
The Chaos Chronicles

This is The first book in The Chaos Chronicles Saga. This book introduces The Simulacra. The first of The Three Siblings. I hope your ready for a great journey as a group of kids fight for the existence of The World This Story is no longer Updated.

A_Masked_Writer · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

The Battle of Fort Savior

Kaiya woke up with a bad feeling. Brandon and alex still haven't come back and its making me worried said Sydney talking to cat as they enter kaiya's tent. Kaiya me and Sydney think we need to send a small search party to find Brandon and Alex, said cat, kaiya agrees and says that they should also prepare for an attack just in case. Just as Sydney is about to lead a small group to find Brandon and alex the gate is blown up and sends the gaurds on top flying. Sydney looks to the gate and sees five guys, A man wearing a gas mask, trench coat, green gloves, black pants, and black shoes, two guys wearing metal armor, then Brandon and Alex. All of the guys except the guy wearing a gas mask had green glowing eyes. Brandon, alex??, asked Sydney starting to back away and order her troops to open fire but just capture Brandon and Alex. the gaurds open fire, The guys wearing metal armor die instantly but the man wearing the gas mask holds up his hand then a lightning bolt strikes the gaurds killing them all instantly. Sydney, kaiya, and cat all form up draw their guns. Alex and Brandon draw swords. Sydney looks at the man in the gas mask and says, who the hell are you and what did you do to them. The man in the gas mask says, i am the Simulacra and i have taken over their minds. Sydney looks at Brandon and Alex in fear and now knows that she might have to fight her friends. The Simulacra holds up his right hand and snaps his fingers then Brandon and Alex run to the group. guys what do we do, said kaiya scared. were gonna have to disarm them, said cat. ok said kaiya and Sydney getting ready. Brandon leaps up and swings his sword down to kaiya. kaiya lifts her AK to block the sword but the sword breaks the gun in half, kaiya moves to the side and dodges Brandon. Brandon snap out of it damn it, said kaiya grabbing Brandon's sword. Kaiya makes eye contact with Brandon and says, Brandon listen to me you need to snap out of it. Brandon's eyes go back to normal then turn green again and he says, i serve the Simulacra and will not betray my master. Brandon picks kaiya up by the throat and throws her to the side. Alex is in a sword fight with Sydney and cat. the Simulacra is just standing there. Brandon drags his sword on the ground as he walks towards kaiya. kaiya can't get up, she looks up and sees Brandon lift his sword. Stop Brandon, said kaiya. she continues, its me kaiya im your friend not your enemy. Brandon's eyes turn normal then green then normal and stay normal. The Simulacra yells in anger and says, finish her brother. Brandon's eyes turn green. kaiya speaks, Brandon don't do this, this isn't who you are. Brandon's eyes turn normal. The Simulacra gets enraged and makes his right hand into a fist and the glove glows bright green and Brandon eyes turn green kaiya tries to convince him one more time but it fails. it's the glove, said kaiya dodging Brandon's sword and sprinting to the Simulacra. The Simulacra holds up his left hand blasts a red lightning bolt at kaiya's leg which sends her to the ground. Cat tackles the Simulacra but he stomps his foot and grabs cat with his right hand and starts sending green lightning into her head...