
The Chaos Within the Ether

Raon is a prodigious young man in his magical abilities, but still lacks experience in life. Suddenly, his known world transforms into an unknown and terrifying one, where the beasts that humanity has kept repressed for years have come out of the shadows to claim their place. In this new world, Raon finds himself struggling for survival as he uncovers the secrets of magic and the dangers of the reality that now surrounds him. He must learn to control his abilities while dealing with terrifying creatures and mysterious enemies that seem to always be lurking in the shadows.

Cale_Tr · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Into the Unknown: A First Step into a World of Magic and Mayhem

It was September 8th, 2638, and Raon was in class, writing the date on his tablet as his drowsy gaze drifted towards the front of the room. The teacher, preparing to start class, was arranging his things on his desk. Raon turned his head slightly to the left to look out the window, which offered an impressive view of the futuristic city. Towering skyscrapers rose on the horizon, contrasting with the green of the trees and the metro soaring through the sky at impressive speeds. Sitting in the front row next to the window, Raon delighted in the view as he prepared for the class that was about to begin.

The teacher, with his hand on the holograms forming the board, began projecting his thoughts. This class would be about the history of humanity, and the teacher addressed his students, saying that they all knew the history of their culture. "Humanity," he explained, "is the set of races that inhabit the planet, and its history is quite interesting."

The teacher paused, and then began to talk about convergences in the ether, explaining that there had been three in history. The first, known as "The Great Convergence," refers to a disaster that occurred more than 12,000 years ago, when several dimensions merged into one due to a fault in the ether. This event gave rise to the creation of galaxies and the world we inhabit. The second, "The Ethereal Cataclysm," refers to an unprecedented catastrophe caused by a severe disturbance in the ether. At that time, races already existed, which serves as a reference point in time for historians. This event is commonly known as the Second Awakening. The third and final disaster, known as "The Ether Gap," was due to a rupture or fault in the ether, which marked the beginning of the E.G., the era in which we currently live. The event is named after the large gate that opened in the sky when it occurred, and although no monsters emerged, a large amount of mana was released that created irregularities in the life of our habitat.

The teacher paused after explaining each of the disasters, and the class fell silent, reflecting on the gravity of what they had just learned. With a rough air in the room, the teacher decided to move on to the assigned videos for the class. As he deftly moved his hands over the hologram, Raon couldn't help but think about the teacher's words. How long would it be before another disaster occurred?

Raon, with his tablet in hand, paid close attention to the teacher's words as he made his notes. Although it was a topic of basic knowledge, these extracurricular classes were of great help to him, especially after failing the universal history exam.

Time was passing quickly and recess was almost here. The teacher paused the video and began to pack his things, indicating for his students to do the same. Raon made a move and everything on his desk disappeared. Then, he turned to his teacher expectantly. "Alright kids, recess has started, see you in an hour," said the teacher.

Suddenly, a deafening beep drowned out the teacher's words and the classroom turned red from the alarm. The students, stunned, began to panic. Raon was no exception and turned towards the window. Outside, the red of the alarms was a constant, but in an instant, black metal covered the windows and a hologram with the words "Evacuation" was transmitted. The teacher, as best he could, guided the students out of the classroom.

Upon exiting, they found themselves among hundreds of other students who were being led to stairs created with air mana, making the exit easier. However, there were so many students that it seemed impossible to put a foot on them. Raon began to regret coming and, like the others, slowly began to give in to panic. Screams and pushes were common.

Raon was in the middle of the crowd when he heard a deafening sound. Suddenly, a violent explosion shook the air and debris began to rain down from the sky. People began to run in all directions, trying to escape whatever had caused the explosion. Blood and remains of something that had been shattered into a thousand pieces flew everywhere, and some even crashed into Raon's face, who could barely breathe in the midst of the chaos. When he finally looked up to try to understand what was happening, he found himself facing a little girl in the midst of the chaos. She was surrounded by a strange green ring, and seemed to be the cause of all the chaos and destruction around her.

But he wasn't able to process this for long, as a second explosion even stronger than the first shook his entire world. Raon was thrown to the ground and everything around him darkened. He tried to move, but his limbs were stunned and unresponsive. The world was closing in on him, making him feel claustrophobic and frightened. He didn't know what was happening, but he knew he was in grave danger. Was there anywhere safe in the midst of all this? Could he find a way out before it was too late? Fear consumed him as he struggled to escape the dangerous chaos surrounding him.

His eyes closed and he could only feel himself falling. The world had changed and everything seemed to have turned into chaos. Raon opened his eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar place full of ruins. Something must have happened, something terrible, something caused by incongruity in the ether.