
The Chef's Secret Romance

After losing her husband, Isla Gabrielle Gomez, at 38 thought she'd never love again. But when she meets Angelo Razonable, a charming young man 17 years her junior, she feels a spark she can't ignore. The only problem? Angelo is her daughter's best friend. Isla knows their age gap and the potential for family drama is a recipe for disaster, but she can't help her feelings. As they cross their forbidden love, Isla and Angelo battled societal norms, judgmental society, and their own doubts. Isla, a former beauty queen and successful chef, has always been in control, but Angelo's youthful energy and passion for life challenge her in ways she never expected. Can they overcome the obstacles and fight for their love, or will they be forced to give up? Set in the picturesque town of Moalboal, Cebu this May-December romance explores the complexities of love, grief, and second chances. Will Isla and Angelo's love story have a happy ending, or will their age difference and past mistakes tear them apart?

AUTHOR_JUAN · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Growing Feelings

"Angelo received a lot of tips last night. I laughed because he handed me the wads of cash that customers gave him as tips," Jen told us this morning.

I was busy discussing the prep list with Kier, but he continued talking in front of us.

"I guess we'll have to remove this menu," I said, pointing to Caoimhe's menu. It has been displayed on the menu book for weeks, but our patrons haven't been ordering it much.

Kier nodded. "We'll see what the missing ingredient is, why they don't like it." He pointed again and removed another menu. "Let's replace it with chicken enchilada. They'll probably enjoy it."

"Have you calculated the costs and expenses?"

He wiggled his brows as if saying, "Of course."

Yes, he's a one-of-a-kind chef. He has been with us since the opening of this restobar 17 years ago. We were so young back then. We had just graduated from culinary arts, and Hendrix decided to open this restaurant and bar despite his parents' objections. His parents wanted him to serve the public, but Hendrix didn't want that. Cooking was in his heart.

And Kier had intended to pursue his master's degree in culinary arts, but he didn't continue and joined Hendrix's plan instead. As for me, I had to stop studying to give birth to Skye. I resumed my studies when she turned one year old.

And with that, we began our hectic day.

"Oh, by the way, Jen..." I said.

"Oh, I thought I was already a ghost in your eyes." She stuck out her tongue slightly and playfully.

"Be serious, please." I glared at her.

She wrapped her arms around me. "Alright, what's the complaint of the beloved queen?" She said softly.

Early in the morning, she's already teasing. "Miss Mavalinao is always late. Have you talked to her?" I inquired, concerned.

"She's always making up excuses. She said she would come in at 9 am, but she's still not here."

"Try talking to her. Maybe there's a problem at home," I said.

"We all have problems, Gab. But why is she always late? She surpasses even you, the owner of this restobar. You come in early, while she's extremely late, sometimes absent." Her eyebrows met, as if she could get angry anytime.

I raised my hands. "Alright, I'll talk to her."

I had talked to Miss Mavalinao in my office by the time she arrived. She said no one would take care of her child when she's out, and she's waiting for her mother to come back from the market, so she's always late.

"I recommend you bring her here with you and have your mother pick her up when she gets home from the market. Your house is close by, right?"

She immediately nodded. "Yes, Chef. But I feel embarrassed to bring my child here with me in front of my colleagues." She's a single mom, and I admire her strength in life.

I tsked. "Don't stress about it. Expect them to gossip about you. That's how it is when they don't know the real story. Don't worry about what you can't control. Your daughter is more than welcome here. You can let her stay in the staff house while she waits for her grandmother."

She hugged me in joy. She even cried, so I hugged her back. I've been through what she's going through, so I understand her. Being a young mother will place you in the spotlight. Some would hate you, while others would put pressure on you. But they have no idea about your sacrifices, so shrug them off. They're not helpful anyway.

Then comes the night, and I'll see him again. I always get excited when darkness falls. It's a sign that he might appear at any moment.

"Angelo is so cool. Lots of American ladies are always looking for him," I overheard one of our waiters say. "If only I were as handsome as him, you'd use me to earn more."

"Where would you earn more?" I asked, even though I was far from them.

"Macho dancer, Chef," he said, raising his hand to high-five his companion. They were currently on a break.

That made me frown. Angelo? Selling entertainment? I'll buy it! I feel like I'm going crazy just thinking about it. Luckily, I didn't see him. He seems busy on the second floor where the bar area is located.

I don't know but I felt so heavy as I clocked out. I just thought to check on my son. I haven't been home in a long time. And I know she's having a good time with her boyfriend. I'm really nervous when to introduce myself. They say very soon.

"Mommy!" she exclaimed happily!

"Hey honey, how are you?" I asked, sitting on the bench beneath the canopy of the kamagon tree.

She burst out laughing andb lushed. "I'm just fine, Mom."

"I know. I'm seeing right through you."

She laughed again.

"Honey, use protection in case-"

"Mom!" She squealed.

I laughed in return. "The man is a gentleman. When you two can't be reached by my CCTV, I wonder if he is, too."

She laughed hysterically while her fair face turned red. She wasn't wearing makeup, and I knew the guy doesn't like it when she does. Skye told me that he prefers her natural look.

"Anyway, you are at your age, honey. I trust you. I hope you don't break that trust."

"Yes, Mom," she replied shortly.

I know I keep repeating my reminders, but I hope she never gets tired of listening. "There is a proper time to have a baby, Skye."

"OK, mother."

"There is a proper time to marry."

"You married daddy at a young age," she softly retorted with a smile.

"Yes, but take it from us."

"We were happy when Daddy was alive, mom. Perhaps marrying at a young age isn't such a bad thing."

Her words scared me. "Are you thinking about marrying your boyfriend?!" Oh, God! Skye is still a baby!

She burst into laughter. "No, mom! Not now, but in the future. I'm just saying that there are people who got married early and are happy now, like you and Daddy!" She said happily.

It hit me! She assumed that her father and I were happy. But in reality, we only formed this family because of her, not because we both wanted to be together. I was the one who wanted to be with Hendrix.

I sighed. Memories of the past came rushing back. Hendrix is no longer alive, and I, too, want to find peace. I'll bury everything in oblivion. Luckily, I didn't see Arnaiz. If we happened to meet, I wouldn't know what to do.

I snapped back to reality when I heard my daughter's voice.

"Mom, I'm getting sleepy."

"Are you going to sleep or watch K-drama?"

She giggled and hugged her blue bolster pillow. "K-drama, mom. I'm already on episode 15."

I surrendered. "Okay. Okay. Hang up now. You might get sick if you don't watch your K-drama," I teased.

"Mom! It's my stress reliever!"

"I know. Okay, then. I'm just teasing you. Bye, I love you!" I noticed her smile as she responded that she loves me too. I ended the call.

When the staff house door opened and my girls were casually dressed, I smiled. "Where are you going?"

"To the bar, Chef! We're going to buy your expensive liquor."

I giggled at them. They looked beautiful. Amy was dressed in a red bodycon dress, while the others wore skirts and tank tops. They sounded like a girl band. Only Koko was the guy with them, so I told him to keep an eye on their actions.

"Why don't you come with us, Chef? You don't have anything to do inside," Amy gave me a convincing look.

"Please, Chef!"

"Yeah, Chef. Come on!"

"Hey, she's going to change..." They made fun of me.

"I'm not in the mood to dance," I said.

"Even if you just sit at the table, Chef. Please!" Amy reached out and hooked her arm with mine. They persisted, and I gave up.

"Fine. You go ahead, I'll follow."

"Yay!" They cheered. They quickly passed by the side to enter our restobar.

I went inside to eat first, then took a fifteen-minute nap. Luckily, they didn't bother me with text messages, so when I woke up, I took my time to shower. I applied my makeup lightly, simply curled the ends of my hair, and dressed in a white t-shirt and ripped jeans that reached my knees.

When I arrived, everyone was still sober!

"Chef!" Amy yelled and waved at me. I walked towards their table. They offered me a seat in the center, but I declined. I chose to sit at the side to watch over them.

"What do you want, Chef? We'll buy you a drink from your own bar," Koko teased me again.

"Any cognac brand." I said it seriously, causing him to blush.

"Chef, please, only the ones we can afford," he complained, laughing. Then I decided on a brandy that I prefer over what they are already drinking.

I watched them dance in the middle while waiting for the alcohol I had ordered.

"Here's your order, ma'am."

I quickly looked towards the deep voice. It's Angelo! He looked incredibly handsome with the round tray in his hands. I was about to wave at him, but I couldn't because the American girls called him.

I saw how they focused their attention on him. It seemed like they could touch him at any moment. They were excited about him, and a bitter feeling took over my stomach. Is he really that attractive?

Yes! My mind and heart screamed.

I felt the urge to get up, take him home, and lock him in my room so that the other girls wouldn't devour him. Wait! What's wrong with me? He's not even mine! Frustrated, I poured the brandy into my glass and drank it in one gulp.

Ugh! What a strong taste! The warmth of the brandy burned my throat. I had drunk too much when I should have just taken a sip.

I stopped as I felt my hands clenched. Slowly, I let go and looked away.

Angelo is not mine, but I felt a surge of anger. It's as if I made a mistake coming here. I will die of jealousy if I stay here any longer!


Wow! I slapped my forehead and tried to breathe normally. No way! Why would I be jealous when we don't even have a relationship? I felt a pang in my chest as I realized we didn't have any relationship to begin with. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I held them back.

"Koko," I said, tapping his shoulder to get his attention.

"Yes?" He was drunk and confused.

"I'm going home."

"Are you bored?" he asked.

"No. I'm just, umm... tired," I lied. He stood up and was about to support me, but I quickly shook my head. "I can walk. I haven't had too much to drink."

"Can you go home alone? I still have to take care of them..." He looked at my girls, who were dancing like wild animals in the center of the dance floor. Our four bouncers were also keeping an eye on them. They were all attractive and had a strong build.

They greeted me as I passed by. Like Koko, they also asked if I could go home on my own.

I laughed to myself. "I'll be fine. Thanks, Andy!" I said to the head of security.

I walked straight and wasn't really affected. I just wanted to get away from here. I wanted to avoid that young man because he evokes a different emotion in me, and it's terrifying!

I was approaching the stairs when someone touched my butt. I quickly turned around to see who the hell touched me!

And then I saw one of the Swedish guys who always comes here to ask me out. I clenched my fist and took a deep breath. No! I must keep my composure. I simply let it slide, but he looked at me with a smile from the side. I didn't bother confronting him because it was clear he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing.

I was about to continue walking when arms wrapped around my petite waist, and I screamed in surprise!

When I turned around to see who it was, he was sprawled on the floor! I'm not sure what happened to him, but the young man punched the Swedish guy with all his might. He punched him again, and I gasped in horror! I could still hear the sound of his fist hitting the Swedish guy's cheek.

"Choose who you want to play with, bastard!" Angelo shouted, and I could see the rage on his rough face. As Angelo and the Swedish guy rolled on the ground pounding their fists into each other, I moved my feet closer to them. The large-built bouncers appeared out of nowhere and pulled Angelo away from the Swedish guy.

But Angelo is strong and he escapes the hands of the bouncer, he punches the poor Swedish guy in the jaw again.

"Stop it!" I yelled, nervously. The man retaliated and also hit Angelo in the jaw. My chest is pounding because I wonder what will happen to him.

The two bouncers grabbed the Swedish guy, while I grabbed Angelo and yanked him away.

"You motherfucker! I'll kill you!" Angelo shouted at him. The fun continued on the dance floor because the music was loud, they didn't notice that there was a disturbance at the door.

I gently cupped Angelo's face in my hand. I wanted him to look at me, but he refused. "That's enough. He didn't hurt me," I whispered to him.

Nevertheless, his eyes were filled with remorse. It seems like anytime will rush to the poor Swedish guy again. His face is already bruised and I think he needs to go to the hospital.

"Can you please handle him?" I said to Andy. He immediately nodded. I pulled Angelo but he was still staring at the man he beat.

"Let's go," I said, pulling the hem of his shirt.

He wasn't moving and didn't want to look at me. And that strange pain inside me reappeared. I let go of his shirt and turned my back on him. I walked away from him, choking back a sob from my chest.

This young man is not developing feelings for me. He only did it because I was his boss. He was only protecting me because I paid his salary.

Yes. That's it. He has no feelings for me.