
The Choppa Effect

"Fuck wrong wid unnu?" Tego mumbles and then I hear him sniffle. I look around to see his head down and his fingers playing with his eyes. Emotional bad man to rass. I walk over to him and he looks up at me with his eyes full of water. "What's wrong with you?" He shakes his head but still answers me. "I- We protected you guys and she's being such a bitch about it." He sits up straight and wipes the few tears that fell while he was speaking. "We sensed the danger and dealt with it so why aren't you guys appreciative of that?" He's staring intently at me. "That's why I know I shouldn't get to know you but I've already started." He smiles and walks over to me then pulls me in a hug. "But fuck it." He smiles against my cheek. Emotional bad man? Emotional mad man this. *** Join Jade and Tego in their complicated love story!

kirstyasmine · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

Chapter Nine

"Jade, honestly if you don't want to tell me anything then just say that." Jordan huffs on the other end of the phone which causes Alexia to roll her eyes.

We are finally back home and Alexia is in a much better mood after talking things through with Chino for the last two days we spent there.

"You're just running around and having people like myself worried and I know without a doubt that Alexia is right beside you through and through." He sounds irritated and I expected this kind of reaction but he had been calling my phone non-stop since the same night the incident happened up until now.

I am still confused as to what kind of relationship Tego wants from me because he basically ignored me after the little encounter we had.

He only addressed me in general and up until now that still makes me feel bad- like embarrassed.

I've been trying to conclude why he ended up ignoring me but maybe he's just embarrassed that he did what he did.

Or maybe he just feels disgusted that he did something with me.

"The point is that I am safe now." I answer Jordan.

Jordan kisses his teeth. "Whatever, Jade. Bye."

He hangs up before I can get another word in.

"He's mad cause you missed school or what? Like what exactly is his problem?" Alexia speaks up in between puffs of her spliff.

No. He's mad because he thinks you're a bad influence and I disappeared for two days with no form of communication.

I understand why Jordan is upset but you would think he would have calmed down by now since I am okay and everything has been fine.

Even my parents are okay.

I hear Alexia's phone ring and she immediately smiles so I know who's calling.

"No, I'm not free right now." She pauses. "I'm tired."

She continues to speak to Chino but I know she won't see him until weekend because she says she needs time to herself to process the last few days.

I have not heard back from Tego since I was at his house but that's completely okay with me the more I think about it.

I have more important things on my mind right now such as leaving Alexia's house to catch my class for the day.

I can't be bothered with the lifestyle that Tego is involved in. I am living a very peaceful life right now and he's already been confusing me so imagine what I'd have in store later.

Mmcht. Cyaa bada wid dat.

I look up to see that Alexia is off her phone call now but scrolling through TikTok.

"Alexia, I'm gonna go to my class now." I give her a quick hug which she returns.

"Alright then. See ya when I see ya." She blows my kiss and I go to my car and head straight to school.

The rest of the week goes by in a flash and I am right back with Alexia at her house on her bed Friday evening.

"Can you believe Chino asked me to go out again?" Alexia laughs and rolls her eyes.

"Last weekend was so scary." I laugh a little but I know mine is from relief of surviving those days where I had no idea what was going to happen next and whether these people that we just met would kill us as well seeing as we are good eyewitnesses. Especially after Tego decided to be so weird.

Or maybe they just know that we know better than to talk.

"Yeah, I think I'd rather stay in." Alexia says then takes a breath. "I'd go to dinner with you or something like that but otherwise I am inside this weekend."

I nod slowly. "Inside this weekend." I mumble.

I am content with staying inside this weekend.

I get a text message and I immediately look to see who it's from.

Unknown number.

I should not have to ask again.

The first message reads.

But I will.

Do you still want to get to know me?


Why would I want to get to know Tego?

Tego the badman?

Tego the rude bitch.

Tego that nyam mi like a chicken burger then ignored me?

Tego is beyond annoying and he seems to be an overall terrible person.

Tego's P.O.V.

Why would she though?

That's why she never answered me.

How silly could I be to think she would want to get to know me after she knows for a fact that I live a certain lifestyle while she lives a completely different one?

She doesn't answer but she has read my message.

I shouldn't have texted her. I've had her number for such a long time and I never did so why did I choose to text her now?

Two minutes have passed and she still has not answered.

This is stupid.

Have man like a bloodclaat eediat.

Two more minutes have passed and I am sitting in the chat waiting for a response.

What is she processing in that big brain of hers?

Dis a waste a time.

I kiss my teeth and dial her number.

Jade's P.O.V.

Maybe it's an accident.

Why would he have just texted me and then minutes after not receiving a response would he not call? Of course it's not an accident.

How did he even get my number?

That is when I decide to answer on the third ring with a little help from Alexia frantically fanning me in silence.

"Hello?" I breathe into the phone.

"Mi haffi call yuh?" I can almost hear him rolling his eyes. "Yes or no?"

He has been very confusing to me and I don't know how much of that kind of confusion I can handle.

That makes the next question come out like word vomit. "I think it's more important to know if you want to get to know me."

He pulls in a sharp breath on the other end. "Yes." He breathes.

I smile but I don't even realize that I'm smiling. "Well then yes."

He releases a deep breath. "Can I come and see you or are you uncomfortable with that right now?"

He wants to see me? Why would he want to see me so quickly?

"I don't like to waste time."

It's almost as if he hears my thoughts. "As a matter of fact I'm not asking you. Put on some clothes and come outside in ten minutes."

He hangs up.

I look over at Alexia and she just shrugs.

"The man never hitch or stutter suh draw on something and haul yuhself outside."

hi babies. i'm on my knees sweating, throwing up and begging and shitting bricks and i even sacrificed my first born. yall please to gimme likkle vibes with this project

a beg...