
The dream again

No...i will not die ....not today...although he was determined,the words came out weak from Darion's mouth.

The space was a bit dark with smoke every where.Darion struggled to stand,but was unable to.He soon found out that he was stuck under a large stone.

A black figure moved slowly towards him in the thick smoke. The figure was closing on him fast even though it was walking slowly.He knew what it was and he knew he had to get away from it.

He heaved heavily, placing his hands under the huge stone and gave it a strong push but his efforts were futile.

"There is no need for that,boy you'll never get away from that".The voice rang from inside the thick smoke. "Just wait patiently for me to come and send you to where i sent your family".The voice said again, and this time the owner of the voice came into view.

The man came out from the smoke, smiling at the scene before him.He was a tall but slender man.He had an unusually long jaw and wore a dark cloak and also had a strange long stick which looked like a staff.

" This is what your kind get for meddling in their affairs".The man crouch towards Darion "you see i was sent to silence your parents by some certain people".he paused ,then continued."they knew too much"he finished.

The man stood up raising his staff. "i was sent to eliminate all witnesses so you see,i can't leave you little boy". And with this, the man stood up and pointed his staff at Darion.

Bright green light illuminated from the top of the staff. "With this you shall die,but i'll like to send you off to your family with a message".he said with an evil grin on his face. "I'll like them to know who ended the elven bloodline".

"Tell them, Mordikus fenril ended the elven bloodline" the man laughed loudly and then suddenly the staff transformed into a long sword.

"Good bye boy"he said then brought the sword down for Darion's neck in a swift moment. The last thing that came out of Darion's mouth was "STOP!"

Darion woke up with a start from his bed,drenched in sweat. He was having the same dream again. This was the third time he was having the dream this week. He didn't know what was going on or who it was that always killed him in the dream,or who his so called parent in the dream was. As far as he knew,he had always lived with the weatherbees,his foster family.

Darion rolled down from the bed and headed for the door,he needed to clear his head.

He came out of his room and headed for the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out a bottle of cold water. He gulped it down his throat,then sat at the table.

There were many things on his mind. The dream only took about ten percent of this mind. There was also their moving to southern California and his new school. He wasn't prepared for all this,and when he tried to talk with his family about it,the reminded him of his position in the family,hence Darion had no say in any of the family matters. He already knew this but still always tried.

Amidst his thoughts,Darion heard a slight sound.he quickly hid under the table. And behold two legs came into view,then four then six. It was his step siblings. What were they doing here by this time and together. Darion knew that when the three of them were together like this,it always meant something bad for him.