
The Chosen One: Flames of Sorcery

It begins with King Aric, the just and honorable monarch of the powerful kingdom of Evaria. He leads a disciplined life, but his heart is restless, for he has fallen in love with his beautiful maid, Alia. Despite the risks, they indulge in an affair that results in a pregnancy. The King is unaware of this, but Queen Nadia, his wife, discovers the truth about Alia and her unborn child. Queen Nadia is a powerful sorceress, who has long harbored dark secrets and ambitions. She practices dark magic and is in league with a malevolent entity Dagon that seeks to enslave the world. The news of the pregnancy enrages her, for she believes the child in Alia's womb is a threat to her plans. She unleashes her powers on Alia, but the maid manages to escape with the help of a shape-shifter named Kael. Kael reveals to Alia that she is carrying a special child, who will be known as the Chosen One. He will possess immense powers and be destined to save the world from an impending doom. But first, he must be protected and his identity kept secret from the agents of evil, who will stop at nothing to destroy him. Thus begins Alia's perilous journey, as she traverses the kingdom, seeking refuge, while evading the Queen's henchmen. As Alia races to protect her son, The Chosen One, the Queen amasses her forces, unleashing dark magic and creatures upon the land. The kingdom plunges into chaos, as battles rage, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. And in the end, the Chosen One must face his ultimate challenge, as he confronts the evil being that seeks to enslave him and the world. Will Alia succeed in protecting the Chosen One and help him in fulfilling his destiny? Or will the Queen and her dark master triumph, plunging the world into an age of darkness and misery? Find out in "The Chosen One's Journey", a tale of magic, love, betrayal, and redemption.

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32 Chs

Chapter 7: The King and his Queen

King Aric sat in his grand court, surrounded by his courtiers, in the midst of a critical meeting. However, his attention wavered as one of the courtiers droned on about a subject he struggled to comprehend. His mind was awash with thoughts of Alia, rendering him almost deaf to the discourse.

Despite his authority, he had summoned Alia the previous night, only to be met with her unwavering refusal. A bold act, considering that defying the King could lead to dire consequences. Yet, she seemed unaffected, a fact that intrigued him.

He pondered the enigma that was Alia. Their conversation from noon yesterday echoed incessantly in his mind, leaving him restless.

Frustration surged within him as the courtiers' discussion stretched on, pushing him to his limit. The final straw came when a courtier asked for his opinion, revealing Aric's detachment.

"Let us adjourn this meeting for today and reconvene tomorrow," Aric declared, cutting through the chatter.

The courtiers exchanged glances, taken aback by the King's abrupt decision. Nevertheless, none dared question his command, given his authority.

Lucas, the King's unwavering confidant, promptly followed Aric out of the courtroom, intrigued by the unexpected departure. The King's directive didn't come as a surprise to Lucas when he heard the reason.

"Fetch Alia," Aric instructed Lucas as he made his way towards his private chambers.

"Of course, Your Majesty," Lucas replied with a respectful bow, swiftly heading in the opposite direction to carry out his orders.

Inside his chambers, Aric paced, his anticipation building. Today, he was determined to uncover the mystery shrouding Alia's behavior.

A knock on the door disrupted his thoughts, and he turned with a hopeful smile, only for it to fade as he found not Alia, but his wife, Nadia, standing there.

A knowing smirk tugged at Nadia's lips. "Were you expecting someone else?"

Her words were laced with subtle amusement. She wasn't oblivious to the fleeting change in his expression when he laid eyes on her.

Aric's cold voice sliced through the tension-laden air, "What brings you here at this hour?" His feelings of resentment towards his wife, Nadia, were palpable. Marrying her solely to avoid conflict with her scheming father had left him devoid of any affection for her.

"I sought a conversation with you, husband," she replied, cautiously advancing. "Rumors of your interactions with a certain maid have reached my ears."

Aric's face reddened, but he masked his emotions skillfully. "And what rumors might those be?"

"Enough with the pretense, Aric," she retorted bitterly. "I am well aware of your affair with Alia, the maid. Furthermore, I know she carries your child."

A chill ran down the King's spine at the mention of Alia being pregnant. He gazed at Nadia, searching for answers. "How did you come upon this information?" he inquired, his voice a mere whisper.

"I have my sources," Queen Nadia responded, a triumphant curl on her lips.

Aric's concern deepened. "What have you done to her?"

"Only what was fitting for a wretched maid like her."

An undercurrent of fury surged within Aric. "Harm her, and I assure you, I'll personally end your life," he growled.

"Would you truly kill your wife, the Queen of Evaria, for a mere maid?" Nadia scoffed in disbelief.

"Don't test me Nadia. Where is Alia?"

"Discover her whereabouts on your own."

Aric's anger intensified, his voice rising, "What do you mean?"

"Your supposed soulmate fled last night. Fear seemed to grip her. I wonder what horrors she encountered," Nadia taunted, her words dripping with venom.

Aric's fists clenched, his face drawing nearer to Nadia's. "Should any harm befall Alia or our child, you won't live to see another day." With that, he stormed away, his heart pounding. The reality of the situation was too much to bear.