
The Chosen One-Reclaiming What Is Mine

Author's Note: Dear readers please do not just read the book and pass, Give your reviews to support the book and rate the book to continue getting chapters... After an epic battle that took away the life of his father and mother. Ferguson, the only noble son of the previous Asura kingdoms king and Queen who perished in the battle to save his own live and protect his family from getting destroyed. Ferguson grows up to become the hero of his family with his brothers in support of him. He defy the wills of the heavens and continue to get strong and and cultivate diligently as he crosses tribulations after tribulations. He later get to the level where he could take revenge for death of his father and mother who sacrificed their life for all of them. Will he take revenge for what happened to his parent or not?? Join me as we make out the the epics of this novel.

BAKumi · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Fall Of Asura kingdom

The King became more furious as he released his aura and flew away.

His royal army guards were not informed of what he was about to do. He flew as fast and crossed a 1000 miles in a second.

"I have to do this for my family, if I abandon everything and stay hidden in some hidden caves it will be hard for them to track me."

He had made up his mind long ago to either kill or injure the other Kingdoms kings even if he had to shatter his meridians later and escape, about 500 years he could restore his meridians and start cultivating in peace to restore himself to the peak.

He rushed through the wilderness and arrived at the enemies camp. He spied on them while concealing his wild aura within.

"These mad dogs, you thing you can take over my kingdom."After saying this he flashed step and arrived in front of the 50 men soldiers with astounding cultivation and within seconds he wiped them out and clean all traces. It was already midnight and the soldiers are talking, drinking, and others too are drunk and slept through the Partying.

"You people think you have already won"he shouted as be teared the tent down and started a massacre for the second time. He kept murdering while his targets may seem weak, they were some at the commander level who will be promoted after this war but they died so easily to the hands of a master . It was getting to sunrise,He knew that he had to leave for now and prepare for the final show down. He cleaned all traces of him been there but he knew it was only temporary before they find out that it was him who did this.

"Hmm, Tosh you bastard because of a marriage to acquire rich bloodline and I refused, you turn to the other Kingdoms for help to eliminate me and take away my position"He kept whispering to himself as he flew away.

*Tosh is the name of the Asura Kingdom's King's Nephew, his family is from a small branch of the main Scarlet family*

In a small town where the population is about 4,500,in streets of the town people are moving in and out of the city. A group of people entered and paid the required fee then stepped into the town. The population of the people in the town is not very uncommon in the Asura kingdom but this particular town is close to the border that goes to Scant kingdom.

"Sister Louise, what do you think is now happening in the capital?."Rose asked panickly when they got inside.

Louise became gloomy and turned to a window at the corner. Tears started rolling from her eyes down her cheeks, she didn't want the children to know that she was a weak woman.

"Children go with Aunty Anett, she will take you to your rooms okay "

The children followed their aunty to their sleeping place and allocated to them their rooms. She returned some minutes later reception area where there is no foreigner there except them sisters.

"What are we up to now"Annette asked the moment she returned.

Louise and Rose turned to her and they shook their heads. They knew they have to be strong but been strong is not always the best to do because it can ruin your future plans. They are strong, quiet strong yet still they broke down and wept, trying to forget what is happening now but they couldn't. Later when the man at the reception came to tell them that their meal is ready did they stop weeping and called the children to eat.


Many soldiers were standing guard a tent when another came to deliver a report.

"Message for the Royal Commander"The soldier shouted on top of his lungs as he was having difficulty in breathing.

"State your name and status"A deep voice sounded out from the tent.

"Yona, messenger for Sac legion"He replied with a bow.

"Get up, what is the message"

"Commander it seems someone is approaching us at an amazing speed, we couldn't identify the person but he has a strong killing intent around himself and is soaked in blood.

"You foolish, that's his Majesty"He shouted when he heard this. He got up from his seat and came out.

"Where is he now? "He commanded

""He was last seen at the south zone of the wilderness I think he may be coming he.....

Before he could finish the commander rushed out at full speed and flew away. He has served the king his his young age and is keen with his aura, he depended on that to sense a minutes of of his location and flew away.

"I hope nothing happened to his Majesty, who could possibly wound him? Is it the king of Cadec kingdom? "He had so much questions as he flew away through the rising of the sun from the horizon.


"Gather the combined forces soldiers and let them be in their assigned legion we will be waiting for his Highness, "A man in a full armour said.

When do you think the Sovereign's will arrive"Another man asked, He was also clad in armour and looks to be in his 80s but was actually 75,he faid to make as breakthrough which backfired on himself since then he couldn't break through again.

"Drake stop been like this, because you can't talk to them even if you arrive, we have to wait before the war;A man who looks to be in his 20s but is around 30 years old. He is also the commander for the royal army of the Cadec kingdom.

"Peter, Drake please do what you have been assigned"The man said as he left the room.

After he left the two men also left to prepare and wait for the next command.They arranged everything and then waited.

Some hours later their Sovereign's came and marched out to the outskirt. The commanders found out what happened to some of their soldiers and became gloomy, they reported to the one in charge and he also reported to The Sovereign's. They sent a man to investigate the incident to see what happened last night. If the king was here he would have gotten furious and attacked now because the man was his nephew Tosh. They marched on and arrived at the outskirt and saw that the opponent has already arrived. The kings were in front followed by the commander then the royal army's commanders and lastly the soldiers who have been divided in legions.

"Ohh, I didn't know that my uncle will be that fast"Tosh said mockingly.

The King of Cadec kingdom, Austin didn't say anything and just sat on his horse with a saber at his side.The only person in this war who will be the deciding factor whispered a moment later;"The fall of the Asura Kingdom's Scarlet royal family is the fall of the Asura kingdom."

At the long side of the battlefield too a man sits on his horse with his wife by his side. His wife too as an astounding cultivation, She is a weak half-step Immortal King so he believes she could support him.

"If it gets dangerous, we escape on my command okay"The King said to her.Her name is Monica, the queen of the Asura kingdom.

"Hmm, I hear you "She nooded to approve.

"The war is about to start get prepared"we don't need any problems, Tosh the same plan nothing else. The king of Scant kingdom Dario said.

"Yeah the plan is a good one, don't let emotions get to you and massacre, we need some of the high rankers who have the bloodline in them the girls are yours". The king of Snowfall kingdom said as he stared at the man called Tosh.

"Let go"Austin said as he moved out of line with the others to meet the other side.

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