into a shrinking portal. As the portal grew smaller, he was drawn into its depths, his soul engulfed by the liquid, that looked like mercury.

The journey through the portal this time proved far more harrowing than before. His very soul felt like clay, molded into unfamiliar shapes, and the torment he endured intensified a thousandfold.

After what seemed like an eternity, the portal finally expelled him.

As Callyx emerged, it took him a considerable amount of time to regain his senses. The pain persisted, but he found himself floating in the air, almost like a cloud above a seemingly endless forest of towering trees.

"What the fuck is happening to me"

Callyx let out a cry, his mind overwhelmed by the excruciating pain, and as he gazed inward, he could see his soul slowly disintegrating. It was as if the intense heat of a fire was melting a part of his being away. The pain was so intense that it erased all coherent thoughts from Callyx's mind.

"Arrgghhh....fuck...fuck...", A torrent of curses poured forth incessantly, each one following the other. The process seemed to stretch on indefinitely, causing his feet to disintegrate and he slowly grew numb to the pain.


Amidst the passage of time, a dreadful realization crept over Callyx. he feared that, if he remained here for much longer, he might fully disintegrate. As Callyx attempted to move, he was astonished to discover that he could soar through the air!.

He gazed towards the horizon, only to find an endless expanse of trees obscuring his view.

"Fucking shit...."

Attempting to find help or someone capable of assisting him, he set off, hoping for a favorable encounter. but as time went on, his two legs disintegrated into nothing.

"Fuckkkk....", he tried to fly faster.

As time pressed on, his torso began to vanish, leaving him with a sense of hopelessness. The feeling that his soul, too, would soon dissipitate weighed heavily upon him.

"BLEAKKOTH", Startled from his thoughts, a sudden sound jolted him into action. With every fiber of his being, he swiftly flew toward the source of the sound.

Soon, a clearing emerged amidst the dense trees, revealing a peculiar scene. It appeared that a few people gathered around a newborn baby gasping and crying, while an old man with a staff chanted incantations. Just as Callyx was about to approach them, the chanting abruptly ceased and a brilliant, pulsating light engulfed the baby. Strands of light reached out and latched onto Callyx's soul, dragging him towards the baby.

His final glimpse was of the old man's shocked expression before darkness enveloped him completely.