
The Chaos Chronicles

This is The first book in The Chaos Chronicles Saga. This book introduces The Simulacra. The first of The Three Siblings. I hope your ready for a great journey as a group of kids fight for the existence of The World This Story is no longer Updated.

A_Masked_Writer · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

The Obraxis Prime Massacre

Kaiya woke up to darkness. she was still in her cell but it was so dark she couldn't even see her hands. Then kaiya woke cat up by whispering through a tiny hole in the wall. we need to get out of here, whispered kaiya, how are we gonna get out of here, cat whispered back. The friends sit and think. kaiya gets an Idea:Tomorrow we get free time so when its free time we will explore around the place and see what we can find. cat agrees. The friends go back to sleep. Wake up you maggots its lunch time, yelled the general of The Militia at Obraxis Prime. kaiya and cat get up and line up with the other prisoners. They finish eating. A bell goes of signaling that it is free time. cat and kaiya explore Obraxis Prime. They stumbled upon a metal door that says: authorized personnel only. the door looked like it needed a key card. To the friends luck a gaurd unlocks the door and walks in. The friends sneak in through the door. What was in the room? It was a lab. Then a tube that held a weird creature that cat and kaiya have never seen before. What in the world is that, said cat. The bottom of the tube read: B-145. The creature had a human like body except: No eyes, ears, or genitals. You could see through it, it was green, and it had teeth like a sabertooth tiger. The friends stood i. horror at the site of it. Kaiya went to one of the conputers but before she could read anything the gaurd that opened the door walked back from a different area of the lab and stopped in the middle of the room. Luckily cat and kaiya were able to hide before he walked in. The gaurd puts his fingers close to the side of his helmet and says, "general the lab is clear. I'm gonna check the armory." the gaurd exits the lab. kaiya checks the computer. it reads,

Experiment B-145, Codename: Obraxis

Condition: healthy

Hostility level: Highly hostile

Danger level: Highly Dangerous

Capability: Unknown

Containment: Stasis

Origin: Unknown

Note: Do not disable the Stasis Containment Unit. B-145 is highly dangerous. And we have no idea what it is capable of. The Simulacra will arrive on the 30th to see what we can do to exterminate B-145. Be safe everyone- Dr. Williamson

Damn this thing can possibly destroy the Simulacra, said cat confidently. Are you insane if we release that we could die, said kaiya disagreeing with cat. Cat says, Come on think if they were able to capture it then they will be able to capture it again so if we release it will go for the Simulacra and kill him then we can recapture it. Kaiya thinks. I still think it's a stupid thing to do, kaiya says looking at the Experiment. Cat gets on the computer and accesses the Disable Containment Unit setting. The computer says, Please put in Confirmation code. Cat look around the entire lab then finds Dr. Williamson's Journal. The first page reads,

Today the experiment killed 36 militia soldiers. We were able to disable it with our mech but still so many people died. I learned that I must put a Confirmation code for the Containment Unit.

The code is: B564789

Cat puts in the code and a loud beep noise rings out and the Experiment wakes up. B-145 looks at cat and kaiya. It breaks the tube completely and steps out. Cat and kaiya stand in fear at the site of this creature. B-145 Roars and holds his hand up to the door and shoots a large beam of light. The door goed flying. Cat and kaiya run after it. They see it grow huge claws. The milita soldiers surrounded it completely. Then a mech appears with electric power weapons. The experiment lets put a long hiss. The soldiers fire continuously while the mech powers up. After the smoke clears it reveals B-145 completely untouched and laughing. In snaps its fingers then all of a sudden it disappears then reappears. cat and kaiya see that all the soldiers were cut in half. The mech holds up a huge Rifle and fires. The electric bullet bounces off B-145. B-145 holds up his left hand and moves it to the left. The mech is thrown against the wall and collapses on cat and kaiya...