
Chapter 7

"Such a beautiful little girl can actually cheat? Impossible?"

"That's hard to say, you don't know, this is one of the top ten beauties in our Sky-sea City, I heard that she was pregnant by a wild man five years ago, she became pregnant before marriage, and her private life is so disorderly, such a moral character , probably not much better!"

The whispers of the crowd reached Elena Shaw's ears, and her eyes instantly turned red with grievances. In her choked voice, there was the last stubbornness: "You... what evidence do you have to say that I cheated?"


The corner of Vivian White's mouth raised, and his eyes slowly scanned the others: "Do you think that your cheating methods are so perfect that no one can see it?"

The voice fell, and there was silence for a few seconds. Suddenly, a woman not far from Elena Shaw stood up: "Miss White, I saw it! I saw her cheating just now!"

Elena Shaw's eyes widened, and she looked at the woman who spoke in disbelief: "You...why are you lying?"

"Why are you wronging me?"

The woman who was stared directly at her couldn't help turning her head, but she still said firmly: "I didn't wrong you! I guarantee my personality, I saw you cheating just now!"

"I saw it too!"

Another man stood up and vowed: "I just saw with my own eyes that she cheated!"

One after another, four or five people stood up and said that they saw Elena Shaw cheating with their own eyes, and their mouths made money. Some people who didn't believe it at first looked at her with contempt!

"I didn't expect that she really cheated!"

"That's right, thanks to Miss White, if you accidentally recruit such a person into the company, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Get out! People with bad conduct are not worthy of joining us to apply for the job!"

I don't know who yelled, and then everyone yelled, and more than a hundred people in the room shouted for Elena Shaw to get out.

Elena Shaw's face was pale, her eyes dimmed with tears, holding the last ray of hope, she looked at the five people on the examiner's table: "What about you! You are the invigilators, did I cheat? Didn't you see it?"

Facing her accusation like weeping blood, the five people couldn't help turning their heads away and remained silent.

"Didn't you hear me telling you to get out?"

Suddenly, Vivian White pushed Elena Shaw suddenly, her feet became unsteady, and she fell heavily to the ground.

The whole room roared with laughter, and Vivian White bent down, condescending, eyes full of contempt: "Elena Shaw, now you are just a waste that everyone shouts and beats, what right do you have to fight with me!"


With a crisp shout, Elena Shaw suddenly turned her head. At the door, Tyrus Wilson, holding Yana Shaw in one hand and a lunch box in the other, was watching all this with a gloomy expression!

Yana Shaw broke free from Tyrus Wilson's arms, and rushed to Elena Shaw's side through the crowd, her two little hands beat Vivian White's body as hard as she could: "Why are you bullying my mother! You are a villain!"

Impatiently, Vivian White kicked Yana Shaw into Elena Shaw's arms, with a sarcasm on her face: "This is your daughter?"

"Tsk tsk, this little face is really cute and pretty!"

"However, you have to discipline yourself well. Don't be like you again. You won't be able to steal men outside, but you will make your stomach bigger! Haha..."

"Shut up!"

Tyrus Wilson's voice was not loud, but it was icy cold, like the ecstasy of the nine ghosts, everyone's body trembled involuntarily, and the laughter they wanted to make was suppressed abruptly.

Tyrus Wilson's icy gaze was fixed on Vivian White for three seconds. In these three seconds, Vivian White felt as if he was being watched by the god of death. When he moved his eyes away, he breathed a sigh of relief, unknowingly. , the whole body is already soaked!

"Are you OK?"

Tyrus Wilson helped Elena Shaw up distressedly, but the latter suddenly pushed him away, as if he had found an outlet for his suppressed emotions: "What are you doing here! Who told you to come!"

"It's all because of you that I am so embarrassing! It's all because of you that I'm in this ugly state!"

"Seeing all this, are you satisfied?!"

Tyrus Wilson bowed his head in silence.

At this time, Yana Shaw tugged on Elena Shaw's sleeve, and whispered: "Mom, Dad saw that you haven't come back for a long time, and was afraid that you wouldn't have lunch at noon, so I brought Yana here to bring you lunch."

Only then did Elena Shaw realize that with a push just now, the lunch box in Tyrus Wilson's hand fell to the ground, and the sumptuous meals, still steaming, spilled all over the floor.

Elena Shaw took a deep breath, restrained her emotions, and said, "Yana, let's go."

Vivian White suddenly said, "Elena Shaw, is this the man you're looking for?"

"The whole body is not worth two hundred yuan. I have to say, your vision is really bad enough!"

She looked Tyrus Wilson up and down, and couldn't help but sneered: "And I'm curious, how did you get into Mus Group?"

"Oh, I remembered that the toilet in the company has been broken for the past two days. I'm afraid the security guards saw your outfit and thought you were a toilet dredger, so they let you in directly!"

Everyone laughed, Elena Shaw bit her lip and pulled Tyrus Wilson: "Let's go."

Unexpectedly, Tyrus Wilson didn't move at all, looked at Vivian White who was laughing wildly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly said, "You said Elena cheated?"

Vivian White was taken aback, nodded, and looked down at her: "That's right, I said it!"

"The president of Mus Group is Musa Kemp, right?"

Tyrus Wilson said this out of the blue.

"Hmph! The president of our company is worth hundreds of billions, and he is a frequent visitor to all kinds of financial and financial matters. It's so strange to know his name!"

"Don't tell you, you, a dick, still know our president? Haha..."

The corner of Tyrus Wilson's mouth also twitched, and then he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. After connecting, Tyrus Wilson said directly: "I'm on the 13th floor of your company, give you two minutes, come down and see me!"

After hanging up the phone, Vivian White was stunned for three seconds, then laughed loudly: "Don't tell me, you were calling our president just now?"

The corner of Tyrus Wilson's mouth raised a hint of amusement: "What if I say, yes?"

"Haha...Elena, Elena, now, I actually feel a little sympathetic to you. I didn't expect that the man you're looking for is not only a poor loser, but also a fool!"

Elena Shaw's face was also very ugly, and she gave Tyrus Wilson a hard look: "What are you doing!"

"What kind of person is Mr. Kemp, how did he know you?!"

"Isn't shame enough?"

"Follow me quickly!"


Vivian White stretched out her hand: "You just want to leave after bragging?"

"How do you know that what I said is not true?"

"just you?"

Vivian White smiled disdainfully: "If you can really make our president appear here within two minutes, I will personally kneel down and apologize to you, admitting that I am blind!"

As soon as the voice fell to the ground, there was a burst of noisy footsteps, and the door was suddenly pushed open. At the head, a man about the same age as Tyrus Wilson was in an expensive suit, his eyes were full of panic, and he looked around. At the moment they looked at each other, it was obvious that he had an excited expression on his face, and then he quickly pushed aside the crowd and rushed over, standing one step away from Tyrus Wilson, there was a little sparkle in his eyes.

Tyrus Wilson smiled softly: "I haven't seen you in four years, I have matured a lot!"


Musa Kemp hugged Tyrus Wilson tightly, his face full of excitement.

The audience was full of silence, and Vivian White was so stupid on the spot!

Released for a long time, Musa Kemp still held Tyrus Wilson's hand, excitedly said: "Tyrus, why didn't you notify me when you came!"

"I'm going to meet you in person!"


Tyrus Wilson put on a half-smile: "What's the reception? Some people say I'm like a worker who unclogs the toilet. The security guard at the gate, why don't you just let me in."

Upon hearing this, Vivian White became anxious, and quickly stepped forward to explain: "President, that's not the case, please listen to me..."


Musa Kemp slapped his backhand, Vivian White's right cheek was swollen as he saw it, and he looked at Vivian White coldly: "How dare you insult me, Tyrus?"

Musa Kemp was really angry. Four years ago, if Tyrus Wilson hadn't saved his life, how could there be the current 100 billion president Musa Kemp?

For four years, he has been wanting to thank him, but he has never had the chance. Finally, he looked forward to meeting Tyrus Wilson and let his employees humiliate him!

Being able to rule such a large business empire, although Musa Kemp is young, she never lacks in ruthlessness!

"Come here, take her down and teach her how to speak!"

"No! President! Don't!"

Vivian White was shaking like a sieve. She had heard a thing or two about the rumors about Musa Kemp's secrets. For those who made him unhappy, the end was extremely miserable.

Seeing the two big men walking towards him with no expression on their faces, Vivian White knelt down to Tyrus Wilson and begged, "I'm sorry! I'm blind! It's my dog's eyes that look down on people, please let me go!"

Seeing her crying bitterly, Tyrus Wilson leaned over slightly, condescending: "I can accept your apology, but you framed my wife for cheating, shouldn't you also apologize for her?"


Musa Kemp slapped the table heavily, the veins on his forehead were bulging, looking at Vivian White's eyes, he wanted to swallow her up: "How dare you slander your sister-in-law for cheating?"

Musa Kemp even wanted to cut his heart alive. Leaving aside the life-saving grace of Tyrus Wilson, he is a businessman. He knows the true identity of Tyrus Wilson, and he knows too well that he can have something to do with this young marshal. What is the value? It is simply hard to find!

It is undoubtedly a great honor for Tyrus Wilson's wife to come to work in his company!

But this idiot under him wants to push out such a huge opportunity alive!

Seeing Musa Kemp looking like she was going to eat people, Vivian White was shocked and shook her head vigorously: "I didn't frame her! Others can testify! Elena Shaw really cheated!"

Can't admit it!

I can't admit it to death!

If I really admit to framing Elena Shaw, with Musa Kemp's rage level, I will never live to see the sun of tomorrow!

Thinking of this, she quickly looked at the few people who testified just now, her eyes were full of threats, silent eyes, as if to say, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, if one person retracts the confession, no one can escape !

Those few people also understood the meaning in Vivian White's gaze, bit the bullet, nodded heavily, and admitted with certainty that they saw that Elena Shaw had indeed cheated just now!

Musa Kemp was furious: "Fart! What is the identity of sister-in-law, how can she cheat!"

"Come on, don't drag this crazy woman who is talking nonsense!"


Vivian White suddenly stood up and put on a righteous look: "Elena Shaw can have a relationship with you. If you are willing to let her go through the back door and make an exception for admission, that is your business. Those of us who are subordinates can't control it. I'm not qualified to manage it!"

"But since the company trusts me and let me be the chief examiner, I will be responsible for the company and select the best talents. Cheating is cheating. If you insist on whitewashing her, wouldn't it be a waste of effort to get into our Mus Group?" the hearts of these applicants?"

Musa Kemp's complexion suddenly became a little ugly. I have to say that Vivian White grasped the point. If she insisted on defending Elena Shaw without any evidence to prove that she did not cheat, under the spread of more than a hundred mouths, The reputation of the group may suffer a lot!

"I really can't see the coffin without crying!"

Tyrus Wilson shook his head with a chuckle, and suddenly said: "There should be more than one set of test papers for the recruitment of jewelry designers in Mus Group, right?"

Musa Kemp was taken aback, then nodded: "Mus Group is mainly engaged in the jewelry business, so the position of jewelry designer is particularly important. The examination paper for this recruitment was written by the previous design director before leaving the job. It aims to select outstanding talents for the company. There were originally two copies, but the other one is the director's recruitment test questions, compared with this one, the difficulty has increased a lot!"

The corner of Tyrus Wilson's mouth slightly raised: "In this case, why don't my daughter-in-law try the director's exam questions in front of everyone, and if the results are not bad, it will be obvious whether the cheating is true or not Yet?"


Vivian White's cold sweat immediately flowed down!