
The Chef's Secret Romance

After losing her husband, Isla Gabrielle Gomez, at 38 thought she'd never love again. But when she meets Angelo Razonable, a charming young man 17 years her junior, she feels a spark she can't ignore. The only problem? Angelo is her daughter's best friend. Isla knows their age gap and the potential for family drama is a recipe for disaster, but she can't help her feelings. As they cross their forbidden love, Isla and Angelo battled societal norms, judgmental society, and their own doubts. Isla, a former beauty queen and successful chef, has always been in control, but Angelo's youthful energy and passion for life challenge her in ways she never expected. Can they overcome the obstacles and fight for their love, or will they be forced to give up? Set in the picturesque town of Moalboal, Cebu this May-December romance explores the complexities of love, grief, and second chances. Will Isla and Angelo's love story have a happy ending, or will their age difference and past mistakes tear them apart?

AUTHOR_JUAN · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Abort

"Gab, are you certain about this? You can still consider it," the attorney gave me a disapproving glare. "It's a pity for our godchild if the two of you separate."

I let out a frustrated sigh. Honestly, I'm tired. I'm tired of being stepped on by the man who's enjoying himself in the basement with his mistress. "Max, you know what the problem is between me and my husband. You can see it for yourself if you go down to the basement. Although, I know you've already witnessed his infidelity. You're a bird of the same feather, anyway."

He chuckled. "Yes, but I only slept with other women, not men."

I fixed my eyes on him for a moment. How do they do this to their spouses?

"Hey! Hey!" He laughed and raised his hands to stop me from what I was thinking.

"What?" I asked.

"I am not a cheater. I only sleep with other women, but I love my wife."

What an asshole!

"I'm not an asshole."

Wait. Did he pick up on what I was thinking?

"I can see it all over your face, Isla Gabrielle."

"I'm not saying anything." I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"It would only be considered cheating if I bought expensive items for those women or if I bought a house for them. It's not cheating because I'm only sleeping with them."

I frowned at his idea of cheating. "You and Hendrix are friends because you both have loose morals."

He laughed loudly.

"Alright. I believe you've hit rock bottom. I'll file it immediately in court tomorrow. But you can still contact me if you change your mind. I usually arrive at work around 8 a.m."

"No, I won't change my mind. Do I have to get a psychological evaluation?"

"Yes, you must take the test because the psychological report is the very foundation of the petition. Our resident psychologist will conduct the psychological test to determine your husband's or your own psychological incapacities."

"I don't have any incapacities; Hendrix is the one with problems between the two of us." I leaned back in his car and looked up at the sky. There were so many stars, as if they were telling me through their sparkle and light that signing the annulment papers was the right decision.

"I know. But you must still take the test."

I nodded because I understood it was a necessary step in the process. "Alright, I'll drop by your office tomorrow."

"So, see you tomorrow?" He asked as his hand rested on the car's handlebar.

I held my breath as an idea held me back from signing. The idea that there might still be hope to salvage our relationship. But who am I kidding? There's really no hope because that man will never change!

After Attorney Max had left, I entered our mansion and walked down to the basement, using my own key. The white-painted wall greeted me, and I saw the two fencing armor suits hanging on the wall. The other fencing equipment remained untouched. Clearly, they hadn't been moved.

I stared sharply at the path leading to their secret room. They're such animals!

I grabbed a whiskey from the liquor cabinet and poured a quarter into a glass, letting it sit for ten minutes. I didn't like the taste of whiskey when I was younger, but now I enjoy it.

Taking a small sip just to wet my tongue, it left a burning sensation on my lips, but it tasted good and sweet as it lingered. Sipping whiskey is an epicurean experience that should be savored.

While I waited for them, I sat in the reclining chair and crossed my long legs. At this hour, they should be done. I'm no longer aware of the pain in my heart. I'm used to it; my heart has been battered. Only anger flows through my veins for them.

Hendrix exited that room, buttoning his white short-sleeved shirt, and he hadn't yet noticed me. I saw the bite marks and love bites on his muscular chest, evidence of their debauchery. The anger surged within me, but I held myself back. I tried to remain calm and seated in my chair.

"Is it good, Hendrix?" I asked mockingly.

I saw the surprise in his eyes, his face turning red, clearly not expecting my presence in the basement.

"What are you doing here?!" He approached me angrily and grabbed my left arm, but I just laughed despite the pain.

He still had the audacity to be angry. He's the one who's been cheating.

"I already signed your petition for annulment."

I saw the surprise on his face, quickly replaced by a gleam in his chocolate-colored eyes. He slowly loosened his tight grip on my arm. Is he that thrilled to be rid of me, of this family? Is he this excited to start a new life with Darwin Arnaiz? I knew they were planning to get married in another country where they could be happy without anyone judging their relationship.

"R-really?" I could see hope and happiness in his eyes as the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing his front teeth. When was the last time I saw him this happy? When he was genuinely smiling and not faking it? Oh, right! It was when Darwin was promoted as the Dean at Lyceum University, where our child is currently studying.

I didn't answer his question, but I couldn't help but ask myself, "Have you never learned to love me, D-Drix?" There was a lump in my throat. I stared at the ceiling, holding back the tears that were about to fall.

He was taken aback but laughed sarcastically. "We both know that this marriage benefited us both, Gab. I escaped the watchful eyes of my parents, and you got away from your mother's manipulation."

Despite the fact that my hands were itching to punch his face, I remained seated in the reclining chair. "You're the one who benefited the most from this, Drix."

He gave me a scornful look. "So, are we going to tally up who benefited more? Tell me, who supported you when you got pregnant, wasn't it me?"

"Are you stupid? Of course, our child is yours, so I had no choice but to rely on you!" My anger started to rise again due to the words coming out of his mouth. This is how we always were when we were alone together, but when we were with our child, it was as if we couldn't be separated. However, it was all for show!

"Tell me, who stood by you when your father died of a brain tumor? Who supported you when your mother couldn't bear the grief of your father's death and followed soon after? It was me, right?" His eyes glared with anger as I met his gaze head-on.

"I didn't ask you to help me. I assumed you were doing it because you are my friend," I retorted.

"Friend, my ass. You made me drunk so I could fuck you," he shot back.

"I told you, I was also drunk at that time and didn't know what I was doing! Do we always have to argue about that? It's been eighteen years, Drix!"

"Yes, for eighteen years, you've been making my life miserable. So I'm glad you've signed the petition now."

My blood pressure was rising, so I chose to remain silent. He did the same.

We stayed silent for about two minutes before I spoke again.

"Don't tell our daughter the reason for our annulment. It will hurt her."

He raised both of his hands and messed up his hair. Clearly, he was starting to get annoyed again. "She's already grown up. If it weren't for her, Darwin and I would already be happily living together in America. I already told you before to have an abortion, but you didn't want to."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, so I immediately stood up and slapped his left cheek with my hand. "How can you say that? Skye is your child, Drix!"

He held the spot where I slapped him. "I know! She's our child, but I'm struggling with how to admit my true self to her. It feels like a huge sin to reveal my true identity to her. This is entirely your fault. You should not have chosen to be pregnant."

My whole body shivered upon hearing his words. I shook my head because I couldn't believe it. "I can't stand you anymore, Drix." I couldn't hold back the tears streaming down my face. "Our child is up there, and you're still throwing that at me! She's your child! How can you say that, huh? How can you say that when she loves you so much? She holds so much respect for you. Her love for you overflows. And yet, if you act like that, it's as if she's not your child! Do you think she'll be happy when she hears those words from you?"

I clenched my chest because it hurts. How can he say that? He's such an idiot! My knees weakened, so I slumped back in the reclining chair.

Even though my vision was blurry from looking at him, I saw him kneel in front of me. He tried to take my hand, but I moved it away. "I apologize. It was nothing more than a slip of the tongue. I love our child." I saw him cover his face. "Please don't tell her what came out of my mouth."

I glared at him, the kind of glare that could kill him. "Now, I've proven that the decision to agree to this separation was right. Yes, finally, I woke up. This is for the better. You are now free, Hendrix."

I stood up, wiping my tears with the back of my hands and clearing my throat. I didn't even look at him when I heard his gratitude.

What a douchebag!